TEN Conflict Management Strategies 1 PDF

Title TEN Conflict Management Strategies 1
Author Nguyễn Anh Phương
Course social psychology
Institution Hanoi University of Science
Pages 5
File Size 115 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
Total Views 185


Conflict is a part of any work environment. It can’t be helped. When you have a group of people working under stress with different personalities, there’s bound to be a few problems....


Tutorial 10 + 11 - Interpersonal conflicts and the Informative Speaking

Psychology of Communication Activity: Visual Images of Conflict Management Description of Activity: Each group will describe a conflict situation and choose one of the unproductive methods of conflict management. Students begin to visualize how their method would look in terms of body positions, facial expressions, gestures, posture, intensity, and spatial relationships.

Work style conflicts Just as there are differences in leadership styles, there are differences in work styles as well. Work style conflicts occur because team members have different preferences on how to accomplish tasks. Some work quickly and move onto the next task as soon as possible, while others prefer to complete tasks slowly and mindfully. Some people are self-starters who require little to no direction to finish a task, and others need guidance every step of the way. The best way to avoid these types of conflicts is to recognize that everyone’s work style is different and find ways to collaborate to achieve the same goal despite How to resolve team conflicts Many conflicts at work are caused by misunderstandings and a lack of communication among team members. However, when these conflicts are resolved properly, team members can develop better working relationships and are more productive as a result. Here are some productive steps to take to resolve workplace conflicts:

Stay calm When a conflict arises, it’s important to stay calm and professional. Take several deep breaths and clear your mind before attempting to address the conflict. Come up with a plan to resolve the conflict before tension grows and things worsen.

Communicate (and listen) Find a place where you can discuss the conflict in private. It’s important that all parties involved have the opportunity to share their side and listen to what others have to say. Be attentive and empathetic, and try to understand how the other person feels while still saying everything you need to say.

Acknowledge the conflict and find a resolution

Part of conflict resolution includes acknowledging there’s a problem in the first place. Once the conflict has been recognized, everyone involved needs to agree upon reaching a resolution. Try to see the conflict from the viewpoint of your other team members and focus on the things you can agree on. This will help you better understand what they feel and how they think and allow you to come to a resolution together.

Involve leadership or HR In some cases, you may need to involve your HR department or a supervisor if a conflict can’t be resolved, whether it’s because someone is failing to cooperate or something much more serious, such as harassment or discrimination. Resolving workplace conflicts requires teamwork and an understanding of each other’s differing viewpoints. Once conflicts are resolved, the best way to move forward is to recognize that mistakes happen. A team that is willing to work together to resolve workplace conflicts can strengthen their relationships and accomplish their goals. those differences.

TEN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 1/10 Win-Lose and Win-Win strategies Avoidance ( k hieeuj qua) or Active Fighting Force and talk Blame and empathy Gunnysacking and present focus + Gunnysacking : không xử lý luôn mà để tôồn đọng Grievances : những th ứ gây khó ch ịu Personal Rejection ( bơ) and Acceptance Fighting Below and Above the Belt + Beltlining : giơi sh ạn của bản thân , trên the belt : k c ứu vãn đc n ữa Face-Detracting and Face- Enhancing Strategies Aggressiveness and Argumentativeness : Tranh caĩ : ko mang tnh châất gây dựng

Tranh luậ n : để 2 ng hiểu nhau hơn , bày tỏ quan điểm. Online and Workplace Conflicts ○ Online Conflict ■



○ Workplace and Formal Group Conflicts ■

Procedural conflicts

People conflicts Conflict Can Center on Content and Relationship Issues ○ Content conflict ■

Centers on objects, events, and persons that are usually, though not always, external to the parties involved in the conflict

○ Relationship conflicts ■

Concerned with the relationships between the individuals

○ Social allergen ■

A personal habit of a friend or romantic partner that you find annoying or inconsiderate

Conflict Takes Place in a Context ○ Physical context ○ Socio-psychological context ○ Temporal context ○ The Cultural Context ■

Types of conflicts vary.

Cultural norms of organizations influence the types of conflict.

The Stages of Conflict Management Step 1. Set the Stage ■

Fight in private.

Step 2. Define the Conflict ■

Define both content and relationship issues.

Define the problem in specific terms.

Focus on the present.


Avoid mind reading.

Step 3. Identify Your Goals ■

Look at the conflict as an opportunity to resolve differences and disagreements.

Step 4. Identify and Evaluate Your Choices ■

Try not to inhibit or censor yourself or your partner.

Step 5. Act on the Selected Choice Step 6. Evaluate the Choice ■

If it doesn’t work, restart the process.

Learn from the conflict and keep it in perspective.

Attack your negative feelings.

Step 7. Wrap It Up

Demonstrate your positive feelings. Aggressiveness and Argumentativeness ○ Verbal aggressiveness ■

One person tries to win an argument by inflicting psychological pain, by attacking the other person’s self-concept

Attempts to discredit the other person’s view of self

○ Argumentativeness ■

The willingness to argue for a point of view, the tendency to speak one’s mind on significant issues

Preferable to verbal aggressiveness

Face-Detracting and Face-Enhancing Strategies ○ Face-detracting (attacking) ■

Treating the other person as incompetent or untrustworthy, as unable or bad

Similar to verbal aggressiveness

Especially damaging in collectivist cultures

○ Face-enhancing techniques ■

Helping the other person maintain a positive image as competent and trustworthy, able and good

Avoid fighting words...

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