Interpersinal communication exam #1 PDF

Title Interpersinal communication exam #1
Author LiAnna Peckenpaugh
Course Introduction to Interpersonal Communications
Institution Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Pages 5
File Size 109.8 KB
File Type PDF
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answers to exam for chapters 1,2-7...


1. Each of us enters the world with a strong sense of identity. False 2. A headache that hampers your ability to listen actively to another constitutes which kind of noise? Physiological 3. Which statement is TRUE about online customer service? Customers prefer fast feedback unless the online service rep doesn't answer their question. 4. Which skills do business leaders rate as the most important for college graduates to possess? Spoken and written communication 5. Self-monitoring is an asset for communicators. True 6. Which series ranks Maslow's needs in the order in which they must be satisfied? Physical, Safety, Social, Self-esteem, Self-actualization 7. The death of someone you read about in the news affects you less than the illness of a friend because of which quality of interpersonal relationships? Interdependence 8. Your romantic partner of 10 months broke up with you in a text message, failing to consider the importance of which element of communication? Channel 9. You disclose your political views in rewarding discussions with close friends, but when you share these opinions with your neighbors, arguments ensue. Which principle of communication does this contrast illustrate? There's no single "ideal" or "effective" way to communicate. 10. You note with concern the interviewer's frown as you explain why you left your last job. This scenario demonstrates which principle of communication? Communication is transactional. 11. You received no reply to the email you sent your English professor at the end of semester, a nonresponse which you interpreted to mean that she was very busy. Which principle of communication does this illustrate? Communication can be intentional or unintentional. 12. Who can consider their behavior from a detached viewpoint, allowing for multiple observations about it? High self-monitors 13. Mediated channels have greater appeal for sending negative messages. True 14. Your brother rarely filters his observations and often makes insensitive comments that offend others. What skill does he need to work on? Self-monitoring 15. Which of the following qualities distinguish interpersonal relationships from less personal ones? Extrinsic rewards and self-disclosure 16. If you remain silent with a poker face, you are not communicating. False 17. You are non-Native, yet you wore a Native American headdress to Burning Man. This is arguably an act of cultural appropriation 18. "I'm sorry" can mean different things to a Japanese and an American speaker due to cultural differences in verbal codes . 19. What do linguists call the practice of adapting your manner of speaking to the context? Code-switching 20. Low-context communicators value self-expression and persuading others to accept their point of view. True 21. People in cultures that are low in uncertainty avoidance are less threatened by the new and unexpected.True

22. Race is a biological designation scientifically determined by physical traits, cultural traits, and ancestry. False 23. Race is a social construction. 24. Research shows that Latinx students in predominantly white schools tend to use which strategy when interacting with the majority culture? Accommodation 25. Cultural membership contributes to every person's social identity , the part of the selfconcept that is based on membership in groups. 26. In the classroom, people barely notice Isaac's wheelchair. They are too busy trying to keep up with his quick wit and expert debating skills. But when he is in public, people often focus on his chair. Which concept does this illustrate? Salience 27. In countries that welcome uncertainty, people have a strong need for clearly defined rules and regulations. False 28. Which communication concept recognizes that one person is a member of various cocultures? Intersectionality 29. Reba feels comfortable making suggestions to her manager. Reba is likely part of a low power distance culture. 30. Race describes the degree to which people identify with a particular group, usually on the basis of nationality, culture, or another unifying characteristic. False 31. According to cross-cultural research, who might be expected to be comfortable with the smallest zone of personal space? Marisol from Mexico City 32. Changing privacy settings on your profiles, customizing who can see certain updates, and deleting unwanted information about yourself is a form of _ reputation management 33. Your online dating profile is fantastic, far more favorable than even a friend would create for you. This unrealistically positive self-appraisal illustrates which characteristic of the self-concept?The self-concept is subjective. 34. At school, he was teased for being a carrot top, but as an adult, significant others complimented Liam on the striking color of his hair, and he began to consider it one of his more attractive features. What does this illustrate about the self-concept? While some features of the self are immediately apparent, the significance we attach to them depends greatly on the opinions of others. 35. Items in the hidden area of the Johari Window become public primarily through selfdisclosure. 36. Research indicates that silence might be a better alternative to self-disclosure at the workplace, particularly when you have a potentially hurtful thought or feeling that is not being directly questioned. 37. Competent communicators are multifaceted people with a variety of roles and identities —all of which are legitimately "you." True 38. Most people focus on positive features and omit or downplay negative details from their online profiles. True 39. Lean mediated channels are a disadvantage for communicators who want to manage the impressions they make. False 40. You didn't realize how rapidly you speak when you're nervous until your public speaking instructor points it out. What do scholars call information in this part of the Johari Window? Blind

41. If you're in need of a self-concept change, the best prescription is to surround yourself with significant others who offer you accurate, affirming messages about who you are and who you're becoming.True 42. After seeing the latest fashion trends on Instagram models, you immediately decide that you need to lose 15 pounds by summer. These feelings are likely a result of which phenomenon? Social comparison 43. Which quality of most digital communication allows it to serve as a tool for impression management at levels equal or superior to face-to-face communication? Asychronicity 44. significant others? People whose evaluations are meaningful to us 45. You are careful not to criticize your manager to a coworker who is likely to share your opinion with others. Which guideline for disclosure are you following? Is the risk of disclosing reasonable? 46. Most Americans have fairly high self-esteem and rate themselves as generally "above average." True 47. One person's act of self-disclosure increases the odds that the other person will reveal personal information in an act of reciprocity 48. You consider yourself to be a rational, serious, and ambitious person. How you feel about these qualities determines your self-esteem 49. Research indicates that in one major city, 1 out of 4 arrested black people were handcuffed, while only 1 in 15 white arrestees received the same treatment. This could be due to what kind of prejudice? Implicit bias 50. People who are androgynous have relatively equal masculine and feminine characteristics. 51. Research suggests that whether they mean to or not, communicators often see the world through a gendered lens—and women are often perceived and treated unfairly. True 52. Roommates who had positive initial impressions of each other are likely to have positive subsequent interactions due to confirmation bias. True 53. Perception checking provides enough information to fully understand another person False 54. Your blind date arrived at the restaurant a half hour late, and you were not impressed by the conversation that followed. Your early appraisal colored your subsequent perceptions of her due to the horns effect. 55. Research shows that men are generally more perceptive about interpreting others' nonverbal cues. False 56. When you learn that your English instructor also writes romance novels under a pen name, your perception of her changes. This is due to which influence on perception? Access to information 57. Which communication theory would be most relevant to research that examined the intersection of sex, race, and socioeconomic status with respect to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic? Standpoint 58. Everyone has a daily cycle in which all sorts of changes constantly occur, including variations in body temperature, sexual drive, alertness, and tolerance to stress. True

59. Which term describes the determination of causes and effects in a series of interactions? Punctuation 60. Perception checking helps save face and clarify meaning 61. Snap judgments are often derived from stereotypes 62. "You haven't responded to my last email. I don't know if you're upset with me or if you didn't see my message." Which part would complete this perception check? A request for clarification about the behavior 63. First-order realities are those you consider most important. False 64. Dylan sees Coach Connor as a bully. Coach Connor seems himself as a motivational trainer and mentor. Dylan and Connor have different narratives 65. A perception check needs three parts to be effective. False 66. Politeness involves communicating in ways that save face for both senders and receivers. 67. Calling someone big boned rather than obese is an example of what kind of language? Euphemistic 68. "We" language can help build a constructive communication climate and develop verbal immediacy 69. To increase the clarity of a statement, you should consider replacing but with and . 70. What does schadenfreude, a term that has no equivalent in English, mean? The happiness felt while thinking of another's misfortune 71. Criticism is rated more favorably when delivered in concrete rather than abstract terms.True 72. Speaking in a way that emphasizes similarities is the basis of which strategy? Convergence 73. Disclaimers tend to decrease negative judgments of those who use them. False 74. Using the plural "they" is one way of addressing an individual with what kind of identity? non-binary 75. You need a favor. Which statement should follow your request to increase the chance of your friend agreeing to help? But you are free to say no. 76. The dictionary meanings, or denotations , of a word like "home," are often less important than its connotations, the feelings it evokes. 77. Which statement avoids ownership of a message? It's a problem. 78. Immigrants to the United States run the risk of being discriminated against because of their non-Anglo names. True 79. Which of the following statements about naming and identity is TRUE? In 1900, the 20 most common names for baby girls in the United States included Bertha, Mildred, and Ethel. 80. Which example uses language most likely to motivate someone to perform that activity? I will exercise more this year. 81. Janelle considers herself a survivor of domestic abuse rather than a victim, a term she prefers for its _ connotative _ meaning. 82. Both sign language and spoken language are symbolic in nature. True 4 83. Standing tall and walking proudly are examples of which category of impression management? Manner

84. A side-to-side head shake, a nonverbal way of saying "no," is an emblem. True 85. When Kim Kardashian ends words with a low guttural rumble, she is using what form of paralanguage? Vocal fry 86. Which statement is TRUE about women's nonverbal communication compared to that of men?They smile more. 87. Which cues signaling warmth and involvement are associated with communication competence and credibility? Nonverbal immediacy 88. Posture and eye contact are subsets of which larger category of nonverbal communication? Kinesics 89. Performing the nonverbal cues of how you want to feel can help you "fake it 'til you make it." True 90. Briefly adopting expansive poses such as hands on hips or spreading out your arms can increase your sense of power and tolerance for pain. 91. Liars often sustain more eye contact and fidget less. True 92. At which of Hall's distances can you keep someone "at arm's length"? Personal 93. A transmitter that can't be shut off is a metaphor illustrating which quality of nonverbal communication? It is always occurring. 94. "Is it just wishful thinking, or is she checking me out?" is an example of which activity? Perception check 95. In general, women are more nonverbally expressive than men, and they are more accurate in interpreting others' nonverbal behavior. True 96. Which statement would be easier to express nonverbally? I'm excited. 97. You are not a multitasker. In other words, you prefer a monochronic schedule to a polychronic one. 98. You lock up your desk when you leave the apartment you share with roommates. What type of nonverbal communication are you displaying? Territoriality 99. Which is an initial goal when you first meet other people? Reducing uncertainty...

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