Chapter 8 Interpersonal Communication Exam PDF

Title Chapter 8 Interpersonal Communication Exam
Course Understanding Yourself and Others
Institution The University of Western Ontario
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1. Which of the following statements about interpersonal communication is NOT true? a. Interpersonal communication is a process. b. Interpersonalcommunicationdependsheavilyonthesender’ssocialidentity. c. Interpersonal communication is interactional. d. For communication to be considered interpersonal, at least two people must be involved. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

b Moderate

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

2. Elements in the communication process include all of the following except a. sender. b. message. c. personal space. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. distorting noise. c Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS:


3. In interpersonal communication, the person who originates a message is called the a. channel. b. sender. c. context. d. speaker. ANSWER:



Easy The Process of Interpersonal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS: Factual 4. In interpersonal communication, the information that is transmitted from one person to another is called the a. code. b. noise. c. message. d. context. ANSWER:



Easy The Process of Interpersonal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS: Factual

5. _____ refers to any stimulus that interferes with accurately expressing or understanding a message. a. Noise b. Decoding c. Channeling

d. Detection a Moderate


REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. Conceptual New


6. When your friend calls you at home to make plans for the weekend, the ________ of communication is sound. a. sender b. channel c. message

d. stimulus b Moderate


REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. Conceptual


7. When your friend silently makes faces at you during a class lecture, the channel of communication is primarily a. visual. b. sound. c. fluent.

d. encoded.


a Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS:


8. Bill’suseoftheword“broad”inconversationwhenreferringtowomenoffendsBettyandmakesithardforherto follow his meaning. This type of miscommunication is called a. noise. b. context. c. background. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. a display rule. a Moderate

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS:


9. The context of interpersonal communication includes a. physical environment. b. the nature of the participants' relationship. c. the mood of the participants. d. all of these. d Moderate


REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. Factual New


10. Which of the following is NOT one of the key elements of the interpersonal communication process? a. Sender b. Receiver c. Interpreter ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Noise c Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.01 - Outline various aspects of the communication process. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

11. Which of the following was NOT listed as a basic guideline for cell phone use in public? a. Turn off your phone when ringing will disturb others. b. Keep calls short. c. Use a catchy tune as a ring tone. d. Make and receive calls out of earshot from others. ANSWER:



Easy The Process of Interpersonal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.02 - Discuss important differences between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

12. The absence of nonverbal cues in computer-mediated communication means a. you need to be especially careful with your intended meaning. b. you should choose words carefully. c. you may need to describe your feelings. d. all of these. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.02 - Discuss important differences between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 13. Which of the following is a reason people are more likely to keep their online profiles private? a. When their friends keep their profiles private b. If they are female c. If they have more esoteric tastes in music and movies. d. All of these ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Moderate

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.02 - Discuss important differences between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


14. Numerous studies have shown that good communication is most likely to be related to which of the following? a. Satisfaction in relationships b. Employee absenteeism c. Reduced risk for cancer d. Recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

a Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.02 - Discuss important differences between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. KEYWORDS: Factual

15. Poor communication ranks high as a cause of breakups with a. gay couples. b. straight couples. c. both gay and straight couples. d. collectivist societies but not individualistic societies. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

c Easy

REFERENCES: The Process of Interpersonal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.02 - Discuss important differences between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. KEYWORDS: Factual 16. In nonverbal communication, meaning is transmitted from one person to another a. using coded words that have private meanings. b. with the aid of computers or other forms of technology. c. without anyone else being aware of it. d. through means or symbols other than words. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.03 - List five general principles of nonverbal communication. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

17. Nonverbal communication a. is frequently used to express feelings or emotions. b. is not influenced by culture. c. usually occurs in a single channel. d. is consistent with verbal messages. ANSWER:



Easy Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.03 - List five general principles of nonverbal communication. KEYWORDS: Factual 18. Nonverbal communication is most informative when it is a. multichanneled. b. typical of the majority culture. c. occurring in a single channel only. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. accompanied by verbal messages.

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.03 - List five general principles of nonverbal communication. KEYWORDS:


19. Which of the following is NOT an example of a general principle of nonverbal communication? a. It conveys emotions. b. It uses universally accepted meanings. c. It may contradict verbal messages. d. There are cultural differences. b Easy


REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.03 - List five general principles of nonverbal communication. Factual New


20. The study of people's use of interpersonal space is called a. proxemics. b. territoriality. c. paralanguage.

d. distance analysis.


a Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: Factual 21. The size of an individual's personal space is related to which of the following? a. Social status b. Personality c. Age d. All of these ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

22. The anthropologist who described interpersonal distance zones was a. Sidney Jourard. b. Edward Hall. c. Albert Mehrabian. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Daryl Bem. b Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: Factual

23. According to Edward Hall, people who interact at distances of 12 feet and beyond are considered to be in the ______ distance zone. a. public b. social c. intimate d. personal ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS:


24. According to proxemics research, the personal-space zones of men appear to be _____ than those of women. a. more fluid b. more social c. smaller d. larger ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

25. Facial expressions are most likely to convey messages dealing with a. intimacy. b. emotions. c. personality traits. d. marital satisfaction. ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

26. ______ are norms governing the appropriate display of emotions. a. Manners b. Proxemics c. Display rules ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Principles of facial display c Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: Factual

27. We are better at sending deceptive messages with our ______ than with other body parts. a. faces b. body stance c. hands

d. lower bodies


a Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


28. The idea that men should show less facial expression than women is an example of a. proxemics. b. display rules. c. nonverbal indicators. d. attribution features. ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

29. Which of the following is considered the most meaningful aspect of eye contact? a. Size of pupillary opening b. Duration of eye contact c. Gender of the people involved d. Relationship between the people involved ANSWER:



Easy Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS:


30. Gender patterns in eye contact are most likely to be confounded by which of the following? a. Age b. Status c. Height d. Culture ANSWER:



Difficult Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

31. Which of the following is poor advice for avoiding "road rage"? a. Don't use obscene gestures. b. Signal before switching lanes. c. Don't drive when you're angry or upset. d. Try making eye contact with hostile motorists. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.04 - Discuss the dynamics of personal space and what can be discerned from facial cues and eye contact. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 32. The study of communication through body movement is called a. kinesics. b. musculature. c. paralanguage. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. proxemics. a Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Factual 33. Jamal is leaning back with open arms as he talks to the other members of his study group. He is most likely feeling ___________ his peers. a. anxious with b. relaxed with c. amused by ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. admired by b Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 34. In terms of postural cues, a forward lean is most likely to indicate which of the following? a. Low status b. High status c. Positive attitude ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Anxiety c Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


35. Which of the following statements about interpersonal touching of friends is NOT true? a. Men seldom touch male friends on the face. b. Women quite often touch female friends on the face. c. Men very often touch female friends on the hips. d. Women often touch male friends on the leg. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

c Difficult

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Factual 36. Interpreting touch does NOT depend on a. age. b. gender. c. setting.

d. attitude.


d Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 37. ______ includes all vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself. a. Kinesics b. Proxemics c. Sublanguage d. Paralanguage ANSWER:



Easy Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS:


38. Which of the following is NOT considered an aspect of paralanguage? a. Loudness of speech b. Speed of talking c. Content of message d. Rhythm of speech ANSWER:



Difficult Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS:


39. Loud vocalization is most likely to convey which of the following? a. Anger b. Anxiety c. Uncertainty ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Happiness a Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 40. Anna is speaking rapidly to Steve as she asks him out to lunch. Her paralanguage most likely conveys _________ in this situation. a. frustration b. nervousness c. uncertainty d. sadness ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

41. Martinspeaksslowlyashegiveshisanswersinanoralexaminationforamaster’sdegreeinpsychology.His paralanguage most likely conveys ___________ in this situation. a. anger b. sadness c. uncertainty ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. frustration c Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 42. Conventions for conveying emotion in email communication include a. useof“emoticons.” b. use of capitalized letters to indicate emphasis. c. interpretation of capitalized letters as shouting. d. all of these ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Easy

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.05 - Summarize the research findings on body movement, posture, gestures, touch, and paralanguage in communication. KEYWORDS: Factual

43. As an indicator of lying, lack of eye contact is a. a fairly reliable index of deceptive intent. b. not a reliable index of deceptive intent. c. the best indicator of deceptive intent. d. more reliable in persons of lower status. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

b Moderate

REFERENCES: Nonverbal Communication LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.06 - Recognize the difficulty in detecting deception, and clarify the nonverbal cues linked to deception. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


44. Which of the following is NOT associated with lying? a. Higher pitched voice b. Less blinking while lying c. Relatively short responses d. Long pauses before speaking ANSWER:



Moderate Nonverbal Communication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.08.06 - Recognize the difficulty in detecting deception, and clarify the nonverbal cues linked to deception. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

45. Deception on the part of another person may ...

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