Intro to University, November 27, 2014 PDF

Title Intro to University, November 27, 2014
Course Intro to University
Institution University of Winnipeg
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Intro to University, November 27, 2014...


Introduction to University November 27, 2014 Alright, welcome to the last class. How does it feel? It feels great for me too. You didn’t think that 12 or 13 weeks ago you’d ever get to this point, right? Or did you? S: I knew I’d finish, but I didn’t think it would be as challenging as it was. P: It is a challenging course. I wouldnt want to take it. Theres a lot of writing, they designed it to be stressful, hopefully not too stressful, so today what we’ll do is go over - not go over, look at your tests, you have to give them back to me. If you have

questions I’ll answer them, if not I’ll answer any questions about research papers. They’re due at 9:30pm tonight in dropbox. We should be done by about 6, 6:15pm at the latest today. We have two items of business to do other than this, we have those course evaluations, so I need someone to volunteer to take charge of the U of W side… great. We won’t do that yet. And for the PACE people, there are two PACE people here… I think… Don’t fill that out yet. Okay, so near the end of class, when we finish

reviewing this, I’ll give you time to do that, 15 minutes to do that, and then talk about the research paper. So, who wants to see their test? No one? Could’ve been a shorter class! Ok… I’ll say this, nobody failed. So. The multiple choice was what it was, whatever you got was what you got. On the long answer, if you didn’t do the long answer, or if you just gave a definition, that wasn’t sufficient, you had to describe things. On the essay, again, you’re looking at the difference between alt- and metacognition, you had to describe each and explain how it relates to

learning and how they relate to each other, with an introduction body and conclusion. Some of you didn’t do that. You had to do the essay to get marks for it. The health one. It’s worth, all long answers were worth 5 marks each, for something like SMART, it was easy, there were five elements you needed to talk about, with the health one, if you discussed at least 3 - 4 points really well, you were close to full marks. If you just said sleep is important and people need to eat well, you got partial marks. S: Do we just give them back?

P: Yep. Any questions about grades? Did you find the test, did you find you had not enough time? S: No, not enough time. Not at all. P: Really? And did you find you were cramped for time because you didn’t understand the question, or because it took a long time to write everything you knew? S: The whole essay, 35 minutes, which was fine but I didn’t think I’d

have enough time to write it all. P: It’s a tight timeline, but other classes don't seem to have an issue with it; some people complain and others don't. We’re not going to shorten the tests, I can’t adjust the time on the test. If it ever came out that I was giving you more time… I can’t do that. How much more time would you have needed? S: Half an hour. S: 15 minutes.

P: Is that pretty much the consensus? I don’t think they’d give half an hour. S: I was basically writing up to the end. S: I didn’t even finish. All my other classes are three hours, everyone leaves early, you’re not writing until the last minute. S: The other instructor said her class, no one could leave until 6:45, even if you were finished you couldn’t leave. I’m wondering why she’d do that. Maybe not to disturb the other students? P: Maybe. I don't know. No one here

finished early. You were the first one done, but only about five minutes before the end. Did you recognize questions on multiple choice? S: Yeah, they were worded differently than sample questions. P: It was an interesting conversation obviously. I looked at some of the questions that you predicted, a fair number of them were on the test already in some form, so I didn’t bother changing the wording, there were a couple questions that weren’t but they were

really good questions so I incorporated one of them and shared it with the other instructors, the one on mnemonic devices. It might have been a day you were away. It’s in one of the chapters, the Ellis chapter. That was the prediction, the class we did the study for test, predicting test questions, and those questions were posted on Nexus. I didn’t spell check the questions, whatever you submitted, I put up.

I didn’t catch it, and was sort of, ‘oh, wait a minute, thats wrong.’ I did

change it, obviously, for the test. Nobody failed, so that’s a first time. S: Yay! P: I don’t expect people will fail, the essay question, I gave you latitude in how you can discuss that, and I try to make the long answers broad enough, so if you say “I don’t remember what Ellis said…” You can use common sense. If you’re going to quote Ellis, though, I’m going to expect you’ll give me something very similar. S: I’m surprised the elephant analogy wasn’t on there because we talked about it so much in class.

P: Doesn’t mean it wasn’t important! P: We have an assignment on it and your research paper will address critical thinking, I can’t cover everything on multiple choice, I have a bank of questions for long answer and essay that I mix up. I don't set the format for the test either. I’ll make the test harder for the next class! Any other questions about the exam? Anybody wildly enthusiastic about their grade, going to beat your head against the wall? S: Yeah.

P: Okay. S: I know it says on the course outline, but how can you tell your grade point average for this class? I know you can see the percentage… P: Not until you get your official mark. I can’t give you official grades. What you see on Nexus is the unofficial grade; the official grade on your transcript goes through the university. S: How could it be different than the grades you give us? P: If everyone got As or if everyone failed, they’d say, ‘what’s going on

there?’ If they see there’s a curve, they won’t look into it. I’ve never been questioned. Sometimes a couple people failed and a lot of people did good, then they might question it. The other way it might be different, if there’s a data entry error, I submit marks and they submit them to webadvisor, occasionally they’ll mistype a grade, that happened last term and we had to correct the grade. So check your marks. What you see in nexus should be what you end up with. There will not be a calculation mistake in Nexus, but maybe I gave

you a 20 instead of 25, might be a transition error, so check all your grades. I double-checked these ones before putting the marks in Nexus, so there shouldn’t be any mistakes. The research papers, well, they’ll all be handed in on time. I’ll probably have them graded by mid-December at the latest. And you’ll get those back in Dropbox. S: The mark for the course - when will we know about those? P: You’ll see the calculated grades once I put them all in. For those who presented on the 18th of November, I

haven’t put those in yet. Participation for some people I have to wait until after today to calculate it. Only until I finish marking your research paper will there be calculated grades on there. I’m not sure how long it will take the university to give your official grades back. Remember, no more than 4 references and no less than 4 references for the research paper. Make sure you have a cover page, separate from your - on a distinct page. You have no content on that page. On your first page, you need to have the title at the top, centered, bolded. At the end your references page needs to be a separate page.

The title is not bolded on the references page, but it is on the title on top of the first page. S: The page numbers are supposed to be on the right side. P: What do you have on the left side? S: Title, name, page number… P: Let me just show you something here… I’ll show you what it should look like. Let me put it this way - what I want to see on the first page… I just want to show you a… just let me give you a

sample here… Okay, can you all see that? So this is your title page, up here the header section is the running title. And your page numbers starts on the cover page. Don’t do this with your paper - so this is actually left, it’s just too long to fit, and the page is on the right hand side. S: Your name doesn’t have to go on there? P: I didn’t need that for this particular paper - I’m not going to be picky

about that one, if it’s on the cover page, that’s fine. I didn’t have room hereS: We won’t get marks taken off if the name’s not there? P: If the whole thing’s empty, yes, but if you’re missing name, no big deal. S: But this needs a cover page? P: Yes. References page should look something like that. S: References is not bold or underlined, is centered?

P: Yeah. S: Can you show me how the cover page should look like? P: There’s an example on Nexus but… S: Need title, name, date? P: You can put the course… Okay? It automatically goes blue and underlines for you, don’t worry about adding that yourself for links. So what I’m going to do - and thanks

to Melanie for the Timbits. I’ll give you some time to do your course evaluations - give you till about 6:10 S: We are MULT-1000-050? P: It should be on there… S: It’s not on here - oh it’s on the envelope here. I’m not sure about for PACE? P: DMISC-16476-1404. It’s in the course outline. S: After everyone’s done, I’ll go upstairs and drop this off. P: Once you’re done, unless you have

any questions, you can go home, you’re done. S: Do you know if the one that we submitted can be changed? I submitted it last night, can it be changed? P: Yeah. I’m not going to look at it until tonight. S: Before you leave, I just want to check before you come back… is this, I just went off on…. P: Does everybody have a, uh… S: There’s pencils over here.

You need a pencil? Got a pencil? P: Introduction to University, and you’re in the U of W section so… I will be back in 6-10-ish minutes. Okay, everyone’s done… how was the course for you guys? Not me, just your impression of the course, was it what you expected? S: It would’ve been useful in my first year, I’d encourage first year students to take it. P: That’s who it’s meant for yeah., Well if there’s nothing further, thanks

very much for a great term, i look forward to reading your research papers. If you have any questions between now and 9:30pm tonight, ask them now, because I won’t be checking my email tonight....

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