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Incorporada a la SEP Clave 079SU0162R INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES PARA LA EXCELENCIA PROFESIONAL Student: Evi Alonso Clemente Martínez. Task: Summary. Subject: “Introduction to Applied Linguistics”. Teacher: Vivian Gabriela Mazariegos Lima. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. December 2nd. 2018. Incorpo...


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Student: Evi Alonso Clemente Martínez.

Task: Summary.

Subject: “Introduction to Applied Linguistics”.

Teacher: Vivian Gabriela Mazariegos Lima.

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. December 2nd. 2018.

Incorporada a la SEP Clave 079SU0162R

IN SEARCH OF A PROFESSIONAL LABEL There is a very descriptive peculiarity in the field of English teaching that stands out above others. It is the fascination for seeking a suitable methodology to the need of the teacher that faces every day in the classroom. That is why, in this search, come to light a lot of theories in a pattern of strategic terms, names or labels such as TEAL, TEFL, TESL, TESOL and ELT. All with the same purpose, contributing to a focused methodology beyond the discernment in the classroom but a continuous improvement of the teacher and the relationship that exists with students and their environment.

APPROACH, METHOD AND TECHNIQUE (THE ELT LITERATURE) There are three concepts in the English teaching methodology that cannot be avoided and misinterpreted. The importance of these three concepts is huge that even the specialized bibliography can be divided into three sections or fields, according to these concepts: approach, method and technique. This summary pretends to define these concepts, avoiding falling into a chaos that is difficult to get out. Edward Anthony wrote several articles in his effort to avoid the emerging confusion of the vague distinction between theoretical principles (approach), the management of teaching strategies (method) and specific activities occurring in the classroom (techniques), always trying to make himself understand a little bit better about the complexity of the situation. Antony (1963) mentions that it is to be hoped that the use of the three terms: technique, method and approach, redefined and employed in the telescoping definitions outlined above, will serve to lessen a little terminological confusion in the language teaching field. This was an important preamble, as the theoretical principle in material of the method, the ideologies of management and selection of materials together with the development of techniques later discovered.

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Approach is the theoretical basis of a method: "I view an approach -any approach- as a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language and the nature of language learning. An approach is axiomatic”. (Anthony, 1963, pp. 63-67). The next concept that defines is method, and presents it as the orderly planning of materials: “Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, methods is procedural” (Anthony, 1963, pp. 63-67). The last defined concept is technique or procedure whereby the target is got. Although it is also considered as technical instruments or resources used to develop: “A technique is implementational. That which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective (…)”. (Anthony, 1963, pp. 63-67). Basically the process of language according to Anthony exist thanks to the hierarchical relationship between the three methodological advances and practical results that is always produced in a same and precise order: approach, method, technique. These are the definitions of Anthony, as he formulated them. The first thing to recognize is that Anthony´s definitions offer the advantage of simplicity and clarity. Richard and Rodger (1986) proposed that three constituent elements are required to formulate a method: approach, design and technical implementation. Approach is the theoretical basis constituted by two different theories. The first is the theory of the nature of the language, which as the name suggests, explain and describe the vision of the method, the nature of language and also describe basic elements in the structure of the language. The second theory, is learning the

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language. This will explain the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes occurring in learning and the conditions that favour such processes. The design is the vertebral structure of the method consists exactly about the theoretical principles depending on the teacher – student abstract process of language given (syllabus). The concept that remains to be defined is the procedure. These are activities that present, perform, assess and correct the teacher-student process. These activities include processes such as interaction, strategies that students, teacher and resources are involved.

SOME INGREDIENTS OF LANGUAGE TEACHING The way of teaching a language is based also on good ingredients and procedures, which are an application of variables. The correct understanding of these ingredients will help teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths and weaknesses of methods and approaches.

BELIEFS ABOUT THE NATURE OF LANGUAGE Making a complete analysis about the description of contents of instruction and the order in which they are to be taught we have these traditional elements: The structural view (language-teaching syllabus may be based on grammatical items vocabulary) interactive view (The language needed for different types of situations) and functional syllabus: The meanings and functions.

BELIEFS ABOUT THE PROCESS OF LANGUAGE/ACQUISITION Chomsky (1966) offers several ideas about our innate skill as humans acquire any language. He is more interested in competences than performance because the competency reveals more about what you know, what a person has acquired than repetition and memorisation techniques, absolutely rejecting the behaviourist theory.

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Another person with a great linguistic theories is Krashen (1981) he mentions that acquisition is an unconscious process similar to the process of learning an L1. Now days we haven’t decided yet about which process is better for language acquisition whether deductive or inductive, analytic or experimental, habit formation or naturalistic acquisition.

THE OBJECT OF A METHOD The “off the shelf” task is to help the process of teaching English by empowerment and make things easier for teachers to work as best as possible achieving their objectives depending how things are going in the classroom.

THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR The role played by these two elements in the methodology of English is the Organization of the lesson in the classroom based on theory and practice through techniques and activities.

THE ROLE OF LEARNERS AND TEACHERS The participation of these two parts is very important and it will be formed when the teacher shows interest not only being the guide but also the support to the apprentice, then learning will be even more meaningful.

THE ROLE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The last but not least feature refers to the ideal support that teachers already have in their methodology as books, images, audios, videos or anything else submitted to the needs of the students.

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Anthony, E. (1972). Teaching English as a Second Language. (pp. 63-67). New York: McGraw Hill. Richards, J. C. (1986). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. (12), 3-4. Theodore S, R. (2010). Interesting article on the concept of methods, and possible future developments. Retrieved from: http:/,htm....

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