Introduction to Marketing Assesment info on Case Study PDF

Title Introduction to Marketing Assesment info on Case Study
Course Introduction to Marketing
Institution University of Western Australia
Pages 2
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Information on Gage Roads for Assessment...


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Gage Roads has a strong instagram following with 30k and just like their facebook maintains a very active posting schedule with great use of hashtags but this is not met by high engagement They do not respond to questions in the comment sections It is very difficult for people to get information on the beers IBU and EBC (essential for beer enthusiasts) They have a well constructed feed but as they are a seasonal product there is no winter themed content They repost and credit followers posts to engage their customers Excellently created website with both expert information and simplified information to explain to new customers the details of their craft beers

The website has links to social media and is inviting so it not only entices the consumer to enter but continues by exciting with high quality images and information to educate as well as invitation to engage with the various social media accounts that gage roads has. Their email is lacking with no engagement opportunities for consumers and no links to products.

Introduce responses to questions in comment sections to help engage with consumers. More links to the in depth information available on the website which displays and explains the details along with the history and description of the beer in order to educate the consumers. Expand from a summer theme all year round to posts that are able to appeal to beer drinkers during winter in order to reach a larger range of consumers in winter They should look into their Insights section of their business account to reach information about their clients demographics and activity time to increase the engagement of their followers and better cater to the demands of their audience. Introducing surveys on emails and more educational information would help educate many of their older clientele who aren’t active on social media platforms.. Geographically Gage Roads Brewery is limited to Australia and specifically Western Australia. The demographic that is targeted is young adults to middle aged adults with limited marketing to anyone outside the young adult age range. The lifestyle of consumers revolves around summer surf and party lifestyle which pigeon holes the beers into a seasonal and lifestyle specific product. The product is mass marketed with little variation with different products and many of the advertisements resemble CocaCola ads. The company positions the consumers to purchase the good who are envious of the lifestyle the beer represents but fails to reach those of a different culture, lifestyle and age who have different desires For the company to expand its production it should focus on expanding its advertising to target strictly the eastern states of Australia and only run in that location as to introduce a differentiated marketing method The elderly demographic can be targeted with the introduction of community sponsored events and increased social media posts as currently they have an extremely limited amount of older people in their posts.

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The introduction of posts and articles that highlight how versatile the beers are with images and information on the beers being drunk at home or in local pubs. Introducing winter advertising in events during winter and positioning themselves as able to be drunk during both winter and summer. This would work with the elderly and consumers with different lifestyles as the beers would be positioned as all year round and home beers as well as event beers. The Strawpoll is a great tool for businesses to gain clear information on the preferences of consumers Able to be shared in the descriptions of all social media and in emails to receive regular input and increase customer engagement as the opinions of consumers are shared. Commenting is an option so reasons for choices are also visable Display involvement in local events and culture Educate viewers in the method of beer production Reach a wider group of people and post to event stories with the intent to get featured...

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