Iris Module: Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors PDF

Title Iris Module: Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors
Author Anonymous User
Course Inappropriate Classr
Institution Tennessee State University
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Answer 6 assessment questions at the end of Part 2 of Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors in the IRIS module....


Elizabeth Villasana 11/17/08 1. List three reasons why some students’ still cause problems, even when there is a good classroom management plan in place? a. Attention b. Hunger c. Lack of sleep 2. Discuss at least one benefit and one challenge of intervening early in the acting-out cycle to prevent problem behaviors from escalating. a. One benefit to intervening early would be to stop the behavior before it escalates. b. One disadvantage to intervening early would be the child might become dependent on the attention they are receiving. 3. Name three methods by which Ms. Rollison can determine his triggers. a. Formal problem-solving strategies b. Pre-correction plans c. Have a good lesson plan 4. You do have enough information to figure out what Tameka’s trigger is. What is it? a. Yes and no, she seems to have become agitated with the work because she possibly cannot complete it. 5. Once either Patrick or Tameka enters the Agitation phase, what would you recommend that Ms. Rollison do? If she doesn’t recognize the Agitation phase, what would you recommend differently for the Acceleration phase? a. She might need to redirect them, let they have a brief break, or ask them if they need any assistance on an assignment from the teacher or work with a partner. b. If they are currently in the acceleration phase she should attempt to redirect them in a calm way and walk away. 6. What is the primary reason that teachers are often reluctant to engage in debriefing during the Recovery phase? Why is it important to debrief in spite of this reluctance? a. They are afraid that the issue will return and the student will become angry again, but it is important to debrief so the student is not able to “get away” with their misbehavior. 1. Why is a special education teacher a good resource to help deal with student behavior problems? a. These teachers are good resources because they have experience in some of these areas and could provide multiple strategies and advice to younger teachers.

2. Explain how high-p requests work and why they increase the probability that a student will comply with a teacher's request. You are, in a sense, setting the child up for success and allowing them to complete tasks they know that they can do on their own. Also, you are praising them every time they perform a task correctly. The student will be feeling more confident about themselves and what they can accomplish and will be more compliant to do the more challenging task. 3. Imagine that you have a student in your class who acts out during independent math activities. Would you use high-p requests or choice making with this student? Explain your answer. I would use choice making with this particular student in order to give them a certain amount of control over what they are working on. Give them some options of alternative ways to complete the activities or have help from either the teacher or another student. 4. For what types of behaviors would you implement a DRL procedure? Give one example. A student is rewarded for limiting the amount of times he/she comes up to the teacher’s desk for help or conversation. Overall goal is to reinforce a behavior that needs to be limited. 5. List a consideration for teachers who implement DRI. Teachers need to make sure that the two behaviors are truly incompatible. 6.Mary Jo often spends time talking to her table group about topics not related to the instructional task. Design a DRO procedure to decrease non-instructional talk and to increase instructional talk b. First the behavior needs to be identified, and that would be unnecessary talking with group members. Next the baseline needs to be recorded, once this has been done the teacher would need to meet with Mary Jo and discuss a good reinforcement that she would appreciate. Once this has been decided the teacher will observe the child every three minutes to check for unnecessary talking with peers. Every time she is performing the designated task the teacher will give her a sticker on her chart, but only if she is not talking to her peers, if she is emitting another unwanted behavior she will not be rewarded. Once she has been successful for the three minutes, the time should be increased.  After categorizing the consequences, how would you describe your success? What did you learn from this task? o I was very unsuccessful and felt that the activity was a little confusing. I was not sure if we were supposed to group them according to whether they would be positive or negative reinforcement or if they were considered positive or negative in general. I learned that each child will be different and a set-up will have to be made that is individual to them.  In the second task, list the hierarchy you developed. Does it align with the expert’s hierarchy? Would you change your arrangement or do you have a rationale for the way you’ve chosen to arrange the consequences? Share your rationale.

o Rule review, change of seating, brief time out, loss of computer time, negative phone call home, and office referral o I had all right but the middle two responses (loss of computer time and brief time out. o I think the two are interchangeable and could have gone either way. I understand why the expert put them in that order, and would probably change them the next time I did it....

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