Keir IRIS Module 5 - Scored 8.5/10 PDF

Title Keir IRIS Module 5 - Scored 8.5/10
Author Maxwell Warren
Course Exploring Inclusive Practices
Institution Duquesne University
Pages 4
File Size 148.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 132


Scored 8.5/10...


Describe the relationship between accommodations and assistive technology. Accommodations is how students access what they are supposed to learn. Assistive technology helps them access the materials or content better and it could include; visual cues, speech-to-text software, or even text-to-speech. Therefore, AT can also be referred as Accommodations. There are two interdependent aspects that make up AT. Identify and describe each. The two interdependent aspects that make up AT are devices and services. Devices are equipment or technology that facilitate work, communication, mobility, or other aspects of daily life and Services which is the supports or services necessary to use those devices appropriately. Jade is a high school sophomore who has struggled academically since she was in elementary school. She has a learning disability and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Like many students with LD and ADHD, she has difficulty processing information; retaining and recalling information; and selecting, monitoring, and using strategies. Although she is very creative and loves to share information with others, she has difficulty getting her thoughts on paper in a cohesive manner. Jade puts in a lot of hours working on homework, studying for tests, and attending after-school tutoring sessions, yet she struggles to make passing grades in several classes. Jade’s IEP team is in the process of determining if she would benefit from the use of AT. Based on the information in this scenario, consider whether Jade needs remediation or compensation. Justify your answer. Jade needs compensation because she has already shown so much effort in her work. If she is given a boost she might improve. Name at least two actions that need to occur if AT for Jade is identified and will be implemented. Extended time to complete task, frequent breaks, and break large assignments into smaller tasks After Jade’s IEP team reviews and discusses her performance level, they determine that AT is warranted. An AT implementation team is created to develop a plan to help guide implementation. The AT implementation team determines that Jade may benefit from the use of speech-to-text software in several classes. A parent of one of Jade’s classmates complains that it is not fair that one student gets to use speech-to-text software for written assignments and tests with essay questions.

Provide the parent with an explanation of why the AT is not giving the student an unfair advantage. Already the student has identified difficulties in retaining and recalling information; and selecting, monitoring, and using strategies. She also struggles to make passing grades in several classes despite putting in a lot of hours working on homework, studying for tests, and attending after-school tutoring sessions. Therefore, as a way of helping her improve, the AT is aimed at fostering her ability at mastering her disabilities. Before Jade started using the speech-to-text software, her teachers collected baseline data on her performance on written assignments. They then collected implementation data. These data are recorded in the tables below. Baseline Data Week

Performance on Written Assignments

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Implementation Data Wee k

Performance on Written Assignments

Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10


Plot Jade’s progress on the graph by entering each of the data points from both the baseline data and implementation data boxes above. To begin, click the point for the data for Week 1 (baseline data).

Was the AT effective for Jade? Yes The AT implementation team continues to monitor the effectiveness of Jade’s speech-totext software. The data they have collected are displayed below. Describe what the data pattern indicates and how the implementation team should respond. Before Implementation data, as weeks moved on and work piled, Jade found it hard to achieve a passing grade. After implementation, Jade’s grades improved at first then dropped before she got used to it. However, after getting used, there was a steady increase in grade....

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