IST110 Exam 1 Study Guide-2 PDF

Title IST110 Exam 1 Study Guide-2
Author Corinne Findlay
Course Information, People And Technology
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 6
File Size 137.5 KB
File Type PDF
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IST110 exam 1 lengthy study guide for Barton Pursel's class. ...


IST 110 Exam 1 Study Guide ●

Alan Turing: mathematician 1930’s envisioned logical computing machine, laid foundation, laid the groundwork for math theory that would drive computing ○ envisions a “Logical Computing Machine” (he didn’t build it, but rather laid the groundwork for mathematical theory that would drive computing.

George Miller: magical number 7 plus or minus 2, ability to process short term info, important for design

Paul Otlet: ontologies, early 1900’s, capture all info of world and catalog it, conceptualized world wide web, analog search, conceptualized WWW

Tim Berners-Lee: computer scientist and mathematician, inventor of internet/www, made first connection between HTTP and __ 1980s

Margaret Gould Stewart: designer who started in youtube and moved to Facebook, TED talk about design on web, ”like" button (people don't want to rate on a scale) v=quJdL9ggETI ○ She said the next 5 billion people will log onto the internet with which device?

Search Neutrality: principle that search engines should have no editorial policies other than that their results are comprehensive, impartial, and based solely on relevance (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Search Crawlers: Robots and spiders scan all the content of the page looking for keywords, they then store these in a huge database and save the link so that users can find the content if they search. Each search engine will crawl a page a certain number of times (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Search Index: search engine indexing collects, parses, and stores data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Punch Cards: Displays data as hole in a specific sheet of paper or card

Search Engine Optimization: process of maximizing the number of visitors to a site by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results

Divergence: while evolving, some technology becomes obsolete (Myspace and Facebook, flip video recorder), opposite of convergence

Technology Convergence: as technology changes, differing technology systems sometimes start to perform similar tasks (iPhone and laptop), everything going into one device

4 Basic Computer Functions: 1. Input (keyboard, camera, mouse, etc.) 2. Storage (memory) 3. Processing (manipulation of data to transform it in some way) 4. Output (presentation of data on the monitor) (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE) YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW 3 OF THESE!!!

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): basic communication language or protocol of the internet, standardized file transfer protocol that passes data into packets for efficient transfer

Output: presentation of data on the monitor, printed on a printed page, as an exported file

Virtual Reality: computer-generated immersive experience

Wisdom: applied: I better stop the car

Knowledge: context: the traffic light I’m driving towards has turned

* knowledge is the facts and wisdom is the interpretation ●

Input: keyboard, camera, mouse-bringing data into the computer's temporary memory for further use

ENIAC: electronic integrator, first general purpose computer, reprogrammable mainly used for military weaponry, first use was hydrogen bomb, used punch cards, 1946, base 10 counting system, designed to calculate artillery firing tables, first machine to incorporate the full set of traits of a modern computer

Integrated Circuit: large number of really small transistors that fit in small chip, like a CPU, circuit that has been manufactured on a thin surface like a semiconductor (NOT IMPORTANT)

Moore’s Law: technology is growing at an exponential rate, processing speed, common measures, # of transistors on a square inch doubles every year, number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every 2 years ○ “The number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles 1approximately every two years”

Motherboard: what everything on a computer plugs into, hub of computer, allows communication, printed circuit board that’s the foundation of a computer, located at the bottom of computer case→ hardware

User Experience Design: users like what they are seeing, easy to access and use, augmenting, supplementing experience

Experience Design: designs to reduce complexity of the system and increase value, augmenting, supplementing experience

Mental Models: the way which people perceive things to work, social networks, users develop an understanding of a system through learning and using it

OSI Model: conceptual model, outlines how data goes from one place to another place, presented to packaged, show where models can go wrong, grouping of layers, reference model for how applications can communicate over a network (7 layers) Physical - send data on to physical wire Data Link - read the MAC address from the data packet Network - Read the IP address frOm the packet Transport - Responsible for the transport protocol and error handling Session - establishes/ends connections between 2 hosts Presentation - formats the data so that it can be viewed by the user (encrypt and decrypt) Application - services that are used with the end user applications

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ●

User Interface/Graphical User Interface: everything between you and the computer, mouse and keyboard, mouse, where the player and game world come together, everything between you and the screen is a UI (mouse, keyboard, etc) ○ good qualities, elements, navigation, usability, interfaces

Video Games: 4 elements: aesthetics, story, mechanics, technology (mechanics make game more interesting) *** There’s a multiple choice question asking you to select the correct group of elements***

Internet Protocol (IP): how data should be packaged, protocol address for every computer connected to the internet, how your browser knows how to get around (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Importance of Interface: used as a starting point to determine internal workings, specifies what data will be passed and how (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Disruptive Innovation: not about tech, about business or market that get disrupted, uber kills cab, about the market/business models the innovation disrupts ○ Uber, AriBnb, etc

Browser: what you use to navigate the world wide web (chrome, safari)

Search: 3 step process, spiders go out and crawl the web, index websites

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network): precursor to internet, foundation of internet, network that became the basis for the internet (first to use TCP/IP)

LAN (Local Area Networks): small business, computer network that spans a relatively small area (server for a company)

WAN (Wide Area Network): larger geographic areas than 1 line, many types of media, tv lines, phone lines, etc. beyond firewall

Intranet: set of networks under an administrative unit, only people in that org can access (stuff you don't wanna share)

Usability: how easy it is to use, criteria to consider in design and testing the human computer interface

Spiders: program that visits websites and areas their pages/other information in order to create entries for a search engine index

Augmented Reality: combines real world with augmentations (the action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount)

Gamification: using game like elements and applying them not in game elements like Starbucks reward cards, process of adding games or game-like elements to something to encourage participants (NOT IMPORTANT) *** This is actually extremely important and was the exact scenario used on the exam***

Hierarchy: data > information > knowledge > wisdom

Graphics Card: processes computer graphics, expansion card which generates a feed of output images to a display

ROM (Read Only Memory): stores and runs code on a computer, class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices, memory when turning computer on and off

Optical Drive: removable drives like DVD and CD, uses a laser light to read data from or write data to an optical drive (CDs, DVDs) (NOT ON HIS STUDY GUIDE)

Central Processing Unit (CPU): brain of computer, handles all the instructions that you give your computer→ software (the brian in the computer)

Search Algorithms: algorithm for finding an item with specified properties among a collection of items which are coded into a computer program

Cache: stores requests for data, speeds up things you use a lot, high speed access area that can be a reserved section of main memory or storage device

Binary: ENIAC used a base 10 counting system, base 2 system

Languages: HTML presentation on the web, xml data, sql interacts with database

HCI (Human Computer Interaction): study of how users interact with technologies, humans and computers working together (symbiotic human computer interaction)

Extranet: under administrative control of single organization external network to let other people come in, provide people that interact with org a way to get into your intranet

Dark Net: seedy and only through specific software, anonymous, private network, computer network with restricted access that’s used for illegal peer to peer file sharing, cannot google darknet, need separate browser to access dark net, anonymous network

Standards: tcpip, standards organizations that releases standard that relate to html

Internet of Things: network of physical beings, sensors, actuators, network connectivity talking to each other, devices that are connected to each other and therefore connected to outside devices

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification Device): ID cards, wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data (early uses= inventory control, security) wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data

QR (Quick Response) Codes: apps that triggers programs, machine of readable codes consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other info for reading by the camera on a smartphone (scanning barcodes)

Internet Regulations: censorship, there’s no governing body of the internet

The Web: leverages the internet

Federal Communications Commission (FCC): regulates interstate communications by radio, tv, wire, satellite

Hard Drive: device used to permanently store and also retrieve info

HTML: presentation language, hypertext markup language, formatting language that defines the structure and layout of a web document using tags, attributes

Metadata: data that provides information on other data, describes the field, tag that can be assigned to content

Ontology: ways in which we represent knowledge, expert categorized content

Page Rank: early search engines tricked, helps to provide a relevant score for googles index, 0-10 to determine a pages importance, reliability, and authority on the web according to google

Information Science: study of processes for storing and retrieving info, especially scientific or technical info

Information: meaning: south facing traffic light on corner of Pitt and George streets has turned red

Data: raw - red

Index: database design, list of keywords, each of which identifies a unique record

Virtual Private Network: way to get to resource without being on the actual network (NOT ON STUDY GUIDE)

Software: any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computers processor to perform specific operations/tasks, 3 types= programming, application, system ○ Application

Processing: manipulation of data to transform it in some way

Microprocessor: most complex type of processors since they're designed to take instructions from whatever software you're using, can speak any language/software (HTML basic websites)

RAM (Random Access Memory): type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly

The Turing Machine: a universal computer

TCP/IP: protocol

Ontology slides: CONCEPT MAP, Concept identification, Linkages between concepts, Discovery & Diagnostics, Level-setting Planning, and Design for future

Optical drive = removable

Hard drive = permanent

Motherboard = hardware

CPU = software AKA brain in the computer

Search: 1. crawling 2. indexing 3. searching

ON HIS STUDY GUIDE NOT ON HERE- spring 2018 ● Clay Christensen: founder and creator of disruptive innovation ● Gestalt Psychology and Associated Laws: psychological idea that tries to understand the mind which forms a global whole. Our minds are aggregators, all different laws with symmetry, helps us design better interfaces on screens (NOT IMPORTANT) ● Iteration: key process: come up with an idea, put it out there, collect info, make changes. Going through the loops (NOT IMPORTANT) ● Empathy: putting yourself in someone else's shoes, web design and how designers think ● Web Search: Computer programs that tries to understand how search engines run, collecting information like images, name, etc. It send it back to an index in a much larger database. *Search Crawlers are used for this. ● EXAM REVIEW SESSION: ● Know definitions based on in class activities ● 43 questions ● 5 open ended

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SLIDES ● ● ● ●

75 minutes Highlighted terms on guide Elements of the UX Design ○ Visual Design ○ Info Architecture ○ Interaction Design ○ Usability ○ Human Computer Interaction LAN: local area network WAM: larger area network KNOW POWERPOINTS Ontologies: set of concepts and set or relationships ○ College of IST ○ Groups of Students ○ Paul Otlet?? Layers of the OSI Model ○ Physical ○ Data link ○ Network ○ Transport ○ Session ○ Presentation ○ Application ○ ORDER IS IMPORTANT Moore’s Law ○ Know definition from slide HCI means Human Computing Interaction Know difference between divergence and convergence Know difference augmented reality and virtual reality ○ Virtual: computer generated immersive experience, ○ Augmented: real time, make static objects interactive; ex: microsoft Web searching: know the slides Information sciences: know what an information scientist does Hierarchy: data>information>knowledge>wisdom HTML: basic coding language SQL: manipulate data bases Graphic User Interface: part of the interface on the actual screen Cache slide definition Know that CPU is the brain of the computer Internet of things homework Mental models definition: how a user perceives and how certain software work Binary: go back in pwpt and watch the video in class ○ Only 1 questions on that

Web search Binary Moores law What does an information scientists do...

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