IST195 final study guide PDF

Title IST195 final study guide
Author Lily Monahan
Course  Information Technologies
Institution Syracuse University
Pages 45
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professor jeff rubun...


Lecture Test 1 ● MOOC ○ Massive open online class (education) i. Khan academy ii. coursera ● Showrooming ○ Browsing in-stores and making a purchase online for a better price ● Webrooming ○ Browsing online and buying in-stores during sales for better price ● Cars as service (CaaS) ○ Ride-sharing companies Lyft and Uber are both heavily invested in developing autonomous vehicle technologies ○ These companies envision a future where car ownership is a thing of the past and people subscribe to driverless car services, much like Netflix offers a service that replaces DVD ownership ● Howard Aiken ○ Father of computing ○ Built one of the first business computer i. Mark 1 (1944) ● Harvard Mark 1 ○ Used in world war 2 ○ 5 tons/ 500 miles of wires ●

305 RAMAC ○ IBM first supercomputer 1956 ○ Random Access Method of Accounting and Control ○ The first commercial computer that used a moving-head hard drive disk for secondary storage ○ 5 mb of storage (one picture/one song) ○ 160,000 Moore’s Law ○ Every 24 months transistors will double and cost per transistor decreases ○ Gordon moore Types of Computers ○ PC- personal computers i. laptop/tablet ○ Server(midrange computer)- web/mail/file/game/media i. More powerful computer than PC less powerful than Mainframe ii. Provides services to other computers or devices on networks iii. Listen and respond to many simultaneous requests ○ Mainframes


Large+expensive powerful computer that can handle billions of transactions per day ii. 83% process transactions around the world iii. Popular in banking and airlines iv. Multiple communications at one time through process of timesharing ○ Supercomputer i. Fastest and most powerful computer ii. Process more than one quadrillion instructions in a second iii. governments/NASA uses it Green Computing ○ Reducing electricity consumed + environmental waste generated when using a computer ○ Extends the life of regular and virtual computers i. Increasing the hard drive space ○ Strategies include: i. Recycling ii. Using energy efficient hardware and energy saving features iii. Extending the list of computers iv. Virtual computing Virtualization ○ When a single physical computer runs a special program known as virtualization software, it operates as though it were two or more separate and independent computers, known as virtual machines Cambridge Analytica ○ 2018 data breach that compromised 137 million users ○ FB Fined 5 billion ○ FB selling info of private messages/ and email addresses Internet Research Agency ○ Russian Linked proganganda to 2016 election ○ Ads to spread fake news ○ More than 140 million users exposed ○ “Internet info warfare” ○ Russian company engaged in online influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests Facebook Algorithm ○ Facebook is largest news organization ○ Inventory(how much content) ○ Signals(consideration of content) i. #1 signal: commenting ii. #2 : sharing iii. #3 : reacting iv. Active (positive)

● Commenting ● Sharing ● Reacting v. Passive (neutral) ● Clicking ● Watching ● Viewing/hovering vi. family/friends posts are prioritized ○ predictions(considerations of person) i. Ex: how likely you are to comment or share a given story ○ Overall score i. Facebook takes these predictions and weighs them and rolls them up into a relevancy score ● A number that represents how interested they think you are in any given story in your inventory Brand Awareness ○ Attention your brand gets across all social media over a specific time period (impressions, likes, shares) i. Use what you want but stay consistent Applause Rate ○ Add up all likes from specific post ○ Divide by # of followers ○ Multiply by 100 Amplification Rate ○ Amplification Rate is the ratio of shares per post to the number of overall followers ○ Add up # of times a post was shared ○ Divide by # of followers ○ Multiply by 100 Operator Precedence ○ Collection of rules that define which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate given mathematical expression ○ Excel perform the operations in the order of: i. PEMDAS ii. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Formulas v Functions ○ Formulas are mathematical expressions that you create i. What you write into a function (using “=” sign) ○ Functions are mathematical expressions already available in excel i. SUM, COUNT, AVRG Conditional Formatting ○ Allows users to set rules for cell formatting i. Ex: if you have money green if you dont red in excel lab

Pivot Tables ○ Enables users to quickly and easily summarize and analyze large amounts of data in lists and tables i. Seperate states, CC #’s on spreadsheets ii. Quickest and most accurate way to analyze large amounts of info ● Used by business analysts to view multidimensional information Delimited Files ○ Separating the values in each row w/specific character ○ “Jeff rubin, quiz1,quiz 2” i. Every piece of data is separated by character Big Data ○ Essentially taking a massive amount of information from various different areas then analyzing the data ○ A plethora of data is being collected and warehoused from i. Websites ii. E-commerce iii. Traditional commerce iv. Bank/credit card transactions v. Social networks vi. Emails vii. Economic data First, second, third party data ○ First Party Data i. Your own data straight from the most valuable source→ your customers ii. Collected from: ● Existing marketing campaigns ● Website analytics platforms ● CRM systems ● Site registration ● E-mail ○ Second Party i. Comes from different source ii. Trade data sets with a partner/ other companies ○ Third Party i. Data company purchases to retarget you ● You pay a broker in exchange for data collected from many broad sources 4 Major Types of Data ○ UNSTRUCTURED i. The structure is not formally defined or anticipated ii. Pdf, audio, video, images ○ SEMI-STRUCTURED i. Hybrid data


i.e., emails, word documents with tables ● To, from, subject is structured but message is not ● Tweets have number of characters but message is not constructed ○ STRUCTURED i. Highly organized and manageable ii. i.e., excel files, database records ○ GEOSPATIAL i. Includes information on positions ii. Waze, google maps, snap maps The Four V’s of Data ○ VOLUME (scale of data) ○ VARIETY (different forms of data) ○ VERACITY (uncertainty of data) ○ VELOCITY (analysis of data) Questions business should ask ○ What data do we have? ○ How can we use it? ○ What other data should we have? ○ How can we drive value from data? Types of Analytics ○ Acquire and Organize Data → Perform descriptive, predictive, and discovery analytics → take prescriptive actions based on them ○ Descriptive i. What happened and why (past and present) ○ Predictive i. What is likely to happen and why ○ Discovery i. Find something important without asking the question ○ Prescriptive i. The culmination of the above which tells what is the best solution or action to take Data Warehouse ○ Taking data typically scattered throughout many applications + systems ○ Need to transform/merge/purge data i. Then you can build reports/dashboards ○ Difficult to build reports Dashboards ○ Visual representation of data i. charts/graphs Marketing Automation ○ Automated email for non season ticket holders ○ Build a marketing strategy based on behavior

i. If you open an email People behind operating system ○ Bill Gates (Microsoft) ○ Ken Thompson (Unix) i. Received honor of technology from president ii. Co founder of “c” programming language ○ Steve Jobs (Apple) ○ Linus Torvalds (Linux) Functions of Operating System ○ Operating System (OS) → a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources i. Provides user interface(GUI) ii. Managing resources(memory, processing, storage) iii. Runs applications iv. File management ○ Other functions include: i. Start and shut down computer ii. Manage memory iii. Establish an Internet connection iv. Automatically update v. Provide user interface vi. Coordinate tasks vii. Monitor performance viii. Control network ix. Manage programs x. Configure devices xi. Provide utilities xii. Administer security Types of OS ○ Desktop i. Windows ii. OS X iii. UNIX iv. Linux v. Chrome OS ○ Server i. Windows Server ii. Mac OS X Server iii. UNIX iv. Linux ○

Mobile i. Google Android

ii. Apple iOS iii. Windows Phone Open Source ○ Source code is published and made available to the public who can copy, modify, and redistribute without paying royalties or fees i. Moodle is example ii. Free software iii. Anything anyone can use/share ○ Social benefits--collaboration (creates communities); creativity; a form of art ○ Freedom--developers decide direction ○ Transparency ○ Security ○ Use a community to make a product better ○ NOT FOR REVENUE LICENSING How to make money ○ As a developer ○ Consulting ○ Support ○ Subscription (SaaS) ○ Extra features / functionality ○ Paid certification ○ Advertising Linux V Unix ○ Linux i. Developed in 1991 by Linus Toravlads ● The web was introduced in 1991 ii. The most successful open-source software that has been collaboratively modified by volunteer programmers all over the world iii. Resembles UNIX but was developed independently iv. Originally used a command line interface, most recent versions use a GUI (graphical user interface) v. Individuals and organizations are switching to Linux and other open source software because of the cost vi. Android is built on top of Linux; so are DVR’s, TV’s, game consoles, routers, etc ○ Unix i. Operating system developed in the late 1960s for servers ii. Multi-user, multitasking operating system iii. More expensive, requires a high level of technical knowledge ● Harder to install, maintain, and upgrade iv. Used by servers on web/mainframe computers/ powerful PC Ubuntu ○ Most popular Linux version

○ Main goal is security ○ Makes money off support 4 main computing functions ○ Accept input i. From keyboard/mouse ○ Process input ○ Produce output ○ Storage (this one is changing) i. icloud ○ *input to output data becomes information* 4 main categories of hardware in a personal computer ○ System unit ○ input/output ○ Secondary storage ○ Primary storage Motherboard ○ System board/ main board/ motherboard i. Controls communication for the entire computer system ii. All components and devices connect to the system board CPU(Central processing unit) ○ Contained on a single chip called a microprocessor ○ Brains of computer ○ Rated by # of cores i. One core= one brain ii. Rated by clock speed ghz iii. 2 cores= two brains but one chip iv. Parallel processing requires programs that allow multiple processors to work together to run large complex programs ● Computer’s ability to divide tasks into parts that can be distributed across each core ● i.e., Windows 10 and macOS, High Sierra supports parallel processing ● Parallel processing is the ability of the brain to do many things (aka, processes) at once. For example, when a person sees an object, they don't see just one thing, but rather many different aspects that together help the person identify the object as a whole. v. Multicore processors that can provide two or more separate and independent CPUs within a system unit ● i.e., For example, a quad-core processor could have one core computing a complex Excel spreadsheet, a second core creating a report using Word, a third core locating a record using Access,

● ○

RAM ○ ○ ○ ○

and a fourth core running a multimedia presentation all at the same time Divide tasks into parts that can be distributed across each core parallel processing

Control unit i. instructions/tells the computer system how to carry a task ii. Fetches and interprets data ALU i. Arithmetic logic unit ii. Performs instructions Transistors i. On a chip and uses nanotechnology ii. The more transistors on a chip, the faster Nanotechnology i. The study of manipulating matter on an atomic or molecular level ● i.e., intel chip’s transistors are 14nm (nanometer) → a nanometer is so small that it takes a billion of them to make a meter Ports i. A port is a socket for external devices to connect to the system unit ii. USB A/B, USB-C, USB 3.1 vs. USB 3.0 ● Universal serial bus (USB) ports can be used to connect several devices to the system unit and are widely used to connect keyboards, mice, printers, storage devices, and a variety of specialty devices ○ USB-A → the port found on most laptops and desktops ○ USB-B → ports found on peripheral devices, like digital cameras and printers ○ USB-C → newest standard which uses USB3.1 and is gaining popularity on laptops and smartphones and is expected to replace USB-A and USB-B in the future ■ USB-C is reversible, faster, more powerful, and smaller than previous USB types ○ USB 3.1 → 10Gbit/s ○ USB 3.0 → 5Gbits/s Random Access Memory A chip that holds programs and data that the CPU is presently processing If you are running many applications at once and your computer is slow you need more RAM Volatile vs. Non-volatile i. Volatile memory (temporary) ● Loses its content when power is turned off ● i.e., RAM

● More tabs open will chew up ram/ make computer slow ● More RAM= more application you can run ii. Nonvolatile memory ● Does not lose contents when power is removed ● i.e., ROM, flash memory, and CMOS ○ ROM- non volatile storage/ can retrieve info ○ Flash memory- does not lose its contents when power is removed CPU Memory Cache ○ Built in memory in CPU ○ Storing instructions that it needs to carry out ○ Fastest type is i. L1,L2 ○ L2 cache holds data that is likely to be accessed by the CPU next i. In most modern CPUs, the L1 and L2 caches are present on the CPU cores themselves, with each core getting its own cache ii. L3 (Level 3) cache is the largest cache memory unit, and also the slowest one Traditional Hard Drives v SSD ○ Hard-Disk Drive is an internal component and a secondary storage device that data and programs can be retained after the computer has been shut off i. Stores files for the operating system, software programs, and personal files on the computer ○ Solid-State Drives are designed to be connected inside a personal computer system the same way an internal hard disk could be but contain solid-state memory instead of magnetic disks to store data i. SSDs require less power and are faster and more durable than hard disks ii. Widely used in tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices iii. No moveable parts BINARY !!! ○ decimal i. Base 10(1,2,3,4,etc) ○ Binary i. Base 2( 0 or 1) Unicode ○ Represents 100,000 characters/ every character in the world ○ Includes ASCII ○ KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB,YB i. Smallest to largest bytes ○ Includes emojis ASCII ○ It is a code for representing 128 English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127.

7 bit

Test 2 ●

RFID Technology ○

Radio frequency identification

Transmits identify of an object/person wirelessly using radio through tracking

Automatic Identification Technology ■

Ex: EZ pass, hotel key cards, RFID tag on baggage to track, RFID on shoelaces for athletes to athleticism

RFID in retail helps greatly especially with shoes ■

Macy’s, saks fifth ave

Passive vs. Active Tags ○

Tags: Tags consist of an antenna and a microchip where the information is stored

RFID tags can be mounted on various types of materials (plastic, cotton, paper) ■


Passive(commonly use) ■

Does not need battery

Activates itself and transmits data using power generated by radio

Usually less than 3 meters

Cheap ●

0.10 a tag

Active ■

Battery power

More expensive

● ■ ●

Barcode ■

Each have a unique number

Can only be read individually

Cant be read if damaged

Manual tracking

Can only identify one type of item

Cant be updated


Scan many items at once

Automatically tracked

Can update

Can cope with dirty/harsh environment


Near field communication

Uses same frequency as RFID high frequency

Requires communication within 2 inches

Two way communication

Popular use for payments ■

○ ●

Improved/greater operating range

RFID vs. Barcode ○

$100 a tag

Ex: google wallet, apple pay

Costs 0.10 per tag

BLE/Beacons ○

BLE= bluetooth low energy

Uses Beacons

Continuous low power connection

indoor GPS alternative

No need to “pair” with a device. Does not waste your battery

Ex: beacons used in class to track attendance ■

Beacons broadcast a unique identifier, then phone enters broadcasting region and triggers app to open in background, it can detect distance

Can't give precise distance

Providing visitors to a museum w/info about art

Upgrade your seats for sports, get around campus

Internet of Things ○

Started in 1982 @carnegie mellon students created a smart machine so they could check what drinks are left in the machines

Alexa, ring, nest

By the year 2020 each person will own an average of 7 connected devices.

Potential ■

Education, agriculture, transportation, health, retail ●

Check out books,Meal Plan, Attendance

Sensors in Fields, Monitor temperatures, acidity, Combine with Weather forecasts for predictive analysis

Self driving cars/ smart parking

Smart beds, monitors glucose, etc

Ubiquitous Computing ○

Mark Weiser ■

Ubiquitous computing ●

Coined the term Ubiquitous Computing a world in which objects of all kinds could sense, communicate, analyze, and act or react to people and other machines autonomously

IOT original name

Pieces of IoT ○ ●

Driven by a combination of sensors, connectivity, people and processes

Zigbee ○

Open wireless standard to provide foundation for the Internet of Things ■

Zigbee watches your home when you can't, alerting you to intruders, smoke, carbon monoxide, even water leaks.

Most IoT devices use this protocol for communication


Promoted as: Reliable, low power, scalable, secure, global

Phillips, Honeywell, Samsung, Amazon echo plus all support zigbee

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