IT 6843 lab5 scheerla - Lab Assignment PDF

Title IT 6843 lab5 scheerla - Lab Assignment
Course Ethical Hacking:Network Security and Penetration Testing
Institution Kennesaw State University
Pages 8
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Lab Assignment...


IT 6843 ETHICAL HACKING SAI SANNIHITH CHEERLA SEPTEMBER 23,2018 a) UDP and TCP packet crafting using Hping3 In this lab, you will perform scanning of a Victim computer from an attacker Computer. Assuming you have two Kali Linux VM, consider one as Victim, another attacker. Note the screenshots provided in the labs are for illustrations purpose only, may not exactly match with your one from VM. Open a terminal from Attacker VM. Find the gateway address. Provide the command and report your gateway IP address with a screenshot. [5 points] [Hints: use traceroute command] A: traceroute

Now use hping3 command to send ICMP packet to Victim IP address. For example, hping3 –c 3 will issue 3 packets to the specified IP address/machine. Here –c 3 means that we only want to send 3 packets to the target machine. Provide the command and a screenshot. [5 Marks]

Hping3 -c 3

From the output, it is clear that the victim computer is live and accepting requests from other machines in the network.

Now launch Wireshark from Victim’s computer and search for the target IP address, start capturing packet, then reapply the hping3 command (from above), you should see three packets. [provide a screenshot of ICMP packets] [10 Marks]

Unfortunately, iam running wireshark on my windows computer and the kali linux is running on oracle virtualbox. I tried filtering the Virtualbox ethernet adapter but couldn’t find any results. Now, we will discover list of open ports in the Victim computer. Issue the following command and show screenshot. For example, the following command scans for all open ports ranging 1 to 3000 to the IP address. hping3 --scan 1-3000 –S

Here, --scan switch is used to scan the port range (here, ports 1-3000) and -S represents SYN flag. You may see a number of open ports. Provide a screenshot. [10 points]

4 open ports.

Now, we will perform UDP packet scanning. The following command is an example hping3 --udp --rand-source --data 500 This sends random UDP packets (having source IP as random), each of size 500 bytes. Provide a screenshot of UDP scanning result.

From Victim Computer, you would be able to see many UDP packets having the same destination (, but with random source IP address, see screenshot below.

Provide a screenshot for your Victim computer. [10 points]

Now, you will do flooding to the victim computer from Kali Linux machine by issuing the command from Attacker to Victim: hping3 –flood

You may view this attack from the Wireshark of victim computer, it may be frozen due to flooding of half open TCP packets.

Provide a screenshot of wireshark from your victim computer. [10 point]

Network scanning using NetBios Assume, the following screenshot represents the scanning of Netbios remote hosts. Can you describe what type of services are being run in these hosts (i.e., , )? [10 Marks] [Hint: See Windows services from Netbios, us/NetBIOSServicecodesintheNetBIOSsuffix.html] is the workstation service. is the server service.

Network scanning using Nmap tool Now, we will scan network using Nmap tool. It is available at Kali from command terminal. The following is a screenshot from GUI version of Nmap showing a list of live hosts with port address. The command applied here is “nmap –T4 –A –v 172.17.19.*”

Find the IP address of server. Answer the following by providing a screenshot showing command and output [4*10= 40 Points] a) How many ports are open at the victim computer?

2 open ports. 80 and 443 respectively. b) What OS is being run at the victim computer? Apache c) How many hops are you away from the CCSE server? 1 hop d) Among all open ports, which is the most risky and why? Port 443 is risky as it is using ssl

Feedback: Difficulty (-2 - too easy ... 0 - just right ... 2 - too hard) 2 Interest level (-2 - low interest ... 0 - just right ... 2 - high interest) -2 Time to complete (min) 20 mins Make a suggestion to improve N/A...

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