IT IPT22 syllabus PDF

Title IT IPT22 syllabus
Course Computer Programming
Institution University of San Jose-Recoletos
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Integrative Programming Syllabus...


IT IPT22 Basic Integrative Programming Technologies: Data Integration Technology/Architectures by Sathish Kumar Konga (Author) Course Outline Aksum University Dept.of Computing Technology  Integrative Programming and Technologies, Chapter-1.Tsehay.A 1 Chapter One Introduction, integrative programming and integration techniques, methods and models used in enterprise application integration, the need for application integration and challenges in integration. 1. Introduction Definition : Integration of software refers to techniques for combining existingsoftware components to form a complete system. However, the software integrationincludes at least one existing software system, developed in the past with no plan for itssymmetric integration with another component in the future. Integrative programming deals with an integration approaches and techniquesthat connect different components of IT infrastructure- people, applications, platformsand databases to enable a secure, intra and inter application collaboration. Integrativesolutions enable an organization to integrate business processes internally andexternally with business partners to create dynamic environments that supports currentand evolving business requirements, thereby creating a global organization.Application integration assists in unlimited sharing of data and business processes among any connected applications or data sources in without making majorchanges to the applications or data structures. Hence, integration is the process ofconnecting multiple, independently developed applications using incompatibletechnologies into a single organization wide system with information flowingseamlessly among the integrated systems or components.Most of the applications that run in organizations ’ hardly live in isolation.Whether the registrar application must interface with the finance application, the humanresource management application must connect to each other, it seems like anyapplication can be made better by integrating it with other applications

I nt rod uc t io n Software technology is growing and changing so rapidly that almost any software systemmust be modified or reconfigured to provide enhanced integrated solutions to the changingworld.In many cases, the requirements specification of an existing software system, is either nolonger available or does not correspond to the real system. Modification and maintenance of such a system, as well as its integration with a new system, is a serious problem.The integration of software can refers to techniques for combining existing softwarecomponents to form complete systems. However the software integration, includes at least one existing software system, developed in the past with no plan for its systematic integration with any other component. 2 Ove rv ie w of Inte rsys te m C omm unica ti ons What is Intersystem Communication ? Intersystem communication is the communication between the set of heterogeneous systems that are integrated together. These integrated systems which puts together many heterogeneous subsystems theproduced information objects are extremely different, yet should be contribute to the sameprocess How can establish the system which makes combination of independent systems possibleand relatively easy to user? Software integration problem includes one or more of the following variations: Systems Integration─Given two or more software systems, subsystems, or components, each of whichfunctioning properly (i.e., satisfying their requirements

within their environments). ─The problem is to integrate them into one larger system, satisfying the combinedrequirements within the newly formed environment.3 C o n t … . New Function or New Technology Integration :Given a software system, which mayhave been functioning properly in the field for a significant period. ─The problem is to integrate a new function or a new technology within the system. ─The integrated system should

provide the new functionality or use the new technology,while preserving the original system’s functionality.Incremental Engineering:A software system can be developed and delivered usingavailable technologies and with less functionality than it is intended to finally provide.─New technologies and/or more functions, then, can be integrated within the system.─The problem is to design the system with such future integration in mind.Modification:Sometimes an existing and properly functioning software system must bedecomposed and reintegrated to carry out a modification

Determine IT 205-Integrative Programming and Technology 1

This course looks at systems integration with focus on communication mechanisms and data standardization. Students will learn how to choose their communication approach by considering platform, data structure similarity/dissimilarity as well as client requirements.

This is a technique which enable dynamic website and application development through the integration of programming and mark up languages into one for example html with XML, Javascript and CSS, XML with PHP, C# with XML, XML with XSLT and so on to meet the interactive and specific dynamic end-user requirements. They will also learn how to represent structure and how to transport data using XML and XML related technologies and protocols. Standardization of XML documents for the purpose of data exchange is stressed. Major topics include inter-systems communication, data mapping and exchange, integrative coding, scripting techniques, and an overview of programming languages.

The course content is based on open source such as Visual C# or closed source software such as Active Server Pages (ASP). The software to use will depend on the lecturer giving the course. ASP.NET as a server side script for building dynamic web application, and an ideal environment for building web-based commerce solutions.

At the end of this course, the students are expected to be able to design, develop, and test an interactive web-based application on a given specification using any of the different integrated application and related technologies and protocols.

Pr er equi si t es :CI T160/ L;COMP182/ L;MATH103,MATH150AorMATH255A.Cor equi si t e:CI T270L.Rol eof i nt egr at i v epr ogr ammi ngi ni nf or mat i ont echnol ogy :oper at i ngs y st ems ,s y st em management ,appl i cat i onr euse.Tool s andt echni quesf ori nt egr at i v epr ogr ammi ng,suchasPer l ,TCL/ t k,VBscr i ptandPyt hon.Scr i ptpr ogr ammi ng dev el opmentenvi r onment s.Rol eofs cr i pt i ngi ns ys t em i ns t al l at i onandmanagement .Cl i ent ser v erar chi t ect ur e. I nt er f acemanagement ,wr apper s ,f acades,br ok er sandpr ox i es .XMLandXML r el at edt echnol ogi es,wi t hemphasi s ondat aex changef orappl i cat i on/ s y st em i nt egr at i on.I nt egr at i ont echnol ogi es ,suchaswebser vi c es,RubyonRai l s , CORBAandDCOM.I nt egr at i onpl at f or ms,suchas. netandJ2EE.Lab:3hour sperweek .


Course Description Examines the integration of systems and applications across global businesses; explores programming interfaces, data mapping and exchange, scripting, and programming languages to support the configuration, maintenance, integration, and security of systems....

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