ITC Theory Assignment No.2(PDF Format) PDF

Title ITC Theory Assignment No.2(PDF Format)
Author Anjum Akbar
Course Introduction to Computing
Institution COMSATS University Islamabad
Pages 16
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Anjum Akbar

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Mam Sadia Maryam


19th April,2021

Difference Between LED & LCD One of the significant contrast between the LED and the LCD is that the LED utilizes the PN-Junction diode which transmits light when the current going through it, though LCD utilizes fluid gem or plasma for obvious light discharge. The fluid gems are filled between the glass terminal and when the force is applied across it, the fluid precious stone gets stimulated and produces light.

Comparison Chart Basis For Comparison




PN-Junction gadget which release noticeable lights when an electrical charge goes through it.

It is an optical gadget utilized for showing the data as text and pictures.

Stand For

Light Emitting Diode

Liquid Crystal Display


No backlight

Cold cathode fluorescent lamp provides backlight.




Power Requirement



Display Area






Definition of LED The full type of LED is Light Emitting Diode. The LED is a PN intersection diode which produces light when an electric flow moves through it the forward way. The LED is built by doping the p-type and n-type material. At the point when the force is applied across the LED the recombination of P-type and N-type material charges takes places. The recombination of charges gives energy as warmth and light.

Definition of LCD The LCD is utilized for showing the writings and pictures as spot network or fragments. The LCD has fluid precious stone fiber which is filled between the straightforward cathodes. At the point when the current passes between the anodes, the fibers become invigorated and produces obvious light.

Key Points Between LED and LCD 1. The LED is a PN intersection diode which produces obvious light when the forward predisposition applies across it. Though the LCD utilizes fluid fibers which are filled between glass anodes for the emanation of light.

2. The LED represents Light Emitting Diode though the LCD represents Liquid Crystal Display

3. The LCD utilizes cold cathode fluorescent light which gives the backdrop illumination of the screen, while the LED utilizes the PN-intersection diodes for showing the light. The backdrop illumination alludes to the turning on and off of the presentations for better vision.

4. The goal of the LED is obviously superior to that of LCD. The goal is the quantity of pixels on the showcase of the screen.

5. The presentation space of the LED is less when contrasted with the LCD since LED use PN-intersection diode which shows light just the one way, though, the LCD show lights in every one of the bearings.

6. The expense of the LED is more when contrasted with LCD.

7. The LED utilizes gallium arsenides which when warmed emanates light while LCD utilizes fluid precious stones which are empowered and gives light.

8. The exchanging season of the LED is less when contrasted with LCD. The exchanging time is the dynamic and deactivated season of their presentation.

9. The immediate current lessens the life expectancy of LCD though the LED has no impact on it.

10. The difference proportion of the LED is less when contrasted with the LCD. The differentiation proportion is the proportion of the luminance of the noticeable and more obscure light of the screen.

11. The LCD utilizes mercury which contaminates the conditions while the LED doesn't utilize mercury.

Advantages and Disadvantages(LCD) LCDs have many characteristics that have caused their demand to increase over the past several years. They are lightweight, aesthetically appealing, energy eff icient and long-term cost effective. Some of the disadvantages are that they are not suitable f or dimly lit applications, can require frequent adjustments throughout the day, have limited viewing angles, and their purchase cost is relatively expensive.

LCD Advantages


Produces very bright images due to high peak intensity. Very suitable for environments that are brightly lit .


Produce considerably lower electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields than CRTs.

Geometric Distortion

No geometric distortion at the native resolution. Minor distortion can occur for other resolutions.

Power Consumption

Energy efficient. Consume less than 1/3 the power of a comparable CRT. Consume less electricity than a CRT and produce little heat.

Physical Aspects

Take up about 40% less desk space. LCDs are thin and compact.

Screen Shape

Completely flat screen.


At the native resolution, the image is perfectly sharp. Adjustments are required at all other resolutions which can result in measurable degradationto the image. LCD Disadvantages

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio and resolution are fixed.


Not proficient at producing black and very dark grays. In a "standard" configuration, not appropriate for use in dimly lit and dark conditions.


Lower contrast than CRTs due to a poor black-level.

Color and Gray-Scale Accuracy

Color saturation is reduced at low intensity levels due to a poor black-level. Images are satisfactory, but not accurate due to problems with black-level, gray-scale and Gamma.


Considerably more expensive purchase price than comparable CRTs . (Cheaper lifetime cost: lasts about 13,000 - 15,000 more hours than a typical CRT.)


Have an irregular intensity scale and typically produce fewer than 256 discrete intensity levels. For some LCDs portions of the gray-scale may be dithered.

Motion Artifacts

Resolution Viewing Angle

Slow response times and scan rate conversion result in severe motion artifacts and image degradation for moving or rapidly changing images. Works best at the native resolution. The native resolution can not be changed. All other resolutions require adjusting procedures which cancause considerable deterioration of the image. Restricted viewing angles. Viewing angles affect the brightness, contrast and colors shown. Wide angles can lead to contrast and color reversal.

Advantages & Disadvantages of LED As the minimized rich light has begun to quickly supplant the maturing radiant light lately, an alternate kind of bulb is arising which will supplant them both. The light transmitting diode (LED) bulb has highlights that make it a superior innovation.

While the brilliant bulb creates light inside a vacuum and the reduced bright bulb does so ins-ide a cylinder, the LED is alluded to as strong state lighting. It's strong state since it utilizes strong matter, a semico-nductor, to produce light.

The semiconductor is made with both an emphatically and adversely charged component. The positive layer has s-shopping center openings for the free electrons from the negative

segment to go through. At the point when an electrical charge is applied to the semiconductor, a course of energized electrons going through the openings emanates a light.

The two superb benefits of LED lights are their truly long life and energy effectiveness. They just utilize very nearly one 10th as much power as customary bulbs and consequently offer gigantic monetary investment funds in energy costs and a diminished carbon impression. This really makes them both expense proficient and eco amicable.

Their strong state development and extremely low warmth outflows give them an any longer life expectancy. Driven lights enormously outlive even reduced rich bulbs and can without much of a stretch keep going for 10 years or more in typical use. This not simply saves money on the expense of the bulb, however it additionally saves time and substitution costs. Much more qualified to endure harsh taking care of and out of entryways conditions, a LED light could be depended on to work when required most.

Since they arrive at their full brilliance almost immediately and are really mercury free, LEDs clear a few principle issues that smaller bright light bulbs have (mercury substance and slack time in arriving at all out splendor).

Driven lights are intended to produce an extremely directional light so the light can be pointed precisely where it's required. Furthermore, their light is closer to the shade of sunlight, which exploration show assists individuals with remaining alarm.

Until late changes in the innovation, the development of the LED made a ton of the light be caught inside. This and the somewhat blue light they frequently discharged achieved a dimmer light that made LEDs ugly for home use.

LEDs are currently a lot more splendid however and may discharge precisely the same delicate, white light standard bulbs do. One disadvantage with LEDs that has not been addressed at this point is cost. While their influence reserve funds and truly long life mean LEDs are financially savvy and set aside cash in the long haul, they're probably not going to accomplish mass shopper acknowledgment until their costs come more in accordance with different sorts of bulbs. Despite the fact that their expenses are descending, LED lights are still nearly exorbitant.

When their costs descend more, LEDs are probably going to turn into the norm and rule lighting except if a more prominent innovation shows up.

Plasma Displays A plasma show is a PC video show in which every pixel on the screen is enlightened by a smidgen of plasma or charged gas, to some degree like a little neon light. Plasma shows are more slender than cathode beam tube ( CRT ) shows and more brilliant than fluid gem shows ( LCD ). Plasma shows are here and there advertised as "dainty board" shows and can be utilized to show either simple video signals or show modes computerized PC input.

Refresh Rate of Plasma Plasma Displays are worked with 10 sub-field show boards. Each sub-field is revived at a 60 Hz rate.

Power The plasma that enlightens the screen can arrive at a temperature of at any rate 1200 ° C (2200 ° F). Ordinary force utilization is 400 watts for a 127 cm (50 in) screen.

Resolution Current HDTV plasma TVs generally have a goal of 1,024× 768 found on numerous 42 inch plasma screens, 1280× 768, 1,366× 768 found on 50 in, 60 in, and 65 in plasma screens, or 1920× × 1080 found in plasma screen sizes from 42 inch to 103 inch.

Advantages of Plasma Displays Advantages of Plasma Displays are as under:

1. Better than CRT displays A critical benefit of plasma display is that it has a larger number of pixels per inch than shows dependent on cathode-beam cylinder or CRT displays. This benefit means explicit advantages like more honed picture, support for better quality, and greater or more extensive screen alternative.

2. More Compact than CRT Also, when contrasted with a CRT, another benefit of plasma display is that it is less massive or more minimal. Note that CRT show innovation is reliant on size. A more extensive screen requires a greater cylinder. This likewise implies that a CRT burns-through more floor spaces than a plasma display.

3. Better Contrast Ratios Benefit of plasma display has further blacks than CRT display, curved nematic or TN LCD boards, and most IPS LCD boards. This benefit implies that it has better difference proportions. In any case, among current presentation advances, OLEDs have further blacks and in this way, predominant difference proportion.

Disadvantages of Plasma Displays 1. Susceptibility to Degradation:

A basic disservice of plasma display boards is that they experience the ill effects of screen consume in and picture maintenance. This limit makes PDPs unsatisfactory for showing static pictures. Prior ages of PDPs additionally experiences iridescence debasement that outcomes in a slow decrease in their supreme splendor level.

2. Flickering Effects: Contingent upon the quality or the principles of the producer, some plasma displays likewise experience the ill effects of perceptible glints with different shades, powers, and examples. The wonder is ascribed to the bistable idea of the tone being delivered and the technique for producing power.

3. Higher Power Consumption: Another detriment of plasma displays is that they burn-through more force and creates higher power cost comparative with LCD boards that utilization LED backdrop illuminations. Normal PDPs utilize 138 watts while correspondingly measured and more current energy productive models of LCDs utilize 91.5 watts. Picking LCDs over plasma showcases can create 34% of energy saving. OLED boards give better energy productivity.

LTPS(Low-Temperature PolySilicon) LTPS represents Low-Temperature PolySilicon. This sort of display gives a quicker and more incorporated showcase contrasted with a standard LCD. The LTPS display gives a superior picture quality to the client and a few group believe it to be all the more consistent with life.

Size Of LTPS LTPS (Low Temperature Poly-Silicon) is a silicon-based material comprised of various silicon precious stones among 0.1 and a few microns in size.

Power Of LTPS It gives bigger picture densities and is likewise lower on power utilization as it doesn't illuminate each pixel independently.

Referesh Rate Of LTPS

A pixel circuit and a door driver on cluster for light‐ emitting show are introduced. By all the while using top‐‐ gate n‐type oxide and p‐type low‐temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) thin‐‐ film semiconductors (TFTs), the circuits give high revive rate and low force utilization.

Resolution Of LTPS TFTs (= flimsy film semiconductors) utilized in a TFT LCD are made of silicon as semiconductor material. It is, notwithstanding, exceptionally hard to create crystaline silicon onto glass, and just shapeless silicon (a-Si) could be manufactured previously. Since electron's versatility in a-Si is low to drive TFT quick, there are constraints to pixel thickness of presentations.

Interestingly, a low temperature poly-silicon (LTPS) TFT LCD, arranged by framing polycrystalline silicon on a glass substrate at moderately low temperatures, accomplishes high transporter versatility in TFT. Subsequently, LTPS TFT LCD understands a high goal and high thickness display that can't be accomplished with a-Si by coordinating piece of the showcase drive hardware on the glass substrate. JDI has created LTPS shows, and has presented one of the world's most elevated thickness display models.

Advantages Of LTPS Following are the advantages of LTPS:

1. Better and Faster Electron Flow A prominent benefit of LTPS LCD is that it has bigger and more uniform grains of polysilicon. Note that a-Si LCD has arbitrary estimated grains. Consequently, in low-temperature polysilicon, electrons stream multiple times quicker than in shapeless silicon. IGZO, then again, has 30 to multiple times more electron portability than a-SI. Subsequently, it is in such manner that LTPS remains intrinsically better compared to both indistinct silicon and indium gallium zinc oxide.

2. Higher Pixel Density The quicker electron stream or better electron versatility makes an interpretation of further to higher goals and quicker pixel reaction time. Henceforth, makers can create LCDs with higher pixel thickness with low-temperature polysilicon than a-SI while improving the invigorate paces of cutting edge LCD advances, for example, in-plane exchanging or IPS LCD.

3. More Efficient Power Consumption It is additionally the most energy proficient, with IGZO positioning in second and a-Si in third. This force effectiveness comes from its unrivaled electron versatility, just as from the way that the quantity of segments in the LCD module can be diminished by up to 40 percent by incorporating line or section drivers onto the glass substrate.

Disadvantages of LTPS Following are the disadvantages of LTPS:

1. Manufacturing Issues Two of the significant disadvantages of LTPS is that it has a muddled assembling measure and higher material expenses than a-Si. Along these lines, backplane innovation dependent on this material is more costly to deliver. A 1080p low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD would cost around 12 to 14 percent in excess of a shapeless silicon TFT LCD.

2. Faster Degradation Rate Another impediment is that LCDs dependent on this innovation have a more limited life expectancy than those dependent on a-Si and IGZO. The nature of LTPS LCD diminishes over the long run because of overheating. Note that turning semiconductors on produces heat. Low-temperature polysilicon is defenseless to overheating. High temperature corrupts the whole slight film semiconductor by breaking the silicon-hydrogen bonds on the material.

ELD(Electroluminescent Displays) Electroluminescent Displays (ELDs) are a kind of Flat board show made by sandwiching a layer of electroluminescent material like GaAs between two layers of conductors. At the point when current streams, the layer of material produces radiation as noticeable light. Electroluminescence (EL) is an optical and electrical marvel where a material transmits light because of an electric flow went through it, or to a solid electric

Size Of ELD The ITO layer is somewhere in the range of 120 and 350nm in thickness (2). On top of the ITO a lower encasing (200nm) is saved. The light discharging phosphor (4) is ordinarily 200 – 1000nm in thickness and sandwiched between two protecting movies (3, 5)

Power Of ELD

In these sorts of showcases, utilizing electric flow the molecules will be invigorated to an excitation condition which results inside radiation being created in the obvious light structure. ... The fundamental element of this showcase is, it gives an unmistakable, wide review point and a sharp picture.

Resolution Of ELD Electroluminescent Display Triples Brightness To 150 Candelas/m2. ... The showcase, estimating 8.5 in. askew, conveys QVGA (320-by-240) pixel goal.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of ELD The advantages and disadvantages of electroluminescent display technology include the following: 1. It is Compact and Thin.

2. It's Writing speed is acceptable.

3. It very well may be worked with Low-voltage.

4. It's Efficiency is low

5. It's Cost is high.

6. It has high-voltage drivers

FED(Field-Emission Display) A field-discharge show (FED) is a level board display innovation that utilizes enormous region field electron emanation sources to give electrons that strike shaded phosphor to create a shading picture.

Size Of FED The screen size is 66× 66 mm and a pixel size is 3 (RGB) × 2.54 mm. Shown colors rely upon phosphors imprinted on the anode, viz., ZnS:Cu, Al for green, Y2O3:Eu for red, and ZnS:Ag for blue.

Referesh Rate Of FED Taken care of is slight, not exactly an inch so we can hang them effectively on dividers like a representation and proficient to offer 20,000-to-one differentiation and can streak 240 pictures each second twice as numerous as the quickest HDTVs on the lookout.

Resolution Of FED FEDs are required...

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