IWBS001 Subject Outlines PDF

Title IWBS001 Subject Outlines
Author juwan juwan
Course Web Systems
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 13
File Size 451.2 KB
File Type PDF
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subject outlines of web system...


IWBS001 Web Systems Semester 3 2018

Subject Coordinator: James Hu Email: [email protected]


Subject information SUBJECT DESCRIPTION In this subject, you will develop the skills of using computer as a tool for information processing and transfer over the Internet. The core of this activity is learning Unix, the operating system which supports the majority of web applications. After understanding the operating system as the steering mechanism, you will learn and develop the knowledge and skills of developing web pages and web sites. The underlying hardware, the principles of number systems and web services and security will also be investigated.

CONTENT The content is structured into 11 weekly lectures and lecture/tutorial sessions covering the following topics:  Computer science o Information representation o Number systems o Storage and processing of information  Distributed computing environment o The Internet infrastructure o Network services  Operating systems and Unix o Introduction to operating systems o Unix file system o Unix working environment o Unix shell scripting  The Web and human interactions o HTML and web pages o Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) o Web site development and implementation  Web services and security

CONTRIBUTION TO PROGRAM This subject introduces computers as a component of the Internet. This enables students to understand the main components of a computer system and the use of a computer in a distributed environment. Students will be able to develop scripting skills required in later subjects, such as using the command line interface of UNIX and developing web sites. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES



A. IT Knowledge and Concepts

A1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills to gain advanced standing into further higher education study in information technology

a, b, c, d, f

A. IT Knowledge and Concepts

A2. Apply systems thinking to understand complex system behaviour including interactions between components and with other systems

a, c, e


A. IT Knowledge and Concepts

A3. Develop the right combination of domain knowledge and hands-on expertise to deal with an organisation’s information technology infrastructure and stakeholders

c, d, e

B. Analytical Skills, Critical Thinking, and Creativity

B1. Learn new skills and relate learning to reallife situations

b, c, d, e

B. Analytical Skills, Critical Thinking, and Creativity

B2. Apply critical and analytical skills, and creative thinking to the process of problem identification, problem solving and design

d, e

D. Attitudes and Values

D1. Develop effective learning skills and be capable of self-reflection and independent learning

c, e

D. Attitudes and Values

D2. Explore values and attitudes in the area of social responsibility and professional ethics, and to explore global


E. Practical and Professional Skills

E1. Integrate basic knowledge, presentation and skills required for successful professional practice

c, d, e

PLOs: Program Learning Outcomes SLOs: Subject Learning Outcomes

TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES BYOD BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE UTS:Insearch has a blended learning approach to learning and teaching where students learn through seamless integration of technology-enhanced strategies and face-to-face activities, characterised by the best features of interaction within a subject. The blended learning approach requires you to use your own devices (smart phones, tablets and/or laptops that can be connected to UTS:Insearch Wi-Fi) to access learning resources and to participate and complete class activities. As part of your studies we encourage you to bring your own device (BYOD) to your classes so you can use apps that will support your learning. You will also be able to use your device at home to access learning resources. You will not be required to purchase apps, and all apps used by UTS:Insearch are available on iOS and Android.

Learning experiences include lectures and tutorial sessions. Students are required to integrate theory and practice and to achieve a progressive level of understanding the topic concepts and being able to complete the required tasks, which will be introduced in the tutorial exercises, then further developed and completed through personal study. Learning activities culminate in the visual, practical and written presentations of assessment works.


The lectures are delivered within two-hours, will involve subject overviews, theory and content. They will be supported by visual material such as slides, videos, etc. Students will be required to actively participate in these lectures by joining some Nearpod quizzes and answering questions.



Each of these sessions will firstly introduce some practical skills with demonstration and examples. Then students will have opportunity to complete tutorial exercises. The aim of the tutorial exercises is to develop problem solving and practical skills and especially develop students’ abilities to apply the relevant theory and skills. Tutor assistance is provided in classes and peer to peer learning is encouraged. Discussions and exercises will be conducted by individuals, in learning groups, and between the whole groups. The methods presented in the lectures are reinforced through practice problems in the tutorials. The practice problems are designed to develop your understanding of the course material and some of them are assessed. The tutorials allow you to seek guidance and formative feedback as necessary. Lecture/Tutorials are conducted in computer laboratories. Students undertake various exercises that gradually build their skills levels. Students will have plenty of opportunity to practice and be assisted to the point where they can understand and complete the required tasks.


11 x 1 hour Lectures

11 x 3 hour Lecture/Tutorials


4-6 hours per week


8-10 hours per week

SUBJECT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the completion of this subject students are expected to be able to: a. Identify and explain the role and functions of main components of a computer system. b. Convert numbers between decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal systems. c.

Manipulate various operating activities using UNIX, such as information processing, file management and memory management.

d. Write simple Unix shell script programs. e. Design and implement web pages using HTML and CSS. f.

Identify various web services and their tools and explain the concepts and methods of web security.







Tutorial exercises and class participation


a, b, c, d, e, f

In lectures and tutorials

This assessment is designed to encourage students to pay attention to contents delivered in lectures and tutorials. Further Information

Participation in lecture Nearpod quizzes and completion of selected tutorial exercises and quizzes. GRADING CRITERIA





Participation in Nearpod quizzes in lectures


a, c, e, f

A2, D2


Completion of selected tutorial exercises


c, d, e

B1, E1


Tutorial quizzes on UTSOnline


A, b, c, e

A1, B1, B2, D1







b, c, e

Tutorial classes in weeks 3-11

Three assignments including number conversions, UNIX operations, and web site/pages design and implementation

Further Information (a brief description on the task and how and when assessment feedbacks will be provided) CRITERIA




Number conversions and Boolean operations





Unix operations





Design and implementation of web pages








Mid-Semester Practical Test


a, b, c

Tutorials in week 6

This will test your knowledge of computer science, distributed computing and Internet and operating system concepts, and your skills of Unix operating activities of creating and managing files Further Information





Understand the contents covered in weeks 1-5



a, b



Identify computer components and functions and convert numbers


a, b



Basic operations on Unix system








Final Exam


a, c, d, e, f

Final Exam period

Two hour invigilated close book examination covering all the subject topics from the semester. It consists of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, UNIX shell scripting, and HTML and CSS questions. The exact time and place will be advertised on the student intranet Further Information





Understanding the subject contents


a, c, e, f



Critical thinking and problem solving


c, d, e



Assessment descriptions may be given during class and/or posted on UTSonline or estudent. These descriptions may include a detailed breakdown of tasks, deadlines, interim deadlines, submission requirements and assessment criteria. Please refer to these descriptions for detailed information, as the above listing is a summary only.

SUBMISSIONS AND LATE PENALTY Assignments are submitted at the beginning of class unless specified otherwise. Assignments must be accompanied by a cover sheet. Late submission of assessment items is only acceptable in exceptional circumstances and by arrangement with the Subject Coordinator prior to the due date of that assessment event. Late submissions will attract a penalty of one grade level of the assessment event and this penalty will continue to be deducted for each two days (or part thereof) the assessment is late. Special consideration is only considered for serious medical reasons or when unavoidable or unforeseen circumstances have prevented you from submitting an assignment. If you wish to apply for special consideration you should make an appointment with an Academic Adviser to discuss your case. A full copy of the Academic Policies is available online at: https://student.insearch.edu.au/Home/Policies---Procedures/Policies-and-Procedures.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY You are expected to follow the highest standards of academic integrity. This assumes among other things, that you do your own work and that you acknowledge all the sources you have used in completing an assignment.


Academic misconduct is defined as an attempt to present other people’s work as your own or in any way to mislead your lecturers and tutors regarding your ability in relation to the subject assessments. Any of the following is academic misconduct unless the source of the material used is acknowledged: copying, paraphrasing or summarizing all or part of any document (including written, audio, visual and computer-based material); using somebody else’s ideas, results or conclusions without acknowledgement; and presenting work as your own when it has been prepared by or with someone else. Students are only permitted to take authorised material into test or examination rooms. If academic staff members at Insearch become aware of any evidence of academic misconduct, they will report it to the Student Conduct Committee. A full copy of the Academic Misconduct Policy is available online at: https://student.insearch.edu.au/Home/Policies---Procedures/AcademicMisconduct-Policy/Academic-Misconduct-Policy.

ETHICS CONSENT AT INSEARCH It is a requirement of Insearch that all assessment work and projects involving human subjects be conducted in accordance with the Ethics Consent at Insearch Guidelines. A copy of the guidelines document is available online at: https://student.insearch.edu.au/secure/info/Policy.asp

COPYRIGHT AND PRIVACY ISSUES Copyright means that whoever has created a new work, owns that work. Copyright safeguards what writers, artists, designers, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have created. Reproducing or making use of the entire or even part of any text, creative work and/ or audio-visual or computer-based item, without first asking permission from its creator, may be a breach of the Copyright Act (1968 amended 2000 to include Digital Works) and/ or the Privacy Act (1988).

You need to take care in reproducing ANY material including books, poems, music, lyrics, film and TV footage, photographs, graphics, art works, or brand names as you could be in contravention of the Copyright or Privacy Acts. For further information on copyright in general go to: www.copyright.org.au


Satisfactory attendance is a requirement for the successful completion of this program. Attendance means arriving on time and staying until the class finishes. You are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of all classes. You must attend each specific class you are enrolled in. If you want to change a class you must get permission from the Insearch Student Centre. Personal reasons such as weddings, holidays, sports or hobbies are not acceptable reasons for missing classes. These need to be arranged outside of scheduled class time. If you are unable to attend class for an acceptable reason (e.g. due to illness or misadventure), you should present documentary evidence to the Insearch Student Centre on your first day back at Insearch. Documentary evidence may include a statement from a hospital, a police report, a report from a doctor, or, in the case of a death in the family, a death certificate. These documents are essential if you ask for special consideration (e.g. if your absence affects your performance in an assessment). If your attendance is at risk of falling below 80%, you should discuss your situation with an Academic Adviser.



STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS If you are a student who has a disability or ongoing medical condition that requires support services you are encouraged to contact the Academic Advisers (AdvisersDiploma@ insearch.edu.au) for a confidential interview. Supporting documentation regarding your disability or ongoing medical condition is required if you wish to apply for assessment adjustments, including alternative assessment conditions.

INSEARCH ACADEMIC ADVISERS The team of Academic Advisers can be found on Level 4, 187 Thomas Street. They will offer you help with personal problems; time management; academic performance and GPA information, understanding Insearch policies and procedures; catching up if you get behind in your studies, stress and anxiety. The Academic Advisers are available by appointment from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday on Level 4 of the Blue Building. Check the Student Extranet for details (https://student.insearch.edu.au/Education-Staff/Academic-Advisers/Academic-Advisers) or email: [email protected]

LEARNING ASSISTANCE SESSIONS Learning Assistance Sessions are additional sessions where you can get individual help from a tutor. All classes are weekly “drop-ins”, no booking is required, there is no charge and you can come as many times as you like. The Learning Assistance Sessions commence in Week 3 - come along with any study problems you need assistance with. You can come on your own or with a small group of fellow students. Stay for 5 minutes or the whole 1.5 hours; it’s up to you.

STUDENT SERVICES UNIT/COUNSELING UTS Student Services provides a range of free and confidential professional services to support different aspects of your life and learning at Insearch (www.ssu.uts.edu.au). These services include counseling for personal and learning problems or issues. If you are experiencing difficulties with your overall study program, for whatever reason, phone 9514 1177 (UTS City campus).



This subject outline

UTSOnline for this subject

The Student Extranet

Insearch eStudent (especially for results)

The UTS library website .

These sources cover many commonly asked questions about assessment requirements, due dates, and other sources of support available to you.

These sources cover many commonly asked questions about assessment requirements, due dates, and other sources of support available to you.


Ask your tutor during your tutorial. If you wish to discuss your questions or need further help with understanding concepts in the subject, please see your Tutor during tutorials, or in your Tutor’s consultation hours. Otherwise, use your UTSOnline Tutorial Group discussion boards as appropriate.

Attend the Learning Assistance Session. Learning assistance sessions are additional classes where you can get help from a tutor. All classes are weekly "drop-ins”. No booking is required and there is no charge. Learning assistance session times are listed on the student intranet (see “Help with Study”).

Check the Frequently asked questions forum for this subject on UTS-Online. If your question has not already been asked and answered, post it in the forum and it will typically be responded to within two working days during semester time.

Contact the Subject Coordinator. The Subject Coordinator’s consultation hours are listed below. If you are unable to attend a consultation, you many contact the Subject Coordinator via email to ask a question or request a consultation at another time. When contacting Insearch staff, you must use your UTS email account. In the email, include your details (your name, student number, and subject and class details) and a brief message. You will typically receive a reply within two working days.

If you have tried all of the above, and you still have a question, contact the Program Manager, Dr Matthew Holt, email [email protected]

Please use your UTS accounts which you can access from your home computer. Remember to check your email daily for announcements or variations to the subject, dates and class times or reminders.


Subject Coordinator


Office / Consultation

James Hu

[email protected]

Email or by appointment

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