Journal 2 PDF

Title Journal 2
Course Current Issues in Personal and Community Health
Institution Concordia University
Pages 2
File Size 44.8 KB
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Mandatory Journal Log Activity...


Keeping active and doing exercise is one of the pillars of recommendations for maintaining health. Some of you have gym memberships which you actually use, some do exercise without going to the gym, and some do not exercise at all. The general recommendations for adults is 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise at least 5 days of the week . Is this something that you could or would fit into your busy student life, understanding that exercise is a sort of preventive medicine for the rest of your life? If you are not interested in exercising in any way, what are the factors that hold you back--lack of motivation, lack of time or funds or knowledge, not used to exercise, injury, weather,etc.

I have a membership with Concordia’s school gym. I always try my best to sign up for a gym membership wherever I move as being physically active is very important for me. Exercise is a sort of preventive medicine for the rest of your life and that is one factor I wanted to make sure I continue practicing as much as possible wherever I am. It gets difficult while being a full-time student and maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. As the semester starts it is easy to build the gym routine however as time passes and deeper we get into the weeks, it gets extremely difficult to hit that weekly goal. Going to gym thrice a week and spending an hour is my weekly goal. When the school pressure gets too difficult to handle that is when I get a lack of motivation to be physically active. After a long day of school work, it gets very hard to motivate oneself to push to go to the gym but one way I try to tackle this is by having a workout partner. This way I am motivated to go and be physically active. Finally, the weather is one factor that makes it difficult to reach my weekly goal. During the winter times, I personally get highly demotivated due to bad weather conditions and streets. Through times like this having a workout buddy really helps in motivating oneself.

Many of you have expressed difficulty with time management, since there are so many pieces of your life that you have to juggle--school, study time, time with family friends, work, exercise, sleep, etc. Do you have a good handle already in managing your time? What works for you? How did you acquire good time management skills? If you struggle with time management, after hearing more about Time Management & Procrastination, has this presentation helped you look at your time management differently--using the criterion of importance to decide on priorities, instead of the urgency of the task? Will you be able to apply what you heard to help manage your tasks in a more efficient way? Please note that workshops are available with the Student Success Centre at various times and about various topics during the term. Go to to see how the centre can help you become a more successful student.

Time management is one aspect of life I always have to work on and improve due to the fact that our lives have been compartmentalized into many things. From school to study time and balancing between friends and family, there is only 24 hours available to fit sleeping, eating and exercising all in one day. What works best in my case is by having an agenda/planner. If I am able to visualize my daily activities on paper, I will be able to plan out my week accordingly. Back in college we had to do a workshop on time management and that is where I was able to acquire my skill of visually jotting down all the things to do and plan it out in a way all tasks are doable in a timely manner. I was not able to participate in the class lecture as I missed the first two weeks of school, however from lecture notes one thing I found very useful was using the criteria of importance to decide on the level of priorities of task rather than just the urgency of it. This way I am able to clearly decide for example on which task to focus on: assignment that is due in two days but has only 2% weighted overall compared to an assignment due in five days but has almost 20% of total marks....

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