Journal 7 - Analyzes the jesuit values of the company and internship work PDF

Title Journal 7 - Analyzes the jesuit values of the company and internship work
Course Communication Internships
Institution Creighton University
Pages 2
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Analyzes the jesuit values of the company and internship work...


Journal-reflection 7 should center on applying Jesuit values to your workplace by considering 1 or more of the following questions: Which Jesuit values do you see present in your workplace? How are they enacted? Which of the Jesuit values could enhance your workplace if incorporated into organizational practice? Which of the Jesuit values are missing from your workplace? Is there an inherent conflict between the values and other organizational goals? Which of the Jesuit values do you hold most dear and why? How will you, as a graduate of this particular program, add value to your organization in a way that is distinct from graduates of other programs? How can you, as a graduate of this Jesuit institution, “sell” the Jesuit distinctive as a candidate for graduate or professional school, future employment, or promotion (especially to people who aren't familiar with Jesuit education or Creighton)? To help get you started, take a look at the departmental mission statement (see the front of every syllabus), the CU mission statement ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), and the Characteristics of a Jesuit Education ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). As always, each reflection should be written as if it were a short paper; in other words, there should be a preview that includes the question you are addressing, and a review that summarizes. The professionalism of this writing will be considered; typos and grammatical errors will be deducted.

Reflecting back on the Jesuit values, I never saw them as something a non-parochial organization could exemplify, but rather values I can find and manifest within myself and in other religious organizations. If I hold these values, I could see it as bringing these values into my workplace, which I definitely thinks separates me from other candidates for a job, but the more I thought about the Jesuit values, the more I could creatively think about the ways in which my organization Fontenelle Forest incorporates some values to a certain degree. My mentor Molly went to Creighton, her mother teaches at Creighton, and lived and worked with Jesuits all around the world. Recently, she had told me about a horrific event where she and the Jesuits had to leave a church in a foreign country, because their safety was at risk. They were protecting refugees in the church, and one Jesuit decided to stay to protect the people, and the day after Molly and the others had left, the Jesuit who had stayed walked out of the church and was shot right in front of it. This story stuck with me, because even in a non-religious organization, I was able to connect with a person that shares the same views as me, and sharing stories such as these allowed for a deeper relationship to be formed. Reflecting further, I can see that the mission and values of the Forest are reflective of the Jesuit values in some sort of way. AMDG, for the greater glory of God, is a Jesuit value that I see in the mission of the

Forest. God has love for everything and everyone as he is the ultimate creator, and the programs that the Forest offers helps in embracing the nature that God has given us. When I met with the land stewardship team, I learned that biologist research areas in the forest in order to create in action plan in upkeeping of the land. Prescribed fires, and planting seeds helps maintain a visitor friendly atmosphere, but these things have been studied and predicted in a restoration plan that will last for hundreds of years. One of the goals of land stewardship is to restore the oak trees and to eliminate indigenous plants. All of these pieces come together to enhance the natural beauty of the nature that God has created. The forest holds itself accountable for educating all people about the environment and local history. When helping release a bald eagle back into the wild, I got to spend a lot of time with the people who had founded the raptor recovery programs in Nebraska and helped this eagle recover from lead poisoning. Theri passion for raptors was an evidently similar to the Jesuit value of men and women for and with others especially in this case where they seek justice for those hunters who use lead ammunition which is often fatal to animals in surrounding habitats. Throughout this internship, I have grown to identify with the unity of heart, mind and soul Jesuit value. I’ve had real jobs in the past, but this internship experience helped me develop as a whole person by being the first job me that gave me the opportunity to put the skills and knowledge I have learned within these past four years and apply it. I call myself “a tourist of nature,” so getting to intern in a marketing position at a forest was the perfect combination of integrating the development of my professional skills with my heart and soul into the project. In the past couple of months, I have learned so much about raptors that I have found myself also talking about alternative ways for hunters and fishers to use materials that will help save the environment. As I became aware of the ethical issues of using lead bullets and sinkers, I found myself really caring for these raptors. The footage I took of an eagle who had survived lead poisoning went viral with over 53k views, and supplemental articles written with my photos and videos in the world herald on and on the local broadcasted news, I felt that I became an agent of change. Just as I was unaware of the dangers of lead poisoning, I think that the coverage this story had will be received well, and I know that there will be hunters and fishers who make the switch to safer alternatives....

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