Journey to the Seed Quotes PDF

Title Journey to the Seed Quotes
Author Kayla Harris
Course Intro to World Literature
Institution Angelo State University
Pages 3
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Interpretations of quotes from Journey to the Seed...


Kayla Harris Dr. Gates Intro to World Lit 13 February 2019 Journey to the Seed Quotes 1. The nt hedar ko l dmanwhohadno tmo v e df r o mt hatpl ac e ,ges t ur e d s t r ange l yandwa ve dhi ss t i c ko ve rac e me t e r yo ft i l e s . a. This is an element of magical realism because before, the old man described the old broken home in its decaying form. The old man magically waves his stick, and the house starts to return to its natural glory. 2. Thebl ac kandwhi t emar bl es quar e sfle w bac kandc o ve r e dt heflo or sagai n. Wi t hs ur el e aps ,s t o ne sc l o s e dt hegapsi nt hebat t l e me nt s .Thewal nut pane l s ,gar ni s hedwi t hnai l s ,fit t e dt he ms e l ve si nt ot he i rf r ame swhi l s t ,wi t h r api dr o t at i o ns ,t hes c r e wso ft hehi nge sbur i e dt he ms e l ve si nt he i rho l e s . a. The old building which was decaying in chapter 1 is now restoring to its original beauty. Magical realism is also elicited in this quote because the squares flew and the stones leap and the nails return to their holes in the wall. Personification is illustrated through the author's diction. 3. Thec andl e sgr e ws l o wl yandl o s tt he i rbeadso fs we at . a. This shows how time is reversing because the candles are growing and losing their beads of sweat as if they have never been burnt. 4. Hi ss i gnat ur ehadbe t r aye dhi m,ge t t i ngi nvo l ve dwi t hkno t sandt angl e so f par c hme nt s .Bo undbyi t ,t hemano ffle s hbe c ameamano fpape r .

a. This is an example of magical realism because his signature betrayed him and caused him to become a man of paper. His signature imprisoned him and turned him to paper. This can also be seen as a metaphor. 5. Thepal mt r e e sl o s ts o mer i ngs . a. Trees grow rings with each passing year, so for a tree to lose some of its rings mean years of time reversal have taken place. 6. …Mar c i alhadt hes t r anges e ns at i o nt hatal lt hec l o c ksi nt hehous ewe r e s t r i ki ngfiv e ,t henhal f pas tf o ur ,t he nhal f pas tt hr e e . a. The rewinding of a clock and of time is an obvious sign of time reversal. This is a clear illustration of how fast the time reversal is taken place in this story. 7. Af t e rpas s i nghi se xami nat i o nsi ndi ffer e nt l y ,hebe gant of r e quentt he c l oi s t e r swhe r eheunde r s t o o dl e s sandl e s so ft het e ac he r s ’ expl anat i o ns .The wo r l do fi de aswass l o wl ybec o mi ngempt y . a. By not understanding the teacher's lessons more and more means he was not taught these lessons and forgets about them. This quote elicits time reversal not only in the statement itself but also its placement in the story. 8.Henol o nge rne e de dt obe ndhi sl e gswhe nhel a ydo wnatt hebo t t o mo ft he bat ht ubwhi c hhadmar bl er i ngs . a.Thi ss ho wsho w hi sbo dyi sc hangi ngf r o m anadul tt omo r eo fac hi l d. Fo rhedo e sno thav et obe ndhi sknee st ol aydo wni nt hebat ht ub, r e pr e s e nt i ngs ho r tl e gsc o mpar edt oaf ul lgr o wnmanwhowi l lhave l o ngde v e l o pe dl egs . 9. Hes t o l es we e t sf r o mt heki t c he n.

a. This act is more child-like and shows the time reversal taken place in the story. The “old” man would not have to steal sweets from the kitchen, afraid of being caught if he owned his own house and bought his food. 10. Bo t ho ft he m us e dt oeate ar t h,r o l li nt hes un,dr i nkf r o mt hefis hpo ndand l o o kf o rs hadeandpe r f umeunde rt hes wee tbas i l . a. This quote illustrates the time reversal and the age of the main character at this point in the story. These are childish actions endured with his childhood friend, both enjoying time outside. 11. .Hedi dno tkno w hi sname . a. For the main character to not know his name illustrates a child at a very young age, either newborn or in the womb. 12. Hewasat o t al l ys e nt i e ntandt ac t i l ebe i ng . a. This quote further explains my reason for the main character being in the womb at this point in the story because the main character only uses his sense of touch to decipher unfamiliar objects. 13. The nhec l o s edhi se ye swhi c ho nl ype r c ei v edne bul o usgi ant sandpe ne t r at e d i nt oawar m,dampbo dyf ul lofs hado wsi nwhi c hhedi e d. a. Again, this furthers my explanation of the main characters age at this point in the

story. For an old man to travel back to when he is a fetus, the term “died” means he had not begun his fetal growth....

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