Jus 101 module 4 - mod 4 assigment for jus 101 PDF

Title Jus 101 module 4 - mod 4 assigment for jus 101
Author joselyn henry
Course Introduction to Criminal Justice
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 79 KB
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mod 4 assigment for jus 101...


Joselyn Henry 9/30/2020 SNHU/JUS101 4-1 milestone 2

As technology evolves, criminal justice organizations need to be on the cutting edge of

what is available to aid them in their investigations. In this part of the career investigation, you will need to think about the use of emerging technology in some scenarios involving each of the criminal justice branches to see which of the branches utilizes technology that interests you the most. a) A police officer is assigned to conduct a burglary investigation. He describes the scene and says they found drops of blood, a hammer, shoeprints, and a handprint. What types of technology are available for him, and how does the technology impact his ability to conduct a thorough investigation? As for this scenario I would say this police officer would have access to CSI or crime scene investigators that would help process the scene. CSI have a wide variety of tools at their disposal such as the use of digital photography to help document and preserve the scene. After pictures were taken the hammer would be bagged in an evidence bag to be taken to a lab so it could be dusted for fingerprints and tested for blood and anything else that left a trace. The footprint would have been taken pictures of then they could do something like a gel print or electrostatic lift to get the impression. They might also take a swab before hand to see if there was any trace transfer. Samples of the blood would be taken for analysis. CSI would have lots of other things to help make sure the scene was processed thoroughly such as powders and things and ultraviolet lights to check for more blood or evidence of a cleanup. The lab would process all of this. b) A prison guard is assigned to the visitors’ entrance at the prison. What types of technology are available to him, and how does the technology impact his ability to prevent visitors from

Joselyn Henry 9/30/2020 SNHU/JUS101 4-1 milestone 2 smuggling in contraband? For this scenario I would say the prison guard would have a list of prescreened visitors allowed to see certain inmates, because each person should be vetted before being allowed to enter the prison. Some prisons have metal detectors like at the airports and some are getting even newer technology like full body x ray machines to make sure no one is smuggling in weapons, drugs or anything else. Some prisons have drones and guard that walk the outside grounds to make sure that visitors do not purposely drop contraband outside the fence or gates for inmates. I have also heard that some prisons will offer video visitation to help combat this problem. c) A probation officer has been told that due to overcrowding in the state prison, nonviolent offenders will be released and put on probation. What types of technology are available to her, and how does the technology impact her ability to maintain contact with these probationers? Depending the crime committed and the lengths needed to make sure you know where a person is. The P.O would have access to GPs enabled tracking devices such as anklets that would provide an accurate and updated location of the person. They also have a data base that lists where the person is staying and whom they are staying with and addresses. If a person does not show up to a meeting they are normally turned over to the police for probation skipping. d) Select one court case where the use of technology was a driving factor and discuss the impact of that case in reshaping the role of the law enforcement practitioner. Choose one of the three cases below to complete critical element D. You will use this same case study when submitting your final project:  United States v. Jones, 132 S. Ct. 945, 565 U.S. (2012) https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/10-1259

Joselyn Henry 9/30/2020 SNHU/JUS101 4-1 milestone 2  Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001) https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/533/27/case.html  United States v. White, 401 U.S. 745 (1971) https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/401/745/ The case that I’m using would be kyllo V. United states. The technology being used was that of thermal imaging. The thermal imaging was used to obtain heat reading and measurements. That then were used to prove that heating lamps were in fact being used to grow marijuana. This technology was then used to make rulings in the court. e) Based on the differences in available and emerging technology in each of the branches, which career path uses technology that you have the most interest in learning and utilizing, and why? To be honest I would be ecstatic to be able to work with or help or even use the equipment the CSI uses. Its so fascinating. All the advances we have in technology that let us catch the bad guys or at least aid in the investigation....

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