Kaplan Pharmacology A kaplan PDF

Title Kaplan Pharmacology A kaplan
Author Lindsey Downie
Course Pharmacology For Nurses
Institution SUNY Plattsburgh
Pages 6
File Size 59 KB
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Kaplan pharmacology a The nurse knows disulfiram is most likely prescribed for which client? 4. The client abusing alcohol Disulfiram causes flushing, sweating, throbbing headache, tachycardia, respiratory distress and nausea and vomiting in the presence of alcohol. The nurse did instruct the client to avoid food, medications and skin preparations that contain alcohol.

The nurse counsels a client prescribed cromolyn to treat bilateral conjunctivitis. The nurse intervenes at the client makes which statement? 2. "I put the drops in after I put my contact lens in " The client should not wear contact lens using this medication. The infection may take several days to clear so the nurse may need to emphasize this teaching.

A client reports multiple watery bowel movements after returning from an overseas trip and receiving Loperamide. It is most important for the nurse to follow-up on which client statement? 3. "My temperature is 101.2 °F. " To signs that should prompt the client to contact the healthcare provider artery fever over 101 °F and the presence of blood noted in the stools. A bacterial or parasitic cause of diarrhea should be ruled out. A client diagnosed with depression is scheduled to begin ECT treatments. Is most important for the nurse to notify the healthcare provider about which information? 1. The client is being treated for glaucoma. An anticholinergic medication such as atropine or glycopyrrolate is a first medication given before ECT is administered. The purpose is to decrease secretions and lessen the bradycardia dysrhythmias. Anticholinergic medications have my dramatic pupil dilating effect. Pupil dilation is contraindicated in glaucoma, only pupil constriction is acceptable is miotic medications

The nurse provides care for client receiving simvastatin. Which laboratory test as the nurse anticipate will be used to monitor for adverse effects of the medication? 1. Liver function tests and ophthalmology examination. Simvastatin is used to lower serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein's. Adverse effects with major consequences include violence opacity and liver dysfunction. The client should have liver function test 6 to 12 weeks after beginning simvastatin and then every 6 months. The client should have an ophthalmologic exam before beginning simvastatin and then yearly throughout the therapy.

The nurse instructed client who is prescribed phention sodium. The nurse determines further teaching is necessary if the client makes which statement? 2. "If my urine changes color, I should immediately go to the emergency department. " The client should be instructed that a change in urine color to pink or brown shades can sometimes occur and is not a sign of toxicity. There are no reason to seek treatment.

The nurse identifies folic acid is prescribed for which conditions? Select all that apply 1. Pregnancy 2. Alcoholism 4. Liver disease Folic acid is used to treat anemia, liver disease, alcoholism, intestinal obstruction in pregnancy. It has low incidence of adverse effects and is found naturally in many fields, including brand yeast, dried beans nuts fruits and fresh vegetables. Folic acid is prescribed for clients with diagnosis of alcoholism to combat liver damage. Folic acid is prescribed for clients diagnosed with liver disease The nurse recognizes which antipsychotic is used as a treatment for Tourette's syndrome? 4. Haloperidol Haloperidol is an antipsychotic use for the treatment of Tourette's syndrome and psychotic states. Adverse effects include drowsiness and dizziness

The nurse noticed that chlorpromazine is most likely to be prescribed for which client? 2. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine is an antipsychotic of the phenothiazine class which is used for treatment of psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. It also has antiemetic uses. Adverse effects including orthostatic hypotension, photosensitivity, drowsiness, blurred vision dry mouth and agranulocytosis. The nurse will instruct the client to rise slowly, to expect pink or reddish-brown urine, to wear protective clothing and sunblock when outdoors and to report sore throat fever or unusual bleeding or neuromuscular difficulties to the healthcare provider. The nurse will monitor the CBC for the development of the blood dyscrasias.

A client is prescribed 0.25 mg of digoxin p.o. daily. Digoxin is available in 0.5 mg/mL. Name mL does the nurse administer the client? 0.5 mL Which nursing measure is included in teaching plan for client regarding the use of beclomethasone?

2. Instruct the client on proper use of the inhaler. Beclomethasone is an inhaled medication taken through an inhaler. Beclomethasone is a corticosteroid that is administered to relieve that of seasonal rhinitis and prevent nasal polyp recurrence following surgical removal of polyps. It may also reduce nasal inflammation by inhibiting mediators of inflammation.

The nurse in the outpatient clinic obtains a client history during the initial visit. The client reports recently beginning to take isoniazid daily. The nurse recognizes this medication is used to treat or prevent which problem? 3. Tuberculosis Isoniazid is in antitubercular used as first-line therapy to treat active tuberculosis or as a prophylactic to treat clients exposed to TB. Side effects include hepatitis, peripheral neuritis, rash and fever. The medication is given before meals. Do not combine isoniazid with the phenytoin , Can cause toxicities. Which instruction by the nurses best to include when teaching a client about amlodipine? 1. "Report any swelling of face or extremities to the healthcare provider. " Swelling in the face or extremities is an adverse effect that the client should report to the healthcare provider. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker and inhibits calcium ion influx across cardiac and smooth muscle cells. It also dilates coronary arteries and decreases blood pressure in myocardial oxygen demand. Adverse effects include headache, fatigue, paresthesia, edema and dyspnea. Nursing considerations including monitoring client for increased angina or symptoms of acute myocardial infarction. Client education includes notify prescriber if signs of heart failure occur, swelling of hands and feet or shortness of breath. A client with a history of asthma and bronchitis is prescribed montelukast. The nurse determines the client understands teaching about the medication when the client makes which statement? 3. It will take several weeks for this medication to lessen the effects of chronic asthma. The blood levels on montelukast has to build up in order for this medication to achieve the desired effect. Adverse effect include fatigue nasal congestion and rash. The nurse should instruct the client to continue caring rapid active therapy for bronchospasms A client asked the nurse, how does lovastatin work? Which is the nurses best response? 2. Lovastatin prevents an enzyme in the liver from making more cholesterol Lovastatin is an HMG–CO a reductase inhibitor that is effective in decreasing the LDH and triglyceride level. A postoperative client is prescribed hydromorphone hydrochloride and a choice of dose equivalent forms. To ensure the client has a restful sleep, the nurse knows which method of administration offers the client the longest duration of medication action?

3. Rectal administration Rectal administration of hydromorphone hydrochloride last 6 to 8 hours and offers the client the longest duration of pain relief to help the client sleep.

the nurse provides care for client diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis who reports cramping and abdominal discomfort after taking prescribed hydrocortisone. Which instruction by the nurse is best? 3. Take hydrocortisone with food and not on an empty stomach Taking oral steroids with food will decrease associated gastrointestinal distress. Hydrocortisone is a short acting synthetic steroid given for severe inflammation or immunosuppression. Adverse effects include hyperglycemia, grass check and duodenal ulcers. Muscle wasting, fluid retention, case excretions and moon face. Nursing responsibilities include accessing for diabetes and ulcers, monitoring blood pressure and labs and checking for infections.

The nurse in the cardiac rehabilitation unit knows the maintenance dose of oral digoxin for adults is in which range? 4. 0.125mg to 0.5 mg The maintenance dose range for digoxin is 0.125 to 0.5 mg. The client is placed on this dose after digitalization. It is a smaller in amount and designed to replace the digitalis loss by excretion while maintaining optimal cardiac function. Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside with a narrow therapeutic index arrange. It is used in treatment of heart failure, atrial fibrillation, flutter or tachycardia. Adverse effects include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, visual disturbance, confusion and abdominal pain. The nurse will monitor pulse, blood levels of the medication and signs of toxicity.

The nurse understands which are similarities between the scheduled 1 drug and is scheduled V drug? 1. Both scheduled 1 drugs and scheduled the drugs have abuse potential All scheduled drugs have abuse potential, with high abuse potential for schedule I drugs examples including heroin and peyote and a limited abuse potential for scheduled V such as codeine. The nurse understands which occurrence is adverse effects or toxic effects of aspirin select all that apply 2. Tinnitus 3. Nausea 4. Vomiting

10 days after beginning to use beclomethasone nasal spray due to seasonal allergies, client reports to the nurse that even though the medication is being used correctly, only slight relief has been

experienced. Which action by the nurse is most important? 3. Remind the client that the peak effect can take up to 3 weeks of regular use. Inhaled corticosteroids can take up to 3 weeks to achieve maximum effect. The nurse should instruct the client to clear nasal passages prior to use. If nasal passages are blocked, the client should be instructed to use a decongestant prior to using the care article steroid nasal spray.

The nurse provides care for client admitted with the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis. The nurse anticipates though which type of insulin will be prescribed 3. Short acting insulin Short acting insulin IV is administered via diabetic ketoacidosis. The onset is 30 to 60 minutes, peak in 2 to 3 hours and has a duration of 4 to 6 hours. Short acting insulin is safe to give intravenously. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include altered level of consciousness, dehydration, Kussmaul respirations, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fruity smelling breath.

The nurse learned that the client has been taking simvastatin for 7 months. Which statement by a colleague does a nurse correct? 1. "I should take the client's blood pressure in supine, sitting, standing positions. " A client diagnosed with hypertension and heart failure has been prescribed captopril. Which statement is most important for the nurse to make before the client receives the first dose of this medication? 1. "Remain in bed for the first 3 hours after taking the medication for the first time. " A client is receiving 40 drops/min of dextrose 5% in water. IV site delivers 10 drops/mL. If the nurse starts the IV infusion at 1200 with 1000 mL. Have any mL or remained at 1530? 160 mL A client is prescribed prochlorperazine to be administered immediately after removal of a cataract. The nurse understands is important to administer the medication for which reason? 3. To prevent pressure on the suture line. IV codeine every 3-4 hours as needed is prescribed for a client after surgery. On the second day postop, the nurse assesses the client 3 hours after giving codeine. The client's vital signs are BP 112/68 pulse 72 respirations 10 and the client is experiencing pain in the level 5. What actions by the nurse is most appropriate? 4. Assess the level of sedation. The nurse provides care for client who is prescribed sertraline. Which statement is most important for the nurse to make? 4. "It might take 4 weeks for you to reach full therapeutic effect. "

The home health care nurse visits a client receiving risperidone, and notes the client has been shuffling gait and trembles when reaching further reading glasses. The nurse did not notice these behaviors on the previous visit. Which action by the nurse is most important? 2. Contact the clients healthcare provider. A client has a history of migraine headaches. The nurse recognizes which medication is used to treat the client's migraine headaches? 2. zolmitriptan...

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