Kaplan - Maternity A PDF

Title Kaplan - Maternity A
Course Concepts Of Maternal-Child Nursing And Families
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 1
File Size 28.8 KB
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1. Apical pulse on 8 lb newborn, what action: bell at fourth intercostal space at left midclavicular line ! 2. Colposcopy: magnifies the tissue for examination ! 3. Rh incompatibility with the fetus: an Rh-negative client who conceived with Rh-positive partner and gave birth 3 years ago to an Rh-positive infant. ! 4. Radical mastectomy, most important reason for client to exercise the arm: prevents lymphedema ! 5. Abdominal hysterectomy, most important: this will promote healing by decompressing your bladder! 6. Most common in a preteen infant: red, wrinkled, lanugo, and hypotonic muscles ! 7. Pap smear: it is scraping of the cervix used to identify abnormal cells ! 8. Menstrual period, alleviate these symptoms: use a mild analgesic, restrict caffeine, exercise moderately ! 9. Client diagnosis of gonorrhea: ceftriaxone IM plus doxycycline for seven days by mouth ! 10. Active labor, irritable, uncomfortable, client is 8 cm dilated, what action first: coaches the client in proper breathing and relaxation techniques ! 11. Exercise acceptable during the pregnancy: what is your usual type of exercise? ! 12. Cesarean delivery, highest priority for potential complication: hemorrhage and shock ! 13. 30 weeks gestation, reports heartburn, recommendation: eat frequent small meals ! 14. 31 weeks gestation, 150/96 BP, serum 3g, 3+ protein, etc: the client should ensure adequate protein ! 15. Care after normal vaginal delivery, first: observes the lochial flow ! 16. 4 cm dilated, 60% effaced, meaning of this: the opening of the cervix is 4 cm wide and the cervical canal is 60% shorter than the normal ! 17. Newborn with jaundice, most important: cover the infant’s eyes with protective pads! 18. Category 3 fetal heart rate, first action: when the fetal heart rate is baseline perform fetal stimulation to assess for heart rate acceleration ! 19. Difficulty maintaining eye contact: what are your concerns about the surgery? ! 20. Sudden gush of bleeding from vagina while ambulating, likely cause: lochia has pooled in the client’s vagina ! 21. Breast biopsy, immediately after, first action: observe for bleeding ! 22. Newborn jumps and pull the extremities into the trunk: moro ! 23. BBT method, change in which direction: rises slightly ! 24. Type 1 diabetes, changes in inulin requirements: insulin requirements will increase in pregnancy and decrease after delivery ! 25. Which is the Apgar score for the baby at one minute and five minutes: 9 and 10, respectively ! 26. Increasing dietary iron to a client diagnosed with anemia, food: chicken livers, spinach, tofu ! 27. Infant shows a tendency to bleed two days after birth, likely caused by: absence of intestinal bacteria and Vitamin K ! 28. “I am afraid of having a “dry labor”, response: amniotic fluid does not function as lubrication for the labor process ! 29. Last menstrual period was five months ago, client is certain of pregnancy, reports feeling the baby move, response: lie down so that I can listen for fetal heart tones with the Doppler ! 30. “I have to push!”, 8 cm dilated, action first: encourages the client to pant with pursed lips...

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