Key Individuals - History Revision for The British Empire 1857 - 1967 AQA 2015 PDF

Title Key Individuals - History Revision for The British Empire 1857 - 1967 AQA 2015
Course History
Institution University of South Wales
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History Revision for The British Empire 1857 - 1967 AQA 2015...


Alfred Milner          

Born March 1854 Died in May 1925 British statesman and colonial administrator Conservative Influential leadership role Administrator in Egypt 1st governor of Transvaal/Orange Free Colony Governor of Cape Colony Broke from Liberals over home rule in Ireland Believed in British imperialism

      

Nicknamed “over-baring” Born in 1841 and died in 1917 Colonial administrator Served in India as a private secretory Firm believer in liberal reforms Consul General in Egypt Approved the Dufferin Report

Bartle Frere          

Indian Civil Service - became chief Knighted and on the Viceroy’s council High commissioner of cape colony Made compulsory to use Sindhi language British South Africa Dutch Boer Republic Provoked war with Zulus Removed from South Africa government Removed from British government Died May 1884

      

Sent into the army at 18 Joined the BEIC Explored new route to interior of East Africa Helped settle religious strife Commissioner of Northern Nigeria First High Commissioner Governor of Hong Kong

Evelyn Baring

Born in 1827 Died in 1864 Officer in the British Indian Army Made 3 expeditions to Africa Gathered specimens for family Museum Joined Burton’s Somaliland exploration First to reach Lake Tanganyika Named the great lake ‘Victoria’ Found the origin of the Nile English explorer

        

Born in 1862 Father was a traveller Helped his father write about Africa Collected tropical fish for British Museum Lived with local cannibal tribes Criticized church of England for beliefs Worked as a nurse in Boer War Gained mutual trust with cannibal tribes Provided medical care for villagers

First involvement in area

Born in July 1853 British businessman and politician in SA Prime Minister of the Cape Colony Owned British South Africa Company Founded Rhodesia (Zimbabwe/Zambia) Set up the Rhodes scholarships Entered the Diamond trade in 1871 Firm believer in British imperialism Died in 1902 from ill health (heart failure) Politically involved in Second Boer War

      

Born in May 1846 in the Isle of Mann Died in August 1925 Had a palm oil business Formed an African trading company Persuaded British trading firms to join him Persuaded tribal chiefs to sign his treaties Won trade war with the French

         

Born in 1832 and died in 1922 Keen photographer Studied wildlife in East Africa Accompanied Livingstone as a botanist Part of an expedition to the Nile Chief medical officer Studied many aquatic specimens Tried to abolish slave trade British Consul to Zanzibar Scottish Physician

        

Keen interest in culture/religion of India Called “the white nigger” by other soldiers English explorer and geographer Also, a translator and writer Also, an orthodontist, poet and diplomat Published 5 books about West Africa Experienced tribal rivals Helped less developed societies Went to Mecca

How British involvement

         

Scottish Christian Congregationalist Pioneer medical missionary An explorer in Africa Obsessed with finding source of the Nile Led the “Scramble for Africa” Died of dysentery in 1873 Remains were carried over 1,000 miles Was a student at Charing Cross Hospital Attended the University of Glasgow Medical missionary

      

Born June 1858 Died August 1927 Explorer, botanist and artist Vice-Consul in Cameroon and Niger “Scramble for Africa” Ended the war in Uganda Improved colonial administration

Henry Johnston

Joseph Chamberlain          

Born in 1836 and died in 1914 Colonial Secretary with conservatives Most committed of the Victorian era “Man on a mission” Secretary of State for colonies Strong believer in Empire Annexed Shanty Land into gold host Chaired colonial conferences Believed in imperial defence and customs Powerful influence

        

Born in March 1823 and died in 1893 Was a Scottish ship-owner Business man Founded British India Steam Navigation Imperial British East Africa Company Started as a grocery trader Founded the Free Church of Scotland Went to India in 1847 Formed Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co

Richard Francis Burton

Resources and opportunities for

David Livingstone

George Goldie

John Kirk

Mary Kingsley


         

Frederick Lugard

John Hanning Speke          

Cecil Rhodes

Lord Kitchener          

Born in 1850 Died in 1916 Senior army officer and colonial administrator Governor of Sudan Played central role in early part of WW1 Poor relationship with colleagues Poor reputation due to shell crisis Notorious for his imperial campaigns Scorched earth policy against the Boers Established concentration camps

        

Travelled around the world Viceroy of India Believed in moral imperial duty Promoted science and medical education Constructed 6000 miles of railway Founded Imperial Cadet Corps Didn’t want India to have too much power Resigned after separation of Bengal Improved India’s agriculture and admin

William Mackinnon

Role of other powers

How area government by

Viceroy Curzon

Key individuals

Relationship with indigenous







Help with trade

Occupation and agreement with France

Agreement with the French

Took over the responsibilities of the RNC

Royal Niger Company

Took over the Royal Niger Company



Gold trade

Wanted to protect their territories

Ashanti refusing to accept Britain as their protectorate

As a protectorate and incorporated in the Gold Coast Colony

King Prempeh

Bad British-Ashanti relationship



Secure sea-route to India

Worried of other European nations’ interest

French and German interest

Got to sell as a campaign aid to India to the public

Khalifa Abdullah Salisbury Gladstone

Mahdist Revolt



Potential for revenue and trade

BEAC rule replaced by protectorate

French Catholic missionaries

As a protectorate not directly ruled

King Mwanga Lord Lugard

Caused a civil war



To stop Germany and help trade

Former protectorate established

Agreement with Germany

As a protectorate not directly ruled

Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini

War caused but only lasted 38 minutes



Route from the coast to Uganda

Interest gained from the Berlin conference

Germany gave the rebels’ weapons

Became a protectorate until occupied in 1920

Sheik Mbaruk bin Rashid

Disputed with natives



Few resources but crucial access to Indian Ocean

Both administrative and military personal

Limited France and Italy

Governed by British military

Head of British Military

Good relationship



Established British settlers in the area

Allowed a place to settle

African chiefs

Ruled by settlers until signed treaty with African chiefs

African chiefs

Wars with native Ndebele



Settled by Scottish missionaries

BEAC rule replaced by protectorate

Portuguese-backed Arab attacks

As a protectorate not directly ruled


War with Arabs (backed by Portugal)...

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