Key terms chapter 3 pdf PDF

Title Key terms chapter 3 pdf
Course Interaction & Communication
Institution Dawson College
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Key terms chapter 3! Stages of listening (5 stages) 1- receiving -> attention and concentration ! 2- understanding -> learning, deciphering the meaning ! 3- remembering -> memory, recalling, retaining ! 4- evaluation -> critical thinking, judging, criticizing ! 5- responding -> feedback ! *the model is circular; one step stimulates another (overlap) + steps happen at the same time 1- receiving: begins and ends with hearing within a range of some auditory stimulus! *at this stage -> you notice what is being said but what is also being omitted ! *enhancing the receiving stage by maintaining the role of the listener by not interrupting the speaker! 2- understanding: happens when you decode the speaker’s signals and grasp the thoughts that are expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them (joy, urgency)! *enhancing the understanding stage by relating what the speaker says to what you already know! 3- remembering: memory for speech is not reproductive; you don’t reproduce in your memory what they speaker said BUT you reconstruct the messages your heard into a system that makes sense for you! *deals with STM and LTM! *to enhance the passage from STM to LTM ! "

-focus your attention on central ideas!


-organize what you hear!


-unite the new info with the old info!


-repeat names or key concepts to yourself or aloud!

4- evaluating: consists of judging the messages that you hear ! -> in some cases, we might judge a person’s underlying intent without much conscious awareness (e.g. someone tells you that they are up for a promotion and you ask yourself whether that person tells you that because they want to be congratulated or because they might want to use your relationship with higher ups to get the promotion)! -> in other cases, evaluation might be more of a critical analysis! *enhance the evaluation step by resisting evaluating until your fully understand the speaker’s POV!

5- responding: occurs in 2 forms !

- responses that you make during the conversation (backchanneling cues such as noding your head or saying mhm to indicate to the speaker that you’re listening)!

- responses that you make after the speaker has stopped talking by giving elaborate answers and by being more empathetic (saying I understand how you must be feeling right now)! *enhancing responding by expressing support and understanding for the speaker throughout the conversation! Distractions: Physical and mental! Physical: can take the form of hearing impairment, noisy environment, loud music! Mental: can take the form of thinking about your upcoming plans for the weekend or becoming to emotional to think or listen while someone else is talking ! Biases and prejudices!

- in biased and prejudicial listening, you hear what the speaker is saying through stereotypes (e.g. listening differently to someone because of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation OR when you dismiss the validity of an argument of an argument because the person making the point is a trans person)! **there are times when the gender of a person is pertinent to the message communicated (e.g. when a person talks about pregnancy, the sex of the speaker is relevant)! Lack of appropriate focus -listeners often get lost because they focus on irrelevancies like an especially vivid example that reminds them of an old memory! *the trick (for the listener) is to try to stay focused and to be attentive by repeating the idea to yourself and by seeing the details in relation to this main concept! *the trick (for the speaker) is to be precise by avoiding language or examples that may divert the attention of the listener! -another example are the responses that a listener is going to make while the speaker is still speaking (anticipating how you will answer to something prevents you from hearing the full message)! Premature judgement! -assuming you know what the speaker is going to say and that there’s no need to really listen ! *let the speaker say what they fully want to say and then judge! *listen first and then judge!

Styles of effective listening: listening is situational and the way you listen depends on the situation that you find yourself in! *need to adjust your listening based on: ! -your purposes (listening to learn?, to give comfort?)! -your knowledge of and relationship to the other person (is the person prone to exaggeration? or does this person ! Empathic listening

- in order to understand what a person means and what a person is feeling or going through, empathic listening is required!

- empathizing: see the world as other people see it and feel it the way they do! - when you empathize, you can fully understand other people + meanings + enhance your relationships! *empathy also has negative aspects: when you have too much empathy for those who are too similar to you, you tend to have less empathy for those who are not similar to you + you can lose control over your own emotions! **important to keep in mind that; !

- see from the speaker’s POV! - engage in equal 2-way conversation! - seek to understand both feelings and thoughts ! Polite listening

- politeness (or impoliteness) can be signaled through listening ! - you want to listen politely + express this politeness through your listening behaviour ! *strategies to keep in mind to respect someone’s positive and negative face:! -avoid interrupting the speaker! -give supportive listening cues! -show empathy with the speaker ! -maintain eye contact! -give positive feedback! -be sensitive when the other person wants to leave and to stop listening ! Critical listening

- you think logically and dispassionately about for example, the stories that your friend tells you!

- listening with an open mind will help understand the messages better AND listening critically will help analyze and evaluate the messages! -> guidelines to listening critically;! 1- keep an open mind! 2- avoid filtering out or oversimplifying complex messages! 3- recognize your own biases! 4- combat the tendency to sharpen! 5- focus on both verbal and nonverbal messages ! Active listening -it is a process of sending back to the speaker what you as a listener think the speaker meantboth in content and feelings! -active listening is about putting together into some meaningful whole your understanding of the speaker’s total message! Functions of listening! -check understanding -> helps you as a listener to check what you got out of what is being said and meant! -acknowledge and accept the feelings of the speaker! -stimulates the speaker to explore their feelings and thought -> opportunity to elaborate on your feelings! Techniques of active listening ! -paraphrase the speaker’s meaning: restating what you think the speaker means and feels in your own words can help ensure understanding and shows your interest in the speaker + paraphrasing gives the speaker a chance to extend what was originally said! -express understanding of the speaker’s feelings: helps with further understanding your own perception of the speaker’s feelings! -ask questions! *avoid*! -ordering messages: “do this”! -warning and threatening messages: “if you don’t do this, you’ll”! -preaching and moralizing messages: “people should all”! -advising messages: “why don’t you”!

Culture and listening! language and speech! -even when two speakers use the same language, speech + words have different meanings and accents! -meaning of words have different meanings because people have different life experiences (for a foster kid, “parents” might have a different meaning compared to someone who grew up in a traditional family)! -meaning of words also depends on if a language is your mother-tongue or not! -accents play a big role too (chinese people might put more emphasize on certain english words)! nonverbal behaviours -speakers from different cultures have different display rules (cultural rules that govern which nonverbal behaviours are appropriate and which aren’t)! -if nonverbal signals are very different from your own, you may see them as a kind of noise or interference or even as a contradictory message! feedback! -members of some cultures give very direct and honest feedback ! -in US (individualist culture), feedback is expected to be honest ! -in Japan (collectivist culture), feedback is expected to be more positive rather than truthful! Gender and listening Rapport and report talk -women seek to share feelings, build rapport, and establish close relationships + use listening to achieve these ends! -men play up their expertise, emphasize it and use it to dominate the interaction + their focus is on reporting the information ! -women seek to be liked so they express agreement! -men seek to be given respect by showing his knowledge and expertise! Listening cues -women are more apt to give a lot of listening cues (“yeah”/“umm”), nodding, smiling! -men listen more quietly without giving many listening cues as feedback ! -women make more eye contact when listening than men who look around more !...

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