KHS 131 - The “Om” Mantra PDF

Title KHS 131 - The “Om” Mantra
Course Philosophy and Practice of Yoga and T'ai Chi
Institution University of Regina
Pages 5
File Size 92.2 KB
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Professor: Andi Celine Martin...


The “Om” Mantra A mantra is a sound (the breath), the word OM or group of words (chants) that is considers capable of creating transformation The ugaji breath is a mantra Mantras are not o Affirmations. Affirmation works on the psychological and emotional level o Prayers. We are not asking for something specific Mantras work on a spiritual and vibrational level using breath, sounds/words that vibrate at a specific frequency and transform the frequency at which you vibrate 

Matras introduces a specific frequency/vibration Om is the most important mantra in yoga for various reasons The entire universe is moving/vibrating Nothing is ever solid/still; everything that exists pulsates. Om is usually pernounced wrong in the west “OHHHHHHMM” Om is 4 parts and you have to flow by the 4 parts to be in the same frequency in the universe Notable the 4 parts of OM include A – pronounces “ahh”, represents our waking state; the subjective consciousness of the outer world U – pronounced “ohhh”, represents our dream state, gaze is turned within M – pronounced “mmmm”, unconscious state of deep sleep . the sleeper is subconsciously shut down. The state of “being” OM (after sound) represents an absolute state; the consciousness looks neither outwards nor inwards. Peaceful state, but also vibrating and moving Namaste Namaste or “Namaskar” is the indian way of greeting eachother (e,g. greetins, hello, aloha” Sanskrit, the words mean “I bow to you” Gtreetn with Namaste recognized te beliefe that the life force, prna, chi in me is the same in me as in you

The hands are placed at the heart center since only the hart can know the truth; the truth of who we actually are. The heart is the most important chakra. It has the most powerful magnetic field Yogic philosophy teaches that the heart at large is replicated in each of us Moo is the brain – what we think is not the truth (thoughts are not the truth) True knowledge comes form the heart.

Lotus flower       

Grow from muddy water Everyday represents a opportunity – past doesn’t matter anymore Petals close every night The opened petals symbolize the potential for the soul to expand and blossom into divinity/enlightenment with the surrender of mind Each chakra is represented by different amount of petals Yoga prepares you for meditation- sitting for hours There are only moments of enlightenment. Because you can only sustain enlightenment for a long time only moments of connection

The “final” component of Vinyasa Yoga ASANAS (physical postures) The physical postures if vanyasa yoga include  Standing  Forward bending  Sitting  Twisting  Inverting  Balancing  Reclining  back bend, etc Sun salute a and b postures will be on midterm.

Yoga History and Philosophy In Sanskrit, Yoga = “union”, “yoke”. Unite the mind and body by yoking oneself to a way of life

Yoga is an Indian system of physical… The goal of yoga is the ability to still the mind, control the senses, and be “absorbed” by the universe, thus achieving Kaivalya – ultimate freedom/enlightenment  In less words - THE END GOAL OF YOGA IS ENLIGHTENMENT 6 branched of classical….  Hatha yoga (yoga of postures)  Bhakti yoge (yoga of devotion)  Raja yoga (yoga of self-control)  Jnana yoga (yoga of the mind)  Karma yoga (yoga of service)  Tantra yoga (yoga of rituals) – finding sacredness in something you do and making it a ritual Yoga is a classical orthodox philosophy emphasizing meditation, introspection, and liberation/enlightenment…. Hatha Yoga Tends to be the yoga most westeneres are familiar with …… hundred of styles of hatha yoga: vinyasa, acro, yin yoga All styles historically stem rom the 1st recorded sutras (Patanjali) Said to be the first person to write down and verbalize yoga, but he was not the one who created youga because it has been around much longer. He was just the first one to write it down, Pantanjali 200-150 BCE Vishnu had a moment of enlightenment/awoke from meditation and Pantanjali fell from the sky and fell on the Bodhi tree. He plucked leaves and made a small scroll, drew blood and it took him 7 days to write down everything about yoga. \we kno9yoga w very little about patenjali, the person ho supposedy compiled the verses on (yoga sutras of patanjali) The sutras constitute the foundation of everything we know about yoga The literal meaning of the word Sutra=thread. Thus, words or combination of wors are merely threaded togethor

The entire science of yoga is clearly delineated: Its aim The necessary pracices

The obstacles… The heart of Patanjalis” “teachings” is ASHTANGA where he describes adherences to 8 limbs Ashtanga – Eight limbs Yama: universal moranlity/ethical observation Niyama: personal observation Asana: body/physical postures Pranayama: breathin exercises Pratyahara: control of the senses/sense withdrawl Dharana: concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness… … Yamas and Niyama Guidelins for living a soulfull/spiritual (a life of fulfillment nd enlightenment) Yamas: ahimsa:non-violence, non harming (do not harn, the avoidance of violence) Satya: Truthfulness or honety. As satya is achieved, the fruits of actions naturally resul. Asteya: Non-stealing, absention from heft Brahmacharya: sense control. Walking in

Nyamas: Sauch or shachu: purity or cleanliness. Both internal and external Santosha: contentment. Accept where you are. The quality of contentment leas to inner peace Tapas: self discipline Asanas (body postures) Asanas are the postures practices in yoga. Through the action of asanas, we cultivate strength… Pranayama (breath control Consists of techniques Pratyahara (control of the senses) Withdrawal or sensory transe Provides us with an opportunity to objectively observe our cravings: habits that me detrimental to our health Dharana (concentration Dealing with the distractions of the mind

In dharana, we learn how to slow down the thinking process by concentrating on a single point/mental object.. Dhyana (meditation) Meditation becomes our tool to see things clearly and perceive reality beyond illusion that tend to cloud our mind. We see tings and ourselves of what they really are. Samadhi (ecstasy) Here the mediator merges with their point of focus and transcends …...

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