Kim Kardashian Instagram Analysis PDF

Title Kim Kardashian Instagram Analysis
Course Writing And Research
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 2
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Analysis of Kim Kardashians instagram account...


Sejal Gude Rhet 105-Johnson November 13, 2019

Kim Kardashian Instagram Analysis Kim Kardashian rose into the public eye around 2007 when she opened a boutique clothing store with her two sisters. However, she was introduced to the public well before that when a Sex Tape she made with her boyfriend, at the time, Ray J in 2002. Kardashians fan base exponentially increased after being put on the map with the leaked tape. The Kardashian name soon became a brand and a sort of image people strived to imitate. Their fan base only increased more with the development of their reality TV show in 2007. The Kardashian name has always been associated with the appearance of one’s self and how you can improve on your looks to make yourself look or feel better. Kim Kardashian, being the poster child for the family, has developed a fan base that reaches all genders, ages, and regions. She was put on the map for her body, and she stays in the spotlight for the same reason, her body. Looking through her Instagram feed, you can automatically see that there is an attention drawn to her body shape. She is frequently seen in tight and revealing clothing. Her children are rarely seen on her feed which can be understood as her parenting style is of keeping them out of the media. The context of her pictures together seen in her feed show the viewers her priorities and who she is on the surface. However, once you take a look at her posts individually, there is more of a meaning behind the images. In her feed, there are many pictures of her sisters and of herself individually. She has a façade of how she represents herself in social media. Almost all, if not all, of her posts she is seen with a full face of makeup, designer clothes, and hair professionally done. Instagram is a mode of communication for teenagers and a way for them to connect with one another through their own individual experiences. Kardashian is placing her beauty in front of the world to see and is almost sending a message to her followers

Sejal Gude Rhet 105-Johnson November 13, 2019 that beauty comes first above all. My research paper is centered around the influences of Instagram on teenage girls ages 11-15. Girls that age are generally very interested in reality television and all that the Kardashians stand for. By examining Kardashian feed, the message she is sending to girls that age is one that in order to be attractive you must look like she does and must always be happy and having a good day. Kardashians Instagram feed can tell a lot about her as a mother, sister, daughter, and wife, however, to fully understand her, you must look at each individual picture. When looking into each individual picture, majority of the captions are centered around persuading/reminding her audience to purchase an item from a line she has just developed, “ #KKWDIAMONDSavailable now! KKWFRAGRANCE.COM “ 1 . Once in each individual picture, Kardashian is promoting her own brand to her followers, supporting a neoliberalist view on society where in order to look and feel beautiful, you must purchase items produced by the Kardashians. This can pose challenges to young teenagers because it is promoting an image of changing one’s self to look a certain way or feel a certain way. However, being a mother and very influential figure in society, Kardashian has the capability to spread awareness on social and political issues. Scattered amongst her images promoting her products, are images about trips with her family or important events in her life and history. There is an uneven balance between these two different types of posts, and it is only seen in each individual picture.

2 1. Kardashian, Kim, 2019, #KKWDIAMONDS available now! KKWFRAGRANCE.COM, Instagram, November 9, 2019.

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