KNPE 100 Ch 9 MGHC - McGraw Hill connect chapter 9 smartbook PDF

Title KNPE 100 Ch 9 MGHC - McGraw Hill connect chapter 9 smartbook
Course Scientific Basis of Human Activity
Institution Northern Illinois University
Pages 7
File Size 99.4 KB
File Type PDF
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McGraw Hill connect chapter 9 smartbook...


Which of the following are tools from the federal government that help individuals design healthy diets? (Select all that apply.) ○ MyPlate ○ Dietary Guidelines for Americans ○ Dietary Reference Intakes ● In the graphic for the USDA's MyPlate, the round dinner plate and the cup or small plate beside it show _____ of the six basic food groups. ●


About what portion of your daily grain intake should be in the form of whole grains?

Compared to fruit juice, whole fruits often have more

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Fruit drinks, in contrast to natural fruit juices, usually have added ○



The DASH diet ○ is believed to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. A person eating a 2,000-calorie diet should eat at least ______ cups of fruit each day. ○ 2 What does the glass to the right of the MyPlate dinner plate depict? ○ Dairy products Which of the following belong to the MyPlate food group of protein? (Select all that apply.) ○ Nuts ○ Poultry ○ Tofu Whole grains are recommended over refined grains because they have more of which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ vitamins ○ minerals ○ phytochemicals ○ Fiber According to the USDA MyPlate guide, how many cups of milk or its equivalent should a person on a 2,000-calorie diet consume each day? ○ 3 For fruit intake, it is wise to choose whole fruits instead of juices because ○ whole fruits are generally higher in fiber. Compared to fruit drinks, fruit juice usually has which of the following? ○ more nutrients ○ less added sugar

● Which of the following count as 1 cup from the fruit food group? (Select all that apply.) ○ 1/2 grapefruit ○ 1/2 cup dried fruit ○ 1 cup of 100-percent fruit juice ● Nutritionists recommend that animal sources of protein you consume should ○ Be low in saturated fat ● Which of the following are included in the dairy group of foods? (Select all that apply.) ○ lactose-free milk ○ cottage cheese ○ ice cream ● True or false: Calories from dairy are processed differently than those from other sources and don't affect body weight as dramatically. ○ False ● Which of the following are types of fat that have commonly been associated health problems, even if consumed in moderation? (Select all that apply.) ○ trans fats ○ saturated fats ● Fruit drinks, in contrast to natural fruit juices, usually have added ○ sugar ● Decreasing the intake of foods made with ______ vegetable oils reduces trans fats in the diet. ○ Hydrogenated ● What are some of the reasons that it is recommended not to skip breakfast? ○ People who skip breakfast are likely to make poor nutritional choices. ○ People who skip breakfast are likely to have difficulty concentrating. ○ People who skip breakfast are likely to get very hungry later in the day. ● Ice cream ○ Can be enjoyed occasionally ● Which of the following are not good choices for healthy snacks? (Select all that apply.) ○ devil's-food cupcake with buttercream ○ fruit punch ○ Waffles ● We all need the equivalent of a few teaspoons of oils every day to meet our dietary need for fats. These can come from which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ fish ○ salad dressing

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○ Nuts Which of the following statements are true about unhealthy fats? (Select all that apply.) ○ Unhealthy fats come from animal products, such as beef and pork. ○ Unhealthy fats are those that remain solid at room temperature. ○ Consuming unhealthy fats can cause a person to easily exceed the daily dietary requirement for oils. Which of the following statements about breakfast is true? ○ Eating a healthy breakfast is a challenge because many people claim not to have enough time. Vegetarians tend to have lower rates of which of the following ailments? (Select all that apply. ○ type 2 diabetes ○ hypertension ○ heart disease Which of the following are good choices for healthy snacks? (Select all that apply.) ○ nuts ○ hard-boiled eggs ○ cup of vegetable soup The DASH diet limits which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ sodium ○ red meat When shopping for prepared foods, it's important to ○ Read labels To eat healthfully at a restaurant, you should ○ Review the menu online before going to the restaurant Symptoms of foodborne illness include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ Fever ○ Vomiting ○ Diarrhea Which of the following are reasons that people have for adopting a vegetarian diet? (Select all that apply.) ○ religious beliefs ○ environmental effects of meat production ○ ethical considerations What condition was the DASH diet originally developed to address? ○ High blood pressure People with compromised immune systems

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○ can suffer more serious outcomes from foodborne illnesses than others can. Which of the following are ways to make prepared foods more healthy? (Select all that apply.) ○ using half the recommended amount of added fats ○ using half the seasoning or dressing packet ○ supplementing them with fresh vegetables An individual should consult a physician if foodborne illness symptoms last more than how long? ○ 3 days To maintain a healthful diet, it is best to ○ go to chain restaurants only occasionally. Which of the following pathogens is a common cause of foodborne illness? ○ E. coli How long do the symptoms of foodborne illnesses typically last? ○ A few days Which of the following is one of the most common food allergens? ○ Peanuts Which of the following groups are at greatest risk for developing severe complications from foodborne illnesses? ○ elderly people ○ Children Which of the following statements are true about food intolerance? (Select all that apply.) ○ Food intolerance is often caused by an absence of an enzyme needed to fully digest particular foods. ○ Food intolerance is often caused by a sensitivity to a substance. Which of the following are strategies for treating a suspected foodborne illness? (Select all that apply.) ○ consulting a physician if symptoms are severe ○ drinking fluids Which of the following are recommendations for pregnant women who eat seafood but wish to keep their exposure to mercury to an acceptable level? (Select all that apply.) ○ Limit the consumption of albacore ("white") tuna to about 6 ounces per week. ○ Eat up to 12 ounces of pollock per week. ○ Avoid king mackerel. Which of the following pathogens are responsible for foodborne illnesses? (Select all that apply.)

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○ E. coli ○ Salmonella ○ Campylobacter What percentage of children under the age of 4 have some sort of food allergy? ○ 6–8 percent True or false: Research has demonstrated that organic foods cause fewer foodborne illnesses. ○ False Which of the following is the main difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? ○ A food allergy is related to the body's immune system, but a food intolerance has a different underlying cause. To reduce exposure to mercury, nursing mothers should completely avoid which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ shark ○ Swordfish Which of the following are good strategies for making better food choices? (Select all that apply.) ○ making a list of the fruits you like that are available at the local market or snack truck ○ monitoring eating habits, then setting specific goals to change them Which of the following are healthy ways to achieve long-term weight loss? (Select all that apply.) ○ increasing physical activity ○ replacing calories from chips with calories from fruits ○ cutting calories by drinking water instead of sodas Which of the following are advantages of organic farming over typical commercial farming? (Select all that apply.) ○ promotion of crop diversity ○ improved soil fertility ○ reduced pesticide residue True or false: The first step in changing your dietary behavior is to assess your diet and your commitment to change. ○ True Long-term weight loss can successfully be achieved by combining ○ Diet and exercise Which of the following is the definition of positive energy balance? ○ consuming more calories than the body is using

● According to the Dietary Reference Intakes, you should decrease daily calorie intake by ______ calories per day each year to avoid weight gain related to age-related decreases in metabolism. ○ 7-10 ● Which of the following are realistic strategies for weight management? (Select all that apply.) ○ starting meals with a glass of water ○ choosing foods that are nutrient rich rather than calorie dense ○ checking food labels for calories per serving ● Match the type of energy balance with the corresponding result in weight.

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○ Which of the following statements are true about most over-the-counter weight-loss products? (Select all that apply.) ○ They are not regulated in the same way as over-the-counter drugs. ○ They are not necessarily safe even when labeled as "natural." Healthy snack choices for people seeking to gain weight include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) ○ whole-grain crackers with peanut butter ○ dried fruit ○ nuts and seeds True or false: It is much easier to gain weight and then lose it than it is to prevent weight gain. ○ False Which of the following is an important serving strategy for successful weight management? (Select all that apply.) ○ serving reasonable portions ○ serving food on small plates and in small bowls True or false: All three of the major eating disorders involve binge eating. ○ False Which of the following is the definition of positive energy balance? ○ consuming more calories than the body is using Which of the following statements best describes how most weight-loss supplements work? ○ They tend to increase metabolism or decrease appetite. What are some healthy strategies for gaining weight? (Select all that apply.) ○ increasing caloric intake by eating nutritious foods

○ eating regular meals and snacks ● Which of the following are major eating disorders? (Select all that apply.) ○ bulimia nervosa ○ anorexia nervosa ○ binge-eating disorder ●...

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