L A B 11 - Grade: A PDF

Title L A B 11 - Grade: A
Course General Physics II
Institution California State University Dominguez Hills
Pages 5
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Just know youtube will always be the key to any labs I wouldn't understand...


 May 2,2019 

Virtual lab: Magnetic field  14.2.1 Introduction The objectives of this virtual lab are: ● to study the properties of magnetic fields. ● to determine the magnetic field lines for a bar-magnet. ● to study the difference between geographic and magnetic poles for our planet Earth.  To this end, to open the simulation for this lab CLICK HERE and you see what you see in Fig. 14.4. Download and open the file and it leads you to the simulation window shown in Fig. 14.5.  https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/cheerpj/faraday/latest/faraday.html?simulation=magnet-and-compass 

 Figure 14.4: Magnetic field simulation.

 Figure 14.5: Virtual lab for magnetic field.    

14.2.2 Part I: A bar-magnet 1. Which tip is the north pole of the compass (the red or white tip)? How did you know? The north pole of the compass is the red tip since it points to the white tip of the magnet labelled as the south.  2. Flip the polarity of the bar magnet by clicking "Flip polarity". What happened to the compass? Explain! The compass needle will rotate 180 degrees since the red tip of the magnet attracts the white tip of the needle.  3. Which tip is the south pole of the compass (the red or the white tip)? The white tip is our south pole, since we remember it gets attracted to the red tip of the magnet.  4. Move the compass around the bar-magnet about an inch away and observe the white and red tips (south and north poles) of the compass carefully. As I moved & played with the compass around, I realized how the appropriate side of the needle actually follows the tip of the magnet.  5. Imagine you placed this bar magnet at the center of a clean sheet of paper on a table and you draw a small arrow on the paper that points from the south to the north pole of the compass as you move the compass around. Show these arrows in Fig. 14.6 and label the north and south pole of the bar magnet.

  6. Check the box "See inside magnet" draw a small arrow on the paper that points from the south to the north pole of the compass in Fig. 14.12. By tracing a curve that connects these arrows show the magnetic field lines for a bar-magnet. The field-line pattern is a very important pattern called a dipole-field pattern. And acting like a magnetic dipole will have this pattern of field lines.  7. Uncheck the box "Show compass" and check the box "Show Field Meter". Move the field meter around the white curve shown in Fig.14.7 and record the x and y component of the magnetic field in Table 1. Record at least 10 data points that are evenly distributed.       

Bx, (in G) 5.33 1.31 -9.16 -5.87 -4.97 -7.92 -2.04 5.37 3.11 1.96

By, (in G) -6.27 -23.57 -7.93 -1.59 0.48 4.28 24.82 5.10 1.51 0.75

 8. Using XL make a scatter plot for your data in Table 1. Sketch the data points in the space provided below. Draw the best fitting curve to these data points? Does this curve predicts the magnetic field lines you deter- mined in step 6?

 9. In our study of Electric field, we have seen that the Electric field of a charge is inversely proportional to the distance from the charge. What kind of relationship can you predict for magnetic field and distance for a magnet, at least for the bar-magnet we studied.. You can do a measurement for the magnetic field at a different distance from the bar-magnet.            14.2.3 Part II: Earth’s magnetic field  1. Check the box "Show planet earth". Do you see a big bar magnet inside the earth? Yes the earth is like one huge bar magnet. It has north and south magnetic poles like a bar magnet. We will find these magnetic poles using the compass that you already know of its north and south poles.  2. Move the compass to the geographic north pole (the pole that normally refers as North-near to Canada...), which tip of the compass is attracted to the geographic north pole?

The red tip of the magnet is attracted to the north pole.  3. Move the compass to the geographic south pole (the pole that normally refers as south-near to south Brazil), which tip of the compass is attracted to the geographic south pole? The white tip of the magnet is attracted to the south pole.  4. Based on your observation briefly discuss Earth's geographic and magnetic poles. After all that as the earth’s magnetic poles function it’s the same way as the magnet that was done before. The north end of the earth as the north pole attracts the red tip of the  compass.As the same thing for the south end of the earth attracts the white tip.  5. Do the steps 4 & 5 in Part I and trace the magnetic field lines for Earth in Fig.14.8. Label the  geographic and magnetic poles in your sketch.

          

Purpose For this virtual lab we learned about the properties of the magnetic field. As being able to determine the magnetic field lines for a bar-magnet. Along with learning the basics of the study of how the difference is between geographic & magnetic poles for our planet Earth.  Equipment  ● Phet simulation ● excel  Procedure We are going to open up our phet simulation and download the file.And start with part one since we have two parts for this experiment & so our part one is known as a bar - magnet . You will need to flip the polarity of the bar magnet by clicking "Flip polarity”. Along with observing what happens to the white & red tip of the magnet of the compass as we start playing with the compass. And towards the

end you are going to create a data table and make that table into a graphical representation. Next, we are going to move on to part two of the experiment where you will need to use the show planet earth tab. As it comes to the experiment you will need to do the steps in Part I and trace the magnetic field lines for Earth and label the geographic and magnetic poles.  Data & data analysis

 Bx, (in G) 5.33 1.31 -9.16 -5.87 -4.97 -7.92 -2.04 5.37 3.11 1.96

By, (in G) -6.27 -23.57 -7.93 -1.59 0.48 4.28 24.82 5.10 1.51 0.75

 

 

 Results As we did the lab we got on how earth’s magnetic poles function the same way as the magnet which was done before.As for the north end of the earth known as the north pole attracts the red tip of the compass. And the same thing goes for the south end of the earth that attracts the white tip.  Conclusion Overall for this lab we learned about the properties of the magnetic field. As being able to determine the magnetic field lines for a bar-magnet. Along with learning the basics of the study of how the difference is between geographic & magnetic poles for our planet Earth.In addition, we not only learned that, but as we learned the study of the magnetic field we also saw how earth’s magnetic poles function the same way as the magnet which was done before. Along with the north and south end of the earth known as our north and south pole that attracts the red tip and white tip of the compass.  ...

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