LAB 01 Sound Online - Lab 01 packet and my interpretations of the answers PDF

Title LAB 01 Sound Online - Lab 01 packet and my interpretations of the answers
Course Critical Listening
Institution Full Sail University
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Lab 01 packet and my interpretations of the answers...


Critical Listening

Lab 01 Sound Full Sail University Audio Programs REC3514-L





Lab 01-Sound Objectives: • Experiment with the intensity of pressure waves. • Inverse Square Law-Is it effective in an enclosed space? • Analyze diffraction of sound waves. • Use audio filters to alter signals and waveforms. Set Up: • Download lab materials from FSO. • Create a Critical Listening folder on laptop. • Inside the CLI folder create a new folder for each lab. Example-Lab 01. • Save all data for each lab inside this folder. • Open the Logic Pro session Lab 01 Sound. • Save often while working. • Always remember to be aware of monitoring levels to prevent ear fatigue. Section 01: Pressure Waves and Intensity • •

• • •

20 points

Locate a steady source signal. This can be the TV, radio, anything. In the provided Logic Pro session, record the signal up close on audio track 1. Once the record input level is set, do not change it for the rest of this exercise. Keep the same input level for each recording distance. Take 5 steps back and record the same signal from that distance on audio track 2. Take 5 more steps back and record the same signal from that distance on audio track 3. Using the SPAN, analyze the recordings and provide information on changes in amplitude and possible changes in frequency content. Use the table below.




5 Steps

10 Steps

Source Audio

Prominent Frequency Bands

Section 02: Questions and Conclusion 20 points Write a detailed conclusion making sure to address the questions listed. • • •

How did the amplitude change from one recording to the next? Therefore, did the intensity of the pressure waves decrease with distance? Even though there may not be an exact correlation with the Inverse Square Law, is there a linear decrease in amplitude as the distance from the source is increased?

Provide a detailed report of what was learned from this exercise. Conclusion:





Section 03: Diffraction • • • • • •

20 points

A change in the direction of sound when encountering boundaries in a medium. Ability of sound waves to bend around objects or reflect off of them. Loop the Pink Noise track in Logic Pro. Place your hands over the speakers on the MacBook Pro laptop with palms facing down. Place your hands over the speakers once again with the edge of the palm facing down. Try different variations such as spreading your fingers and/or cupping your hands over the speakers, etc.

• • • •

Document changes by listing: Object causing diffraction. Frequency bands of the Pink Noise being filtered. Frequency bands passing through or around the object.

List all findings in the text fields below.

Example 01 Object causing diffraction Filtered Frequency Bands Passing Frequency Bands

Example 02 Object causing diffraction Filtered Frequency Bands Passing Frequency Bands

Example 03 Object causing diffraction Filtered Frequency Bands Passing Frequency Bands

Example 04 Object causing diffraction Filtered Frequency Bands Passing Frequency Bands





Section 04: Filtering 15 points • Locate the Pink Noise on audio channel 4 in the Logic session. • Set the audio track to loop. • In the first three Audio FX slots insert one each of the following and set to Bypass: o Audio Units Band Pass Filter with a 500 Hz center frequency and width of 1000 Cents o Audio Units High Pass Filter with a cut off frequency of 1000 Hertz. o Audio Units Low Pass Filter with a cut off frequency of 200 Hertz. •

The Filters are located in the Audio Units menu under “Apple”.

Give a brief perception of the resulting sound as each filter is activated individually. (Example: traffic noise, bacon frying, air conditioner, etc.)

Band Pass

High Pass

Low Pass

Section 05: Analysis 25 points • Listen to and analyze the audio file provided on audio channel 5 in the Logic Pro session. • Describe the different sound qualities that can be heard in the complex signal. • Be detailed in regard to intensity, general frequency bands heard, initial attack, and decay of the signal. Does the sound generate any particular response or reaction? • Warning! The sound effect on track 5 is a high intensity impact. Lower headphone volume. Initial Attack-what can be determined about the sound from the initial attack? Consider things such as mass, material, and frequency information.

Intensity-describe the intensity and the amount of force perceived in the sound.

Prominent Frequency Bands-what frequencies, or bands, stand out the most?

Signal Decay-how long does the signal take to go from initial intensity to silence? What frequency bands are heard in the Decay of the signal?

Response/Reaction to Sound




Section 06: Finalizing Lab Review the following page for submissions for this lab.

Lab 01 Submissions

File Naming Standard: Last Name_First Name_Lab01 Files for submission: Do not create a .ZIP file. Lab PDF only....

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