Lab #1 Introduction 202030 Rev PDF

Title Lab #1 Introduction 202030 Rev
Course ELEX
Institution British Columbia Institute of Technology
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Lab #1 – Introduction to VMware & DeltaV

OBJECTIVE: On completion of this lab the student will be familiar with VMware (virtualization software), will have created their own VMware virtual machine for DeltaV and will use three DeltaV applications: DeltaV Explorer, DeltaV Database Administration and DeltaV User Manager. Students will be able to describe and perform necessary steps to create a virtual machine, save a snapshot of the virtual machine, license a DeltaV ProPlus workstation and be able to create DeltaV databases.

REFERENCES: DeltaV Applications DeltaV Books Online

BACKGROUND: DeltaV is industrial control hardware and software used to perform required control and monitoring operations on real processes. To ensure the underlying operating system (Windows XP) is robust, reliable and stable enough for this critical task, the Windows operating system must be specifically configured and DeltaV must be the only application installed on the operating system. To allow this on the lab computers we use virtualization software that creates a “virtual” computer within the lab computer’s operating system. This virtual computer performs as though it is a real computer that has been installed with only the Windows XP operating system and the DeltaV software. For clarity, instructions will refer to the “lab computer” as being the actual computer hardware (the ‘host’) that you are using and will refer to the “virtual computer” (or “virtual machine”) as being the VMware “software” virtual computer installed with the DeltaV software. In this lab we will start a virtual machine loaded with the DeltaV software and license the DCS server workstation (referred to as the ProPlus station). We will also learn how to export and import a DeltaV configuration. G. Pellegrin

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VMware 1.

Log into your lab computer using your username (BCIT Student Number: A00xxxxxx) and your password.


Launch the VMware application from the desktop icon or from the Start menu. You should see a screen similar to that shown in Figure 1. If the right window pane doesn’t look like the image below click on the “Home” tab at the top of the window pane.

Figure 1 3.


G. Pellegrin

Select the ‘Open a Virtual Machine’ icon and browse to the folder DATA (D:)  VM  Delta_14.3_Student# of your lab computer (the “actual” or “host” computer). It is important that you are on the D:drive of the lab computer.

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VMware (continued) 4.

In the sub-directory “VM” open the “DeltaV_14.3_Student#” folder (where # is either 1 or 2) and then open the “DeltaV 14.3 Lab” folder. Select the VMware configuration ‘DeltaV_14.3_Lab Update 202030.vmx’ and click “Open”. * * * * * * IMPORTANT NOTE * * * * * * This is now the location where you will find your virtual machined. Please note that data on the D: drive on the lab computer is not secure and may be deleted at any time. It is critical that you back up all of your work and any DCS configurations regularly, especially at the end of the lab period.


From the top menu bar of VMware select ‘VM’ and then choose ‘Settings’ and select the ‘Options’ tab. In the right-hand window pane of the Virtual Machine Settings window change the “Virtual machine name” from “DeltaV_14.3_Student#” to your “First Name_Last Name”. Select OK when finished.


When complete, a virtual machine will be displayed in a tab labeled with your name on it (instead of DeltaV_14.3_Student1) as shown in Figure 2. It should be the active (highlighted) tab (if not, select it so that it is the active tab). If you have difficulty call your instructor to your lab station for assistance.

Figure 2


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Starting and Setting up the DeltaV Virtual Machine 1.

Click on the tab with your name on it and select:


You will likely get the following pop-up window shown on the right. Select the “I Copied It” button.


The computer display should go to a full screen with the Windows operating system starting up. (If the display does not go to full screen mode press, simultaneously, ‘CTRL – ALT – ENTER’.) The VMware menu bar at the top of the display is now the only indication you are running in a virtual computer.


Read any notices that appear carefully before clicking ‘OK’. Ask your instructor if you are unclear as to what the notices mean. At this point VMware is starting a “virtual DeltaV computer” that will act (and should be treated) as a regular, physical computer.


Once Windows has finished loading on your virtual machine you should see a ‘Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log on’ message. DO NOT PRESS THIS KEY SEQUENCE! NOTE: You are now operating in a “virtual” computer (software) that in turn is running on the lab computer (host machine). If you simultaneously press ‘CTRL – ALT – DELETE’ from within the virtual machine, the lab computer will respond to the key sequence. NOTE: If you want to log into (or shutdown) the virtual computer or open task manager in the virtual machine you must press CTRL – ALT – INSERT instead of CTRL+ALT+DELETE.

6. Use the mouse to click anywhere on the screen and press CTRL – ALT – INSERT. Enter the username: STUDENT Enter the password: BCITdeltav

(not case sensitive). (this is case sensitive)

A “DeltaV Initialization” window will appear briefly.


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Setting up the DeltaV Virtual Machine 7. When the DeltaV initialization is complete a ‘Flexlock’ window should appear in the center of the screen and a ‘DeltaV Logon’ pop-up window should open (if the pop-up window doesn’t open click on the ‘DeltaV Logon’ button). Be sure the username is “STUDENT” and then type the password: BCITdeltav. 8. When you have successfully logged in, the ‘Flexlock’ window should show the ‘DeltaV Desktop’ button selected (depressed). Click on the ‘Windows Desktop’ button and then minimize (don’t close) the ‘Flexlock’ window. 9. Click the ‘Start’ button and open ‘All Programs’, then the “DeltaV  Engineering  User Manager” application. Double click on the “Student” account and enter a password you will remember (enter the password and then confirm password). Don’t try to change the username “Student”. 10. Do not make any other changes. Click ‘OK’ and close the window. Note the message that appears. This action will change both your Windows and your DeltaV login password. The username must remain “STUDENT”. 11. Click ‘Start’ and re-start your virtual computer. Repeat steps 2 through 4 above but this time using your new password.


DeltaV Licensing 1.

Start the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application clicking the icon in the taskbar bottom of the screen) or, by double clicking the icon in the Start Menu ‘DeltaV  DeltaV Engineering’.

(at the under

It may take a few moments to load. A “Tips” dialogue box will open. Read the tip and then close this window. NOTE: The DeltaV applications are integrated (linked) through a DeltaV Database Server application as well as other services. This sometimes results in a slower response than you might expect. Nonetheless, it is important that you do not repeat the mouse click or key strokes as this can create problems for the user. After initiating a mouse click or key entry wait for the DeltaV application to respond before continuing.


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DeltaV Licensing (continued) 2.

Select ‘VM’ from the VM menu bar at the top of the display and then select ‘Removable Devices’ from the drop-down menu. Ensure there is a check mark beside ‘Aladdin Knowledge Hardlock USB 1.02’. If not, click on ‘Aladdin Knowledge Hardlock USB 1.02’ and select ‘Connect’. Read the prompts that appears and click ‘OK’.


Click on the ‘Start’


A new dialogue box will open titled “WatchIt”. Type “DONGLEDRIVER” case insensitive) in the space provided (next to the label ‘Path’). This forces DeltaV to check for and acknowledge the USB dongle key lock. The ‘WatchIt’ window should appear as shown in Figure 3. If the acquisition of the DeltaV license dongle was successful. Record the hardlock number displayed (of the form: 0001-0001-5xxx).

button and start typing “watchit”. Hit the ‘Enter’ key.

Figure 3 5.

We will now license your DeltaV system. The special hardware lock (dongle) required for licensing is installed inside your lab computer and in Step 4 above we have identified its unique license number. We must now match the corresponding software license files to the hardware lock and downloaded them to DeltaV. a. Click ‘File’, select ‘Licensing’  ‘Load license file…’ from the drop-down menu (see Figure 4). Figure 4


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DeltaV Licensing (continued) i.

Go to the Desktop folder and open the DeltaV License folder. Open the folder that has the same last four digits of the hardlock number as you recorded in Step 4 above.


You should find a license file with a name of the form: 0001-0001-5xxxApril052001.lia


Double click on the file and click ‘Next’ (3x) and ‘Finish’ when the Windows popup opens (no registration information need be entered).


Once the file is loaded, click on the ProPlus workstation node ‘PROPLUS’ found in the left pane of the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application. Right click on ‘PROPLUS’, select ‘Licensing’  ‘Assign License’ from the drop-down menu. In the window that opens select the license file that appears and click ‘OK’. Note the message that appears.


Right click on the ‘PROPLUS’ workstation again and select ‘Download’  ‘ProfessionalPlus Station’ from the drop-down menu. Answer the prompt when it appears and close the window when the download is complete.


Check that the licensing has been successfully applied by again right clicking on the ‘PROPLUS’ workstation and selecting ‘Licensing  Licensing Properties’. Ensure the ‘Licensing’ tab is selected. The window should be similar to Figure 5.


Repeat step 6 but this time select ‘Licensing  Check Licensing’. The window should be as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5 Figure 6 When you have verified that the licensing has been correctly installed, close these windows and then close the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application. j

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Making a copy of your licensed Database using DeltaV Database Administration DeltaV has a special application, ‘Database Administration’, specifically designed for creating and maintaining database configurations. These database operations cannot be done using ‘Windows Explorer’ or ‘DeltaV Explorer’.

1. Open the ‘Database Administration’ application double clicking the icon on the desktop.

from the taskbar or by

2. In ‘Database Administration’, create a new database by double-clicking on the ‘Copy Database’ icon. a. Under the “Copy from” section ensure ‘DeltaV_System’ in the “Database Name” field is selected. b. Under the “Copy to” section enter ‘FirstName_LastInitial’ in the “Database Name” field. c. Click on the ‘Copy’ button, confirm you want to copy the database and a message window will appear confirming that the database has been created. d. Repeat the procedure to create a backup database called ‘FirstName_LastInitial_BAK’. This backup database is to be used to only to restore your original database if it becomes corrupted.


Selecting the Current Database. 1. From ‘Database Administration’, double-click the Set Active Database icon


2. Select ‘Change’ from the ‘Set Active Database’ window. a.

Read the WARNING carefully. Discuss its meaning with your instructor.

b. Click ‘OK’. c. When prompted, select the database you just created (‘FirstName_LastInitial’ … not the BAK file). 3. When the task is complete click ‘OK’ and close the ‘Set Active Database’ window and the ‘Database Administration’ application. 4. The selected database must be downloaded before it can be used. This is done from ‘DeltaV Explorer’. Right click on the ‘PROPLUS’ workstation and select ‘Download’  ‘ProfessionalPlus Station’ from the drop down menu. Answer the prompts as they appear and close the window when the download is complete. 5. Check that your new DeltaV database is properly licensed. 6. Repeat procedures 1 – 5 to verify your backup database is properly licensed. 7. Once you have verified your new databases are working and properly licensed set the active database back to ‘FirstName_LastInitial’ and download this database to the ‘PROPLUS’ workstation. Close the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application. j

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F. Accessing USB Flashdrives in the Virtual Machine 1. The virtual machine is capable of accessing and storing data on a USB flash drive that is connected to the actual physical computer hardware however there are some things you need to be aware of. The virtual machine can access only 2 USB ports. One of these ports is occupied by the DeltaV license dongle (Aladdin Knowledge Hardlock). The second USB port can be used for saving your DeltaV configurations to your USB flash drive. 2. Click on ‘VM’ in the top menu bar and select ‘Removable Devices’. Note the list of devices displayed. Any USB device that has a checkmark √ beside it has been captured for use by the virtual machine. The absence of a checkmark means that the USB device is connected but to the host (lab) computer. The DeltaV USB dongle has the label ‘Aladdin Knowledge Hardlock USB’. Check that the USB dongle has a checkmark next to it. Be sure to note the name given to your USB flash drive for future reference. 3. Sometimes VMware does not always properly capture a USB device that is attached to the lab computer when it starts-up. It is recommended that you plug in your USB flash drive only after: i. your VMware machine has booted completely. ii. you have logged into the DeltaV system. iii. you have the VMware machine expanded to “Full Screen” mode.

G. Resolving PROPLUS or Controller Download Issues 1. Although you can work in ‘DeltaV Explorer’ and program control system configurations, if your USB Aladdin hardlock is not properly captured by the virtual machine it will lead to the error message shown in Figure 7 when you try to download the PROPLUS workstation or DeltaV Controller:

Figure 7 j

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2. You must first force the virtual machine to acquire the USB Aladdin hardlock from the lab (host) computer. i.

Click on ‘VM’ in the top menu bar, select ‘Removable Devices’ and then move your mouse to the Aladdin Knowledge Hardlock USB. A new menu should drop down.


Click on the ‘Connect (Disconnect from Host)’ menu item. A checkmark should now appear next to your device.


Click on the ‘Start’ open application.


A dialogue box will open titled “WatchIt”. Type “DONGLEDRIVER” (case insensitive) in the space provided (next to the label ‘Path’). This forces DeltaV to check for and acknowledge the USB dongle key lock. The ‘WatchIt’ window should appear as shown in Figure 10 if the acquisition of the DeltaV license dongle was successful.

button, then type “watchit”. Hit the ‘Enter’ key to

Figure 8 REMEMBER THIS!! There is a good chance you’ll need to do it again!

H. Resolving USB Flash Drive Issues 1. Sometimes when a flash drive is plugged into the lab computer’s (host) USB port the virtual machine does not get access to this flash drive. In this case, the virtual machine must force the flash drive to connect properly. i. ii.

Click on ‘VM’ in the top menu bar, select ‘Removable Devices’ and then move your mouse to the USB device of interest. A new menu should drop down. Click on the ‘Connect (Disconnect from Host)’ menu item. A checkmark should now appear next to your device.

Similarly, you can force a device to be removed from the virtual machine.


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Exporting (Saving) DeltaV Files 1. As DeltaV configurations are designed and built it is important to be able to save these configurations in order to recover from lost, damaged, corrupted or incorrectly modified configurations. Selected objects (configuration, library, dataset etc.) can be saved by exporting them from the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application and saving them as “.fhx” files. 2. Open the ‘DeltaV Explorer’ application. Select the object you wish to save. By selecting the top level of the directory structure, everything under and including the selected folder is saved. Instead, select only the ‘Library’ object. 3. From the tool bar click on ‘File  Export  Selected Object’. A familiar Windows screen appears for saving files. Save the ‘Library’ object to your virtual machine desktop. 4. The ‘Library’ object should appear on your virtual machine desktop as a *.fhx file. Copy this file from the virtual machine desktop to your BCIT Sharefile network drive on the host machine. 5. If you want to restore a saved file back to the DeltaV database then simply reverse the process (i.e. select ‘File  Import  Standard DeltaV Format’).


Saving Your Work 1. It is recommended that you regularly back up your work by exporting your DeltaV database to both the desktop of your virtual machine and to your BCIT Sharefile network drive. At the very least you should save a copy of your work at the end of each lab period. Consider adding a date suffix to your lab filename to keep track of work iterations. 2. When saving your work, select the Control Strategies folder in the database hierarchy, and export only this portion of your database. Save this export file (*.fhx) to your virtual machine desktop and copy it to your BCIT Sharefile network drive in case you lose or corrupt your database.


G. Pellegrin

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PART II BACKGROUND: DeltaV is the name applied to a suite of software applications and the industrial control hardware with which they work. The four most important applications in the suite are: • • • •

DeltaV Explorer is like Windows explorer but it displays the contents, structure and organization of the control database. DeltaV Control Studio is...

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