Lab 3 - cps labs PDF

Title Lab 3 - cps labs
Author Salman Noman
Course Computer Science
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 11
File Size 48.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
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cps labs...


1.) #include

int main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, y, a, b, d;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter four real numbers: "); scanf ("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y,&a,&b); d = x + y + a + b; printf ("\nThe sum of %lf, %lf, %lf and %lfis %lf.\n", x, y, a, b, d);

return (0); }

2.) #include

int main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, y, a, b, d;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter four real numbers: ");

scanf ("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y,&a,&b); d = (x + y) - (a + b); printf ("\nThe sum of %18.2lf, %18.2lf, %18.2lf and %18.2lf is %18.2lf.\n", x, y, a, b, d);

return (0); } 3.) #include

int main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, y, a, b, d;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter four real numbers: "); scanf ("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y,&a,&b); d = x*x + y*y + a*a + b*b; printf ("\nThe sum of %18.2lf, %18.2lf, %18.2lf and %18.2lf is %18.2lf.\n", x, y, a, b, d);

return (0); } 4.) #include

int main (void) {

/* declarations */ double x, y, a, b, d, v;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter four real numbers: "); scanf ("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y,&a,&b); d = x*x + y*y + a*a + b*b; v= (sqrt(d))/(x+y+a+b); printf ("\nThe sum of %18.2lf, %18.2lf, %18.2lf and %18.2lf is %18.2lf.\n", x, y, a, b,v);

return (0); } 5.) #include #define PI 3.1416

int main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, v;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter the radius: "); scanf ("%lf", &x);

v = 0.75 * PI * x;

printf ("\nThe volume of sphere is %3.1lf.\n",v);

return (0); } 6.) #include #define PI 3.1416

int main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, y, v;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter two angles: "); scanf ("%lf %lf", &x, &y);

v = 180-(x+y);

printf ("\nThe missing angle is %3.1lf.\n",v);

return (0); }

6.) #include #define PI 3.1416


main (void) { /* declarations */ double x, y, v;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter two digits: "); scanf ("%lf %lf", &x, &y);

if (x==y) { printf ("the tripled number is.\n", 3*(x+y))

} else { printf ("The sum is.\n", x+y)


return (0); }




int main (void) { /* declarations */ int x,y,v,d;

/* executable statements */ printf ("Enter two digits: "); scanf ("%lf %lf", &x, &y);

if (x==y) { v=3*(x+y) ; printf ("the tripled number is.\n %ln",v);

} else { d=x+y printf ("The sum is.\n %ln",d);


return (0);


7.) #include

int main (void) { float h;

printf("\nPut in a floating number: "); scanf("%f", &h);

if (h=0) { printf("\nThe absolute value of %f is: %f", h, h); }

return (0); }

8.) #include #include

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

int main(void) { int a, r, h;

printf("\nEnter the a value of the cube: "); scanf("%d", &a);

printf("\nEnter the radius and height (in that order) of the Cone: "); scanf("%d%d",&r,&h);

//cube area int CA = 6*a^2; printf("\n The Area of the Cube is: %d", CA);

//cube area int vol = a*a*a; printf("\n The volume of the Cube is: %d", vol);

//cones area float x = PI*r; float y = (sqrt(pow(r, 2)+pow(h, 2))); float CD = x*y; printf("\n The Area of the Cone is: %f", CD);

//cones volume float CV = (1.0/3)*M_PI*pow(r, 2)*h;

printf("\n The Volume of the Cone is: %f", CV);

return (0); } 9.) #include #include

int main(void) { int num1, num2, add, sub, multi, rem; double div; char inp, cent = '%';

printf("\nEnter 2 valid number and one of the following operators (+, -, *, /, %c): ", cent); scanf("%d %d %c", &num1, &num2, &inp);

if(inp=='+') { add =(num1 + num2); printf("%d + %d = %d", num1, num2, add); } else if(inp=='-') //Substraction { sub=(num1 - num2); printf("%d - %d = %d", num1, num2, sub);

} else if(inp=='*') //Multiplication { multi=(num1 * num2); printf("%d * %d = %d", num1, num2, multi); } else if(inp=='/') //Division { div=((double)num1 / (double)num2); printf("%d / %d = %.3f", num1, num2, div); } else if(inp =='%') { rem=(num1 % num2); printf("%d %c %d = %d", num1, cent, num2, rem); } else { printf("\nSorry entry not valid please try again"); }

return(0); }

10.) #include #include #define PI 3.14 int

main(void) { double n; double partial; double sqroot; double n_fact;

//inputing integer printf("\nEnter a positive integer: "); scanf("%lf", &n);

//Calculate for Gosper's Formula partial = (2 * n) + (1 / 3); sqroot = sqrt(partial * PI); n_fact = pow(n,n) * exp(-n) * sqroot; printf("%.0f! equals approximately %.5f \n", n, n_fact);

return(0); }...

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