Lab 5 - Tissues and Skin PDF

Title Lab 5 - Tissues and Skin
Author Lacey Johnson
Course Human Anatomy And Physiology I
Institution Century College
Pages 13
File Size 661.2 KB
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Lab 5 - Tissues and Skin for Anatomy and Physiology 1-through eScience Labs...


Tissue and Skin PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 1. What is a tissue? a. A tissue is a group of cells that have a common embryonic origin, sharing morphological features sorted to complete the tissue’s function. There are four types of tissues which are found in the body 2. What is the function of epithelial tissue? a. The function of epithelial tissue is to act as the first layer of protection from the environment. This tissue controls the permeability, only allowing selective materials to cross the epithelium. 3. What is the function of connective tissue? a. Connective tissue has many functions, most importantly working to support, connect and protect tissue. 4. What is the function of muscular tissue? a. The function of muscular tissue depending on the type of tissue is to control voluntary or involuntary movements. 5. What is the function of nervous tissue? a. The function of nervous tissue is to send the body information with signals from the neurons and neuroglia. 6. Describe sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands, and hairs with regard to skin function. a. With regard to skin function, sebaceous glands produce oil on the skin and on the hair, the sudoriferous glands helps facilitate excretion, hair helps to protect and insulate the skin. 7. What is the function of melanin? a. The function of melanin is to determine the pigment of skin or hair color 8. List the similarities and differences among the layers of the epidermis. a. Similarities i. They are a layer of the epidermis ii. Each layer has a function and a purpose iii. All layers are involved in protection, and are used in touch reception b. Differences i. The function of the level ii. The durability of the layer varies iii. Stratum Corneum is the most superficial iv. Stratum Basale is the “base” and the deepest level of epidermis v. Lucidum is only found in thick skin

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Tissue and Skin EXPERIMENT 1: MICROSCOPIC SLIDE EXAMINATION OF TISSUE Tissue Identification Epithelial Tissue

A) Epithelial Tissue Type ____simple squamous tissue _____

B) Epithelial Tissue Type ____simple cuboidal tissue______

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Tissue and Skin Connective Tissue

C) Connective Tissue Type _____adipose tissue (fatty ct tissue) _______________

D) Connective Tissue Type ___reticular tissue ___________

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Tissue and Skin

E) Connective Tissue Type _____elastic cartilage ______

Muscular Tissue

F) Muscular Tissue Type _____cardiac muscle tissue ______

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Tissue and Skin

G) Muscular Tissue Type ____skeletal tissue ________________

Additional Tissue Type

H) Unidentified Tissue Type ____Nervous Tissue (I base this on the presence of what I identify as dendrites) ____

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Tissue and Skin Post-Lab Questions 1. What structural characteristics did you observe for each type of tissue? Be specific. a. The structural characteristics I observed for tissue type was i. For the epithelial tissue, I observed the flat looking cells identified as simple squamous. The next epithelial issue I noticed was cube in presentation, so it was classified as cuboidal ii. The adipose tissue was easily identifiable based on the coloring and shape. The reticular ct was identifiable based on the reticular fibers and similarly, the elastic cartilage was identified based on the holes and structure of the tissue. iii. The Cardiac muscle tissue was identified based on the small bumps on the tissue, and the skeletal tissue was identified based on the long straight-lined structure of the tissue. iv. I determined the last slide to be nervous tissue, based on the presence of dendrites 2. What is the difference between simple, stratified, and pseudostratified epithelial tissue. a. Simple epithelia is cells in a single layer, stratified consists of two or more stacked layers of cells, and pseudostratified tissue is a tissue that is in a single layer, but presents as stratified epithelial tissue 3. Describe the cell shape of squamous, cuboidal, and columnar epithelial cells. a. The cell shape of squamous is thin and flat looking, the cuboidal cells present in a cube form, and the columnar cells present in a column like shape 4. Does the number of cell layers or the cell shape play a role in the function of epithelial tissue? Provide three examples. a. Yes, the cell layers and the cell shape play a role in the function of the epithelial tissue. Multiple layers of cells or stratified tissue does a better job of protection, versus the simple cell layer (one layer) allows materials and molecules to enter and exit the cell much easier. 5. List and describe the different types of connective tissue. What similarities and differences did you notice when viewing the slides? a. The different types of ct are i. Dense connective tissues ii. Loose connective tissue iii. Specialized connective tissue b. They are similar in that they all contain cells and are classified as connective tissues. However, they are different in that loose ct has loose tissues which are more scattered, where dense ct is denser and carries more strength. 6. What are three components of the extracellular matrix in connective tissue? a. The three components of the extracellular matrix in ct are protein, fibers and proteoglycans 7. What are the three types of cartilage? What are their similarities and differences? a. The three types of cartilage are i. 1. Hyaline cartilage ii. 2. Fibrocartilage iii. 3. And Elastic cartilage ©eScience Labs, 2016

Tissue and Skin b. They are similar and different because they are all cartilage ct, but the setup and type of fibers contained within them set them apart, fibrocartilage is the toughest CT, and hyaline is the least 8. What are the three types of muscular tissue? For each, describe the cell shape, the type of control (voluntary or involuntary), and the presence or absence of striations. a. The three types of muscular tissue are i. 1. Smooth muscular tissue ii. 2. Skeletal muscle tissue iii. 3. And cardiac tissue b. They are similar and different because they are all muscular tissue, which can contract and lengthen, but they present differently on the slides, and have different functions and are found in different areas (i.e. cardiac muscle Is found on the heart, where skeletal muscles are found on the bone) 9. Looking at the nervous tissue slides, list the visible cell processes (e.g., axons). For each process, state its function. a. The visible cell processes were axons, and dendrites i. The axon’s function is to transmit neural signals and information to other neurons ii. The dendrites function is to receive signals from the neurons, and transmit them to the body 10. What is the difference between multipolar, bipolar, and unipolar neurons? a. Multipolar neurons have multiple dendrites and one axon b. Bipolar neurons have one of each axon and dendrites from the cell body

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Tissue and Skin EXPERIMENT 2: MICROSCOPIC SLIDE EXAMINATION OF SKIN Post-Lab Questions 1. Identify the indicated components in the slide below.

A _____epidermis _______________

B______sweat gland ducts____________ ©eScience Labs, 2016

Tissue and Skin C_____dermal papillae ________________

D____dermis _________________

1. Indicate whether the statement pertains to the epidermis or dermis.

a. This layer consists of the papillary layer and the reticular layer. ____ dermis __________

b. Composed of keratinized, squamous epithelium. ______ epidermis ________

c. Langerhans cells and Merkel cells reside in this layer. _____ epidermis _________

d. Composed of dense, irregular connective tissue. ______ dermis ________

e. The fingerprint pattern, unique to each individual, is created in this layer. _____dermis _______


Outermost layer of skin. ___epidermis_________

g. This layer has laminated granules and keratohyalin granules within the stratum granulosum. _________ epidermis ____

h. The dense supply of blood allows this layer to play a part in body temperature regulation. ________dermis ______

1. List the five layers of the epidermis, from most internal to most external, and describe their functions. a. 1- Stratum Corneum (most external) b. 2- Stratum Lucidum (only in thick skin) c. 3- Stratum Granulose d. 4 Stratum Spinosum e. 5 Stratum Basale (most internal) 2. List the two layers of the dermis, from internal to external, and describe their function. ©eScience Labs, 2016

Tissue and Skin a. 1- most internal (reticular layer) provides flexibility, structure and strength to the skin b. 2- most external (papillary layer) regulating temperature and supplies nutrients

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Tissue and Skin EXPERIMENT 3: SWEAT GLAND DISTRIBUTION Data Tables Table 2: Sweat Gland Distribution Body Region

Sweat Glands/cm2

Right Anterior Forearm

15 glands/cm^2

Right Palm

2 glands/cm^2

Right Anterior Thigh

18 glands/cm^2

Right Anterior Foot

10 glands/cm^2

*I don’t know that palm was accurately captured or measured. Right and left palm were both attempted with minimal reaction*

Post-Lab Questions 1. What area of your body had the greatest density of sweat glands? What area had the lowest? Why do you think that is? a. The area of my body with the greatest density of sweat glands was the thigh, and the area with the lowest was my palm. I think my palm had the lowest area because it is thicker skin. 2. What is the purpose of sweat glands? a. The purpose of sweat glands is to help control body temperature through excreting sweat cooling skin! 3. If you were to perform this test on a friend, do you believe the results would be similar or different to yours? Why or why not? a. If I were to perform this test on a friend, I think the results would be similar, because we both have the same type of skin, and it performs in a similar function

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Tissue and Skin EXPERIMENT 4: SKIN RECEPTORS Data Tables Table 3: Two-Point Discrimination Test Results Body Region

Left-Side Caliper Measurement

Right-Side Caliper Measurement










Front of Neck



Back of Neck






Upper Arm












Back of Hand



Palm of Hand



Tip of Thumb



Tip of Index Finger



Tip of Middle Finger



Tip of Ring Finger



Tip of Pinkie



x listed when two points were identified at all calipers including 0.5cm

Post-Lab Questions 1. Which region was the most sensitive to this test? Which was least sensitive? ©eScience Labs, 2016

Tissue and Skin a. The region that was the most sensitive to this test was the lips and finger tips b. The region that was least sensitive to this test was the shoulder and back of the neck 2. Can you think an advantage to having more touch receptors in the area that you found to be most sensitive? a. An advantage to having more touch receptors in the area being most sensitive like fingertips and lips, would be to improve overall reception and understanding of an item. I would more easily be able to identify the shape and texture and exterior of a product using my fingertips than rubbing it on my shoulder. 3. Was there a difference between the measurements on the left and right sides of the body? Why or why not? a. There were minimal differences in the measurements from left to right, and I was unable to find a correlation between the two. My hypothesis is that the measurements would be similar on both sides for most symmetrical people tested.

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