Lab Exam 2 - FINAL LAB EXAM PRACTICE and final exam practice. All materials covered throughout PDF

Title Lab Exam 2 - FINAL LAB EXAM PRACTICE and final exam practice. All materials covered throughout
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University of Regina
Pages 62
File Size 5.7 MB
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BasesurferYaar sacrolpnmontonf processsacratxaAuriuelargurfaceSacrcaahalmedian Anterior sacral posterior lateralApexsacral crest Sacral Sacral Foramen Foramen crestSuprasternalnotchclavicular notchManubrium sternal anglebodyxiphoid processheadneckTuberclebody⑨ StandageAnatomical Neck Headare ,%%erue...


8) Be able to identify and name the bones and/or landmarks that form each of the following joints. •!!Temporomandibular joints

•!Zygapophyseal joints

•!!Atlanto-occipital joints

•!Vertebrocostal joints

•!!Atlanto-axial joint


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Label: Ilium: Iliac crest, Anterior superior iliac spine, Anterior inferior iliac spine, Posterior superior iliac spine, Posterior inferior iliac spine, Greater sciatic notch, Anterior gluteal line, Posterior gluteal line, Inferior gluteal line, Iliac fossa, Arcuate line, Auricular surface Ischium: Body, Ramus, Ischial spine, Ischial tuberosity, Lesser sciatic notch Pubis: Superior ramus, Inferior ramus, Body, Pubic tubercle, Pectineal line Acetabulum Obturator foramen

Label: Femur: Head, Neck, Body, Greater trochanter, Lesser trochanter, Intertrochanteric line, Intertrochanteric crest, Gluteal tuberosity, Linea aspera, Adductor tubercle, Medial epicondyle, Lateral epicondyle, Medial condyle, Lateral condyle, Intercondylar fossa

Tibia: Medial condyle, Lateral condyle, Tibial tuberosity, Pes anserinus, Anterior border, Fibular notch, Medial malleolus

Fibula: Head, lateral malleolus

Name the bones that form these joints: •

Sternoclavicular joint

•!!Acromioclavicular joint •!!Shoulder joint •!!Elbow joint •!!Wrist joint •!!Hand/finger joints •!Sacroiliac joint •!Hip joint •!Knee joint •!Ankle joint •!Foot/toe joints

Describe the functions of the following: •!!Iliofemoral ligament •!!Ischiofemoral ligament •!!Pubofemoral ligament •!!Anterior cruciate ligament •!!Posterior cruciate ligament •!!Tibial collateral ligament •!!Fibular collateral ligament •!Anterior talofibular ligament •!Calcaneofibular ligament •!Deltoid ligament

Describe all actions with each muscle •!!Trapezius •!!Deltoid •!!Serratus anterior •!!Pectoralis major •!!Latissimus dorsi •!!Teres major •!!Supraspinatus •!!Infraspinatus •!!Teres minor •!!Subscapularis •!Anterior compartment (forearm) muscles •!Posterior compartment (forearm) muscles •!Coracobrachialis •!Brachialis! •!Biceps brachii! •!Triceps brachii •!Brachioradialis

Name the muscles that attach to the following •!!Supraglenoid tubercle (scapula) •!!Infraglenoid tubercle (scapula) •!!Coracoid process (scapula) •!!Acromion process (scapula) •!!Supraspinous fossa (scapula) •!!Infraspinous fossa (scapula) •!!Subscapular fossa (scapula) •!!Inferior angle (scapula) •!Deltoid tuberosity (humerus) •!Lesser tubercle (humerus) •!Greater tubercle (humerus) •!Intertubercular sulcus (humerus) ! •!Olecranon process (ulna) •!Ulnar tuberosity (ulna) •!Radial tuberosity (radius) •!Styloid process (radius)

Be able to identify the iliotibial tract (band), patellar ligament (tendon), and Achilles tendon

Name the actions •!!Gluteus maximus •!!Gluteus medius •!!Tensor fasciae latae •!!Piriformis •!!Obturator internus •!!Superior gemellus •!!Inferior gemellus •!!Quadratus femoris •!!Iliopsoas •!!Sartorius

•!Semimembranosus •!Biceps femoris •!Semitendinosus •!Adductor longus •!Adductor magnus •!Gracilis •!Tibialis anterior •!!Rectus femoris •!!Vastus lateralis •!!Vastus medialis

•!Extensor digitorum longus

•!Fibularis longus •!Fibularis brevis •!Gastrocnemius •!Soleus

2. Be able to name the muscles of the lower limb that attach to the following attachment sites. •!!Anterior superior iliac spine (hip bone) •!!Anterior inferior iliac spine (hip bone) •!!Iliac fossa (hip bone)

•!Greater trochanter (femur) •!Lesser trochanter (femur) •!Linea aspera (femur) •!Adductor tubercle (femur) •!Tibial tuberosity (tibia) •!Pes anserinus (tibia) •!!Ischial tuberosity (hip bone)

Lab 1

Lab 5 Name the major functions of the following: -cerebrum: -cerebellum: -thalamus: -hypothalamus: -midbrain: -pons: -medulla oblongata: -corpus callosum: What are the major functional areas located in each of the cerebral lobes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Where are the following sensations perceived? -somatic sensations: -visual sensations: -auditory sensations: -olfactory sensations: Name whether the following cell bodies/axons located in the following are sensory, somatic motor, and/or autonomic motor -Anterior (ventral) horn: -Posterior (dorsal) horn: -Lateral horn:

-Anterior (ventral) root: -Posterior (dorsal) root: -Posterior (dorsal) root ganglion:

Lab 8

Which blood vessels drain into: -the left atrium:

-the right atrium:

Which blood vessels receive blood from the: -the left ventricle:

-the right ventricle:

Smooth muscles regulates the: This is primarily controlled by: Contraction = Relaxation = Which structure allows the blood vessel to stretch and recoil as the pressure within it fluctuates? Various feedback systems regulate the cardiovascular system which are controlled by the:

Explain the mechanism of the baroreceptor reflex:

Briefly explain the effects of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system on the cardiovascular system



Lab 7 Describe the effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system on the -lungs: -gastrointestinal tract: -liver:

Be able to identify and name the structures (e.g., nerves and blood vessels) that pass through each of the following landmarks. -Olfactory foramina -Optic foramen -Superior orbital fissure -Foramen ovale -Foramen rotundum -Internal auditory meatus -Stylomastoid foramen -Jugular foramen" -Carotid foramen -Foramen magnum " -Transverse foramen Describe the peripheral nerve innervation of the following muscles that are innervated by the: axillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve. -Trapezius -Deltoid -Serratus anterior -Pectoralis major -Latissimus dorsi -Teres major -Supraspinatus -Infraspinatus -Teres minor -Subscapularis -Coracobrachialis

-Brachialis -Biceps brachii -Triceps brachii " -Brachioradialis -Anterior compartment (forearm) muscles -Posterior compartment (forearm) muscles Describe the peripheral nerve innervation of the following muscles that are innervated by the: femoral nerve, obturator nerve, sciatic nerve, tibial nerve, superficial fibular nerve, and deep fibular nerve. -Gluteus maximus -Gluteus medius -Tensor fasciae latae -Piriformis -Obturator internus -Superior gemellus -Inferior gemellus -Quadratus femoris -Iliopsoas -Sartorius -Rectus femoris -Vastus lateralis -Vastus medialis -Biceps femoris -Semimembranosus -Semitendinosus -Adductor longus

-Adductor magnus -Gracilis -Tibialis anterior -Extensor digitorum longus -Fibularis longus -Fibularis brevis -Gastrocnemius -Soleus...

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