Lab Practical 1 practice guide PDF

Title Lab Practical 1 practice guide
Author Jessie Swickey
Course Human Anatomy (L)
Institution Tulsa Community College
Pages 21
File Size 1.1 MB
File Type PDF
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Practical 1 study guide and objectives...


Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 1 1. List the 7 structural organizations of the body: a. ___________________________ b. ___________________________ c. ___________________________ d. ___________________________ e. ___________________________ f.


g. ___________________________ 2. There are ________ commonly recognized organ systems in the human body. Each contains organs that work together to perform specific ____________________________________. All organ systems make up the ______________________________________________________. 3. The _________________________________ system provides support and protection, site of hemopoiesis, Ca++ and phosphorus storage and provides sites for muscle attachments. 4. What system produces body movement and generates heat? ______________________________________________________________________________


Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 2

6. The picture to the left is in the ______________________________ position. You can identify this position because the feet are _______________________________ on the floor, head level and looking _______________________________ arms are at sides with palms facing _______________________________; thumbs pointing ___________________ from body. A person laying face down in anatomical position is in the _________________ position. A person lying face up in the anatomical position is ____________________.

7. The body in the anatomical position a. Is standing with upper limbs parallel to the floor b. Is prone c. Has the palms turned anteriorly. d. Has the head turned to the right

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 3 e. Both a and c are correct 8. The four basic types of tissues in the body are ________________________________________, _____________________________________, _______________________________________, and _______________________________________________________. 9. The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the ________________________________ 10. The abdominal region directly superior to the umbilical region is the _______________________________________________________. 11. A _______________________________________________ plane divides the body into unequal right and left sides. 12. Body structures known as _____________________________________________________ are composed of two or more different tissues, have specific functions, and usually have recognizable shapes. 13. Because the liver and ascending color are both located on the right side of the abdomen, they could be described as ___________ - lateral. 14. In terms of position, the spleen is _____________________________ to the diaphragm and ______________________________________________ to the stomach. 15. Which word describes the location of the lungs with reference to the liver? a. Anterior b. Inferior c. Distal d. Medial e. Superior 16. Which is located most inferiorly? a. Abdominal cavity b. Cranial cavity c. Pleural cavity d. Pelvic cavity e. Mediastinum Matching a) superficial

b) deep

c) anterior (ventral)

d) posterior (dorsal)

e) medial

f) lateral

g) proximal

h) distal

17. ______ toward the front of the body 18. ______ point on a limb nearer to the trunk 19. ______ toward the surface of the body

21. _____ at the back of the body 22. _____ point on a limb farther from the trunk 23. _____ farther from the midsagittal plane

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 4 20. ______ nearer the midsagittal plane

24. _____ away from the surface of the body

a) Anterior

b) medial

c) lateral

d) intermediate

e) posterior

f) superior

g) inferior

h) superficial

i) deep

j) Ipsilateral

k) distall) proximal

m) contralateral 25. _____ closer toward the midline of body 26. _____ farther from the midline of body 27. _____ between two structures 28. _____ closer to front of body 29. _____ closer to back of body 30. _____ above

31. _____ below 32. _____ closer to surface of body 33. _____ farther from surface of body 34. _____ on same side of body 35. _____ closer to point of attachment of a limb 36. _____ farther from point attachment of limb

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 5

37. What cavity do the lungs reside within? ______________________________________________ 38. Which membrane would surround the heart? _________________________________________ 39. Name the membrane lining the cavity that houses the viscera of the abdomen? __________________________________.

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 6 40.

41. Name the quadrant that houses the part of right kidney, right ureter, right ovary and uterine tube in females and right spermatic cord in males. ______________________________________________________________________________

42. _____ Defense against disease causing agents 43. _____ gland releases hormones leading to cellular response 44. _____ exchange of gases between atmosphere and blood 45. _____ fluid and electrolyte balance and excretion 46. _____ mechanical and chemical digestion of food and excretion 47. _____ movement and maintenance of posture 48. _____ physical barrier between internal and external environment 49. _____ processing of information 50. _____ produces gametes; female provides environment for developing fetus 51. _____ pumping of blood to and from the heart 52. _____ structural support; storage of minerals

a) Cardiovascular system b) Digestive system c) Endocrine system d) Integument system e) Lymphatic system f) Muscular system g) Nervous system h) Reproductive system i) Respiratory system j) Skeletal system k) Urinary system

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 7

53. 54. 55. 56.

___________________________ plane divides the body into anterior and posterior parts ___________________________ divides the body into superior and inferior parts ___________________________ passes through specimen at an angle Which plane divides the brain into unequal right and left portions? _____________________________________________.

Human body Regions. Name the region name with the description that anatomically describes its location. 57. Region inferior to the thorax and superior to the pelvic brim and hip bones ______________________________________________________________________________ 58. Portion of the upper limb between elbow and the wrist ______________________________________________________________________________ 59. Region anterior to the elbow; also known as the cubital region ______________________________________________________________________________ 60. Visible surface structures of the ear ______________________________________________________________________________ 61. Armpit ________________________________________________________________________ 62. The portion of the upper limn between the shoulder and the elbow ______________________________________________________________________________ 63. Cheek _____________________________________________ 64. Heel of the foot _________________________________________________________________ 65. Wrist _______________________________________________ 66. Head _______________________________________________ 67. Hip ________________________________________________ 68. Posterior aspect of the elbow ______________________________________________________ 69. Palm of the hand ______________________________________ 70. Kneecap ___________________________________________________ 71. Chest, including the mammary region _______________________________________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 8 72. Diamond-shaped region between the thighs contains the anus and selected external reproductive organs _____________________________________________________________ 73. Foot _____________________________________ 74. Sole of the foot __________________________________________ 75. Thumb ___________________________________ 76. The portion of the lower limb between the knee and the ankle ___________________________ 77. Shoulder ______________________________________________________ 78. Lateral aspect of the leg __________________________________________ 79. Great toe __________________________________________ 80. Used to indicate the crease in the junction of the thigh with the trunk _____________________ 81. The inferior part of the back between distal to the ribs and proximal to the pelvis _____________________________________________ 82. Area posterior to the knee _______________________________________________ 83. _______________________________ cavity contains two smaller cavities separated by diaphragm 84. _____________________________________ cavity is superior to diaphragm 85. _____________________________________________________ cavity is inferior to the diaphragm; contains two sub-cavities divided by pelvic brim of hip bones 86. __________________________________ cavity is superior to pelvic brim 87. __________________________________ cavity is inferior to pelvic brim 88. The ___________________________________________ contains the heart and has a serous membrane called the ____________________________________________________________. 89. The _________________________ contains the lungs and has a serous membrane called the __________________________________. 90. The _______________________________________ cavity has a serous membrane called the peritoneum that is bordered superiorly by the diaphragm. 91. Ventral cavities are lined with ______________________ membrane and is divided into two continuous layers: _________________________________________________ which lines the internal surface of the body wall and the _________________________________________ that covers external surface of specific organs.

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 9 92. Between the cavity membranes is the ___________________________ cavity containing serous fluid that helps reduce ___________________________________ between moving organs. 93. The Pleura is a serous membrane around the lung; the ______________________________________ is proximal to the visceral pleura and the _________________________________ cavity resides between the two

97. 94.


_____ ___________________________


98. 95.

____ ____________________________

____ ____________________________

99. 96.

____ ____________________________

____ ____________________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 10



_ ____________________________




_ ____________________________



__ ___________________________

1. _____________________________

6. 2.

_ ____________________________

___________ __________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 11





__ ___________________________


__ ___________________________



13. 9.

_____ ________________________

____ _________________________


_____ ________________________


___ __________________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 12


_____ ________________________


____ _________________________


_________ ____________________


____ _________________________


___ __________________________


__________ ___________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 13

22. _____________________________

21. _____________________________

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 14 Labeling

Epidermis in _______________ skin Epidermis

Stratum corneum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Spinosum

Epidermis of ___________________ skin Epidermis Stratum spinosum

Stratum corneum Stratum basale

Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum

Stratum basale

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 15 23. _________________ are a major cause of death and are usually caused by heat, radiation, harmful chemicals, sunlight or electrical shock. The immediate threat to life results primarily from __________________________________________, ______________________________________________________, ___________________________________________. 24. Burns are classified by the __________________________________ of tissue involvement. First and second degree burns are called ________________________ ____________________________________ burns. Third degree burns are called __________________ - __________________________________ burns. 25. First degree burns involve only the ___________________________________________ and are characterized by ____________________________________ , _________________, and slight ________________________________. An example of a first-degree burn would be a ___________________________________________. Treatment involved immersing the burned area in _____________________ water or applying a wet compressed. The healing time averages about _________________________ days and typically there is no ______________________________________. 26. Second-degree burns involve the _____________________________________________ and part of the ____________________________________________. The skin can be _______________________________________ and painful. Examples of a second-degree burn would be _____________________________________________________________________, _______________________________________________________. Treatment is similar to first-degree burns, and care must be taken not to break the blisters, which would increase the risk of __________________________________________________. Applying ointments to the blisters is not recommended, because the ointments can retain _________________________ to the burned area. Burned limbs have a healing time about ______________________________ weeks and _______________________________________________________ may occur. 27. Third-degree burns involve _______________________________________________, __________________________________, and ___________________________________________________ which are often destroyed.

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 16 ________________________________________ is a major concern with third-degree burns, because the entire portion of the skin has ben lost, and water cannot be retained in the area. Most third-degree burns require ______________________________________________. Skin ________________________ typically is needed for patients, because the entire _____________________________ and its vasculature and destroyed and regeneration is limited. An example of the causes of thirddegree burns are _________________________________, ______________________, or ________________________________________________________________________. 28. ________________________________ bone and _________________________________ bone are found in all bone regardless of shape or size. 29. In long bones, compact bone is located _____________________________________ to spongy bone. In the diaphysis of a long bone, a thick layer of _________________________________ bone surrounds a thin region of spongy bone. 30. Short bones are _____________ in shape and have lengths that are relatively _______________________ on all sides. A thin layer of _______________________________ bone surrounds the centrally located spongy bone. 31. __________________________ bones are broad, thin bones with a small amount of _________________________________ bone between two thin regions of compact bone. 32. __________________________________ bones are typically very small and are mostly composed of ______________________ bone with a thin outer layer of _________________________ bone. 33. Deep to the periosteum, a series of cylindrical _______________________ run parallel the long axis of a bone. An osteon consists of concentric plates of _____________________ surrounding a central (Haversian) canal. Within the haversian canal, ___________________, _______________________, ____________________________ and _________________________ are present. Interspersed within the lamellae, the mineralized portions of an osteon, _____________________ can be found in their lacunae. __________________________________ provide connecting pathways between lacunae to allow communication between multiple osteocytes. Bone remodeling fills the empty spaces with __________________________________________________.

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 17 34. ________________________________________ lamellae are thin packed layers of bone found intermediate to the periosteum and superficial osteons and intermediate to the 35. deepest osteons and spongy bone.

Identify compact bone, spongy bone, and epiphyseal region

Identify the structures in the bone tissue Periosteum, compact bone, osteons, endosteum, spongy bone, trabeculae, bone marrow

Anatomical Terminology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal Lab Practical I – Labs 1-5 18

36. ______ is the cellular covering of internal spongy bone a. Endosteum b. Periosteum c. Osteocytes d. Lamellae 37. _______ are spaced that contain osteocytes. a. Lacunae b. Lamellae c. Trabeculae d. Endosteum 38. Baked bone demineralizes the bone and breaks down the _________________________. Without collagen, the bone is brittle and east to break. 39. The effects of heat on bone is due to heat removing the _____________________________ part of bone. 40. _____________ dissolves out bone minerals. 41. When treated with heat and acid, do bones still retain the shape of untreated specimens? Explain. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 42. Heated bone becomes_____________________ and responds to pressure by breaking. Bones treated with acid makes the bone _____________. 43. What doe acid remove from bone? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 44. What does baking and soaking bones in acid do to the bone? Explain what happens to the organic material of bone. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________...

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