Lab Saftey Essay - Chem-101L Laboratory Safety PDF

Title Lab Saftey Essay - Chem-101L Laboratory Safety
Author Genesis Willerford
Course Chemistry
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 50.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Chem-101L Laboratory Safety ...


Genesis Willerford Chem-101 Lab Professor May 8th , 2020 Laboratory Safety Essay

Laboratory Safety is very important before starting any kind of experiment in the classroom. PPE is needed in the classroom before even beginning any kind of experiment PPE stands for personal protective equipment. PPE includes wearing safety googles, gloves, a lab coat, and closed-toe shoes the cover and protect your feet from any chemical or hazards (Transcript for Chemistry Lab Safety Videos, 2016). Safety googles are important in lab because they protect the eyes from any chemicals or hazards, the googles should be able to seal around the face and strap behind the head so they do not fall off. Gloves are important during lab because they protect the hands from chemicals and specimen the gloves are provided in the lab class and are disposable. A lab coat protects the body from chemicals and hazards they protect the arms and body that are covered within the lab coat. During the lab legs should be fully covered and any hair should be tied up away from the face and no loose jewelry. Now that we have established the PPE it’s time to discuss the safety of students thankfully, we have public safety they are responsible for making sure are campus is a safe environment for all students, staff and visitors. Public Safety is available 24/7 whenever there is an emergency you can reach them at 602-639-8100 or by dialing 8-911. When in the classroom or outside of the classroom it is important to know about medical emergencies. First thing to do if there is a medical emergency in the classroom is to notify the instructor the instructor will ensure that Public Safety is called and with the exact location on where the incident is occurring and after that an incident

report must be done as soon as possible describing what happened. If a fire occurs, it is important not to panic students need to calmly walk out to the nearest exit and meet your instructor at the instructed designated area. If you are ever trapped in a fire or see a fire public safety should be called imminently students should never try and attempt to move any items that are on fire. The instructors have a fire extinguisher to be able to put out the fire. There are fire blankets in each classroom in case a person was to catch on fire than the instructor would throw the blanket on the student. If a lockdown was to occur when a lab experiment is going on all students should stop their experiments, make sure the room is locked, turning off any lights, turning off the gas, clean up any harmful things that can be used, and then safely hide in the classroom. When working in a lab class there is a chemical storage room on each floor with all the chemicals that remain locked unless you have key to enter. It is important to know when working with chemicals you might get a chemical exposure and start acting strange if you notice one of your lab partners starts acting differently, they can have been exposed to the chemical and the student should report it to the professor. The national fire protection agency uses a four-colored diamond sign to indicate hazards. Each of the diamond’s colors have different meanings for instance blue color indicates health hazards, red indicates flammability, yellow reactivity, and white for any special conditions. A safety data sheet is in every laboratory classroom it contains a copy of all the hazardous communication plans, emergency contacts about the chemicals used and where the chemicals are. With working with chemicals, it is important to have the proper safety tools for emergencies such as spills there are spill kits in the classroom in case a chemical spill. Eye wash machine because if a chemical comes in contact with the eye it needs to be washed out. There are many rules and procedures when it comes to working in a lab where chemicals are used. It is

important to always listen to instructions and not do anything that you haven’t been instructed to do this how all student can remain safe.


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