Title LAB TEST AIS655 2021
Author Nuraida Syahirah
Course Accounting System Analysis and Design
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 3
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CONFIDENTIAL AC/MAY2021/AIS© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIALLAB TEST AISMICROSOFT PROJECTVincenzo Cassano and Inzaghi plan to organize a ‘Culture Week” in Geumga-dong Plaza to help the tenants to promote their business to the public. You are appointed as a project manager for this p...



AC/ MAY2 0 21 / AI S6 55

LABTESTAI S65 5 MI CROSOFTPROJ ECT Vincenzo Cassano and Inzaghi plan to organize a ‘Culture Week” in Geumga-dong Plaza to help the tenants to promote their business to the public. You are appointed as a project manager for this project and responsible to prepare a Gantt chart using Microsoft project. The details of the project are as below:

QUESTI ON 1 i . i i .

s tMa The project start date is 1 y20 2 1. The tasks are as follow:

MAI N TASKS/Subt as ks PLANNI NG Setting up a committee Prepare working paper Get the approval from Vincenzo Contact embassy EXECUTI ON Prepare publicity materials Get approval from municipal council Set-up the venue Finalize the sponsorship RSVP with embassy POSTMORTEM Preparation of report Submission of the repot i i i .

Dur a t i on ( da ys ) 7 3 2 3 28 2 10 3 3 3 1

You are also given the following additional information: 1. TWO milestones need to be created for start and end point of the project 2. All tasks should be linked using default relationship of Finish-to-Start (FS) EXCEPTfor: a.“Get approval from municipal council” where it can start as the same time with “Prepare publicity materials”. b.“RSVP with embassy” where it can be completed before “Finalize the sponsorship” starts. 3. “Setting up committee” normally takes only 5 days to be completed instead of 7 days.

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


REQUI RED a. What is the project end date?

2 July 2021 ( 2mar ks )

b. How long does it take to complete? i.


15days ( 1mar k)



1mar k) 28days (



1mar k) 4days (

Save your file as your name_matric no_group_lab Muhammad_2019201136_MAC2206A_lab test_Q1.





QUESTI ON 2 The following table shows available resources for this project and their respective duties. You are required to assign the resources to the project tasks accordingly. MAIN TASKS / Subtasks PLANNI NG Setting up a committee Prepare working paper Get the approval from Vincenzo Contact embassy EXECUTI ON Prepare publicity materials* Get approval from municipal council Set-up the venue Finalize the sponsorship RSVP with embassy POSTMORTEM Preparation of report Submission of the report

Resource(s) Project Manager Secretary Secretary Secretary Executive of Babel Group Project manager Staff of Babel Group Treasurer Secretary Secretary Project Manager

The cost for ALL resources are FREE except for Executive and Staff of Babel Group where they will be paid RM250 per hour for a standard rate and RM300 for overtime. They will also get the fixed payment as below: Tas k Prepare publicity materials Set-up the venue

Fi x edCos t( RM) 5,000 2,000

Fi x edCos tAc c r ua l End End

* Not e:Vi nc enzoa ndI nz aghide c i dedt oa ppoi ntone( 1 )MOREEx ec ut i veofBa belGr oupt os pe edupt he t as k“Pr e par epubl i c i t yma t er i al s ” .

REQUI RED a. How long does it take to complete? i . PLANNING? i i . EXECUTION? i i i . POST-MORTEM?

s( 1ma r k) 120hour s( 1ma r k) 368hour s( 1ma r k) 32hour

b. What is the new project completion date?

15 June 2021( 1mar k)

c . How much the total costs for: i . Prepare publicity materials? i i . Set-up venue

RM 61,000( 1mar k) RM 22,000( 1mar k)

r ks ) d. How much variable costs for “Prepare publicity materials”? RM 61,000 (1ma

e . What happened to the cost of “Prepare publicity materials” when you assigned the additional resources? ( 2ma r ks ) The cost is increase because we had to pay for 2 resources now.

Save as your file as your name_matric Muhammad_2019201136_MAC2206A_lab test_Q2.






QUESTI ON 3 Al lr e s our c ese x c eptEx e c ut i vesofBa be lGr oup work on Sa t ur da y from 9a . mt o 12p. m.whereas Executives of Babel Group are working based on standard working hours. You are required to create Geumga dongCul t ur eWe ekCa l enda rto incorporate the different working time and assign resources to this new calendar accordingly.

REQUI RED a.What is the new project end date after assigning the resources to the Ge umga dongCul t ur eWee k Cal e nda r ? 11 June 2021( 1mar ks ) b.Total hours required to complete all the tasks i . i i . i i i . i v . v .

Pr oj ec tMana ge r Sec r e t a r y Tr e as ur e Ex ec ut i veofBabe lGr oup St affofBabelGr oup

7 2hour s( 1mar k) 11 2hour s( 1mar k) 2 4hour s( 1ma r k) 22 4hour s( 1mar k) 80 hour s( 1mar k)

Save as your file as your name_matric no_group_lab test_Q3. For example: Anuar Muhammad_2019201136_MAC2206A_lab test_Q3. Submit ALL of your Microsoft project files (3 files) through google form. Tq

Tot a l :2 0ma r ks EndofQues t i onPaper...

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