Lab1101080568 - Glenn McRae labs PDF

Title Lab1101080568 - Glenn McRae labs
Author Shawn Innocent
Course Introduction to Engineering
Institution Carleton University
Pages 7
File Size 258.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Glenn McRae labs...



Full Name: Shawn Innocent


Assignment Title: LAB 1 TO Marking TA: Name: Email:

Lab Section: … Room Number: … – Carleton University

From: Email: [email protected]

Student Number: 101080568

Calculations: 3/7 Report: 1.5/3 Total: 5/10

Last Date and Time of Revision:

INTRODUCTION The fundamental goal for engineering is to provide safety and also make the world a better place to live in. This report surveys the very important issue in today’s society which is the consumption and efficiency of gasoline and fuel. The survey is done to compare the fuel consumptions of different vehicles and to find the most environment friendly way of transportation. The report uses a lot of different calculations such as the velocity=distance/time equation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The report contains a lot of calculations to get results. The time=distance/velocity equation is used along with finding average fuel cost for the jet fuel. Also, calculations have been made to find the total minutes and total time travel, this is found by carrying out basic math formulas. This is all to find the most environment friendly means of transportation. The calculations are done to find out various things such as fuel consumption per seat and total fuel consumption. Fuel cost is also calculated as a part of the project. These calculations help us to find out the most economical ways of transportation. The CO2 emissions by each vehicle is calculated as well to help figure out the problem in our transportation industry and maybe these calculations help fix a very serious problem.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION After doing various calculations the results have been obtained in Table 3 below. The Table shows comparison between different modes of transportation; it portrays a clear picture in terms of time taken to travel and it also keeps a tab on the CO2 emissions. According to Table 3, the aircraft is the most time sensitive mode of transportation as it can reach destinations the quickest. But it has some major drawbacks as suggested by the table itself since it consumes around 612.69 L/100 km. This number may not seem a lot but in comparison to 6.68 L/100 km of the sedan and 8.68 L/100 km if the minivan it looks huge. And looking at the CO2 commissions it paints an even worse picture for the aircrafts since it emits a lot more CO2 as an aircraft in general and also as per person comparatively to a sedan and a minivan. Although, the positive about the aircraft is that the cost of fuel per person on an aircraft is lesser than a sedan and a minivan which is why it is more efficient.

CONCLUSIONS The calculations carried out portray a clear picture as to how the air crafts are very time friendly and also can carry a lot of people at once but looking deeper into the data derived such as fuel consumption per seat and CO2 emissions per seat it is clear it is more harmful to the nature compared to van and sedan. However, the sedan is the most expensive means of transportation taking fuel coast per seat in to account. This shows that the van is most economical followed by the aircraft with the sedan being the least efficient


APPENDICES 1. Note that each appendix must contain text to indicate clearly the relevance of the content to the report.

ASSUMPTIONS 1. For the aircraft, the trip distance is the maximum range. This is the distance the airplane can travel without using its reserve fuel. For your calculations, the reserve is a percentage of the fuel capacity. The reserve fuel is only used if the airport is busy, or if the flight needs to be diverted because of weather. 2. When calculating travel time by air, assume an average velocity equal to 90% of the cruise velocity. 3. When calculating travel time by automobile, include 12 hours of rest for every 10 hours of driving. 4. For the price of the jet fuel, use the average price over the past 13 months in Figure 1.


Tables and Figures

Table 1: “BlueSky” model E-1010 airplane specifications.

Aircraft model

Max. no. of seats



Max. range*

Max. takeof weight

Max fuel capacity**

Cruise speed @ 35,000 feet ***









*The maximum distance the airplane can fly without using its reserve fuel. **The maximum mass of fuel the airplane can hold in its fuel tanks including its reserve fuel. *** “#” is your last digit of your student number. Table 2: Useful Information Automobile fuel price*



Fuel density (aircraft and automobile)



Aircraft reserve fuel*



Automobile average speed*



Aircraft fuel price**



Automobile CO2 emission



Airplane CO2 emission


kg CO2/kg Fuel

Halifax to Vancouver distance by car



CO2 fixed by the average tree per year


lb CO2/tree/year

* “#” is your last digit of your student number. ** To Be Determined (TBD); see “Assumption 4” below.

Assumptions 1. For the E-1010, the Halifax-Vancouver flight is the maximum range of the airplane. This is the distance the airplane can travel without using its reserve fuel. For your calculations, the mass of reserve fuel is 10.#0 % of the maximum fuel capacity, where # is the last digit of your student number. The reserve fuel is only used if the airport is busy, or if the flight needs to be diverted because of bad weather. 2. When calculating travel time by air, assume an average speed equal to 90% of the cruise speed for the airplane. 3. When calculating travel time by automobile, include 12 hours of rest for every 10 hours of driving. For the average automobile speed use 8#.0 km/hr, where # is the last digit of your student number. 4.

For the price of jet fuel, use the average price in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Jet fuel monthly price in Canada ($/L)

Table 3: Calculation Summary Table

Fuel Consumpti on L/100 km

Fuel Cost for the vehicle to travel the distance ($)


26235. 09

Car– Sedan 4 passeng ers


Minivan 7 passeng ers


Fuel Consumpti on per person: 100% occupied seats L/100 km

Total Travel Time **



No. of trees to ofset CO2 emission /yr/pers on

5. 8





13 8

13 8




13 8

13 8



CO2 Emission (kg) Fuel Cost per person: 100% occupied seats ($)




11500 2









1574.5 9

per person: 100% occupied seats

Total Trav el Time (hr)*

E-1010 250 passeng ers

* The total travel time by automobile includes 12 hr rest stops for each 10 hr of driving; report to 4 sig figs **Convert total travel time to hours and minutes; for instance, 6.2 hrs means 6 hrs and 12 min. 5

“%%” are the last two digits of your student number.

SAMPLE CALULCATIONS The presentation of this appendix must be neat and legible. No cellphone pictures. Average velocity of the aircraft:Total time travel for the aircraft:

Total minutes travelled:

90% of cruise velocity


minutes= time in hours*60

0.9*898=808.2 km/hr

t= 4755km/ (808.2 km/hr.) =5.88 hr.

Aircraft average fuel cost: (0.84+0.80+0.79+0.79+0.81+0.80+0.78+0.80+0.80+0.82+0.85+0.84+0.81)/13 = 0.81$/L Litres of fuel used: Aircraft



10.11% of 32389 L= 3274.5 L Distance travelled: 5816 km 32389-3274.4= 29114.5 L

Distance travelled: 5816 km

Fuel consumption rate: 6.68 L/100 km Fuel consumption rate:8.68L/100km 58.16*6.68= 388.5 L

5816/8.68= 670.04 L

Total Fuel Cost=Litres of fuel*price of the fuel Aircraft: 32389*0.81=$ 26235.09

Sedan: 388.5*1.08=$ 419.58

Van: 670.04*1.08=$ 723.64

Fuel consumption: Aircraft (L/100 km) Distance travelled= 4755 km

29114.5/47.55= 612.29 L/100 km

Fuel used= 29114.5 L Fuel Cost per seat: Aircraft 26235.09/250= $103.69


Van 419.58/4= $104.89

723.64/7= $103.37

Emission ratio: Aircraft 0.80 kg/L 3.16kg CO2/kg fuel/0.80= 3.95 kg CO2/L fuel Emission total= emission ratio*fuel burnt Emissions per seat= emission total/seats Automobile

lb CO2 emitted/trees to offset 6

2.35 kg/L*Fuel burnt


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