Lack of Education (Lexi\'s Final Paper) PDF

Title Lack of Education (Lexi\'s Final Paper)
Author Alexis King
Course General Education Capstone
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 5
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The lack of education...


Lack of Education

Alexis King GEN 499 General Education Capstone Professor Dariush Azimi-Garakani September 24, 2020

Lack of Education Lack of education is a serious, worldwide issue. The lack of education causes students to be less successful and increases their chances of living in poverty as adults. Since being unsuccessful is an effect of lack of education, students may face lower paying jobs, unemployment, and the need for government assistance. There are various things that can cause lack of education. Some of those are lack of parental involvement, lack of educational program funds, lack of communication between students, staff members, and parents, as well as lack of technology. “Children’s education is shaping up to be yet another avoidable tragedy of America’s dismal response,” (Reilly, 2020). Education can become a more successful tool in the world with more educational funds, family involvement, cultural acceptance, and needed technology being provided. Problem Lack of education is a societal problem for various reasons. Some of those reason include lack of education leading to crime, poverty, and sexual attitudes. This problem developed for many reasons. One reason in which children do not have access to education is due to poverty. In many countries, poverty is an issue that affects family lives, education, and traditions. According to Humanium (n.d.) “Factors linked to poverty such as unemployment, illness and the illiteracy of parents, multiply the risk of non-schooling and the drop-out rate of a child by 2.” (para. 2). Another reason in which children do not have access to education is due to financial issues in countries, not within families. According to Huamnium (n.d.) “Many emerging countries do not appropriate the financial resources necessary to create schools, provide schooling materials, nor recruit and train teachers. Funds pledged by the international community are generally not sufficient enough to allow countries to establish an education system for all children.” (para. 4). In other words, some countries cannot financially afford to give every child top quality education including the educators, the classrooms, the resources and materials, etc. Another reason in which children do not have access to education is due to inequality between males and females, in some countries. According to Humanium (n.d.) “This problem occurs most frequently in the Arab States, in central Asia and in Southern and Western Asia and is principally explained by the cultural and traditional privileged treatment given to males. Girls are destined to work in the family home, whereas boys are entitled to receive an education.” (para. 11). This is important because all children deserve an education, regardless of their gender. Another reason in which children do no have access to education is due to family involvement. Lack of education results in lack of parental involvement in the schools, putting communication policies in place between the school and the parents could tremendously help solve this issue. Students are most likely to be successful when schools, parents, and communities work together and communicate effectively. A final reason in which children do no have access to education is due to lack of technology. Throughout the world, technology is advancing, and it is hard for schools to keep up with this advancing technology. This creates lack of education because students are not learning the newest technology that will be used when they are out of school or starting their own careers. This also creates lack of education because some students learn best with certain types of technology which may not be available to them through their school. Solution Harmon (2018) summarizes a few ways for educators to help students that are living in poverty such as having high expectations, exposing students to places outside of the classroom, building

relationships with your students and their families, teaching them social-emotional learning strategies, and creating a positive classroom culture. Holding high expectations for students allows them to work towards reachable goals, resulting in them working hard towards their goals outside of the classroom as well. By setting high expectations for your students you can set goals for/with them, hold them accountable for expectations, expect the best out of their work, and be a role model with goals as well. Exposing students to places outside of the classroom is important so they are aware of what the world has to offer them, some strategies for this would be educating students about different career opportunities, bringing career professional to speak to the students, taking a field trip to local museums, and taking virtual field trips as well. Building relationships with your students and their families is important because it allows for respect and trust to be built. People living in poverty are usually unstable and by creating and maintain relationships you are showing them consistency. Teaching them socialemotional learning strategies is important because it can build trust, respect, community, and personal growth. Some social-emotional strategies include breathing techniques, a calm down corner, and classroom circles. Creating a positive classroom culture is important because it allows all students to know and understand how important they are and that the classroom community will always believe in them. According to Roser & Ortiz-Ospina (2016) “Policy experiments have also shown that pre-school investment in demand-side inputs leads to large positive impacts on education – and other important outcomes later in life. The environment that children are exposed to early in life, plays a crucial role in shaping their abilities, behavior and talents.” (para. 9). It is crucial for children to be offered the education they deserve and need; therefore it is crucial for expenses to be adjusted through countries as needed. A solution to inequality between males and females in some countries would be to simply allow and offer females the same educated that is allowed and offered to males, or vice versa. A solution to lack of family involvement within the educational environment would be to encourage families to be more involved in the school community, offer nights throughout the year for families to meet up (with and without the students) to better get to know one another, and to encourage family lunches on some days. A solution to lack of technology would be to invest in only the technology that may truly be needed in the educational environment, this may include hearing aids, text-to-speech devices, brail, etc. Evaluation of the Evidence The evidence used throughout this paper is valid, reliable, and unbiased. Reilly (2020) is not stating an opinion, rather a fact in which can be proved. Humanium (n.d.) is also stating facts, which can be proved and is also backed up with research as well as graphs. Harmon (2018) is listing facts for how educators can better help students who are living in poverty, while these are not backed up with graphs, I am sure these could be proven or agreed upon by other educators. Roser & Ortiz-Ospina (2016) is also stating facts in which could be proven correct, as well as relying upon experiments for what they are stating within the article. Ethical Outcomes of Solution There are many positive ethical outcomes that can result from my solution. One positive ethical outcome that could result from holding high expectations for all students, especially those in poverty, is it motivates students to achieve reachable goals, both in the school environment and at home. One negative ethical outcome to this solution would be holding too high of expectations and students starting to feel discouraged and disconnected. One positive ethical outcome that could result from

exposing students to places outside of the classroom is that it can allow students to have knowledge on all the different things and people that they can be in life. One positive ethical outcome that could result from building relationships with your students and families is that it creates a community, it builds trust, it helps develop the feeling of beings included, and can also help the process of decision making in the educational environment. One ethical issue with this would be if families feel they do not have enough control over the decisions being made with their child in school, and you could sit down and explore solutions with families. One positive ethical outcome that could result from teaching social-emotional learning strategies would be the students becoming better at controlling and calming themselves both in the classroom and at home, which can also help to prepare them for their adult lives as well. Teaching students social-emotional strategies can also build trust, respect, community, and personal growth. One positive ethical outcome that could result from creating a positive classroom culture is that it promotes student’s involvement and allows them to feel valued and supported within the environment. The only issue that may arise with this solution is if they are now willing to let their child learn about various cultures. A positive ethical outcome that could result from allowing females and males the same opportunity at education is every student will feel valued and connected. A positive ethical outcome that could result from encouraging families to be more involved is students feeling more connected with their families, as well as academically performing higher, and improved social skills and behavior. The only issue that could arise with this solution is families refusing to become involved. A positive ethical outcome that could result from investing in technology needed in the school environment is all students, regardless of needed technology, will feel valued and included. Another outcome of this solution would be hearing, speaking, seeing, and writing impaired students will be provided materials to give them their best shot as success as well as every other student. Conclusion Education can become a more successful tool in the world with more educational funds, family involvement, culture acceptance, and needed technology being provided. Lack of education can lead to crime, poverty, sexual attitudes, and many more things. Poverty, financial issues within the country, inequality between males and females, lack of technology, and lack of parental involvement in schools are just a few reasons that may be the cause of lack of education within children and families. Holding high expectations for students, exposing students to places outside of the classroom, building relationships with your students and their families, teaching them social-emotional learning strategies, creating a positive culture classroom, and investing in technology crucially needed within the school are all some solutions to these problems. All students deserve to be given the best opportunity of succeeding in the world and it all starts will providing them with education.

References Harmon, W. (2018). 5 Concrete Ways to Helps Students Living in Poverty. Retrieved from Humanium. (n.d.). Right to Education: Situation Around the World. Retrieved from %20education&text=For%20many%20children%20who%20still,of%20persisting%20inequality %20and%20marginalization.&text=Factors%20linked%20to%20poverty%20such,of%20a %20child%20by%202. Reilly, M.K., Conn., & Ball, M. (2020). As the School Year Approaches, Education May Become the Pandemics Latest Casualty., N.PAG. Roser, M., & Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2016). Financing Education. Retrieved from

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