Lady Leaf and her Tea experience business Sep 30 PDF

Title Lady Leaf and her Tea experience business Sep 30
Author Anna Nguyen
Course Introduction to Financial Accounting
Institution York University
Pages 3
File Size 71.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Cas e#3:LadyLeafandher" T eaex per i enc e"bus i nes s J ohannaSt r aus shadwor k edf ormor et han25y ear sast heex ec ut i veass i st antoft opmanager si nl ar geCanadi an c or por at i ons .Af t err et i r ements hedeci dedt ogoonat r i par oundt hewor l dunt i l s heget sbor edordr opsdead. Af t er20mont hsi nher' vo y age' Johannadeci dedt or et ur nt oTor ont oduet oacompl i c at edheal t hcondi t i on.Af t er t hei ni t i alt r eat mentwascompl et edJohannaneededt ohaver egul arc heckupsandnotbei ngconfidenti nher s el f asbef or eshedec i dedt os t ayi nTor ont oal l t het i me .Johannahasbeenal way sex t r emel yact i veandi nt hi snew s t ageofherl i f es hecoul dn' tsi tst i l l .Att hi ss t ages hewasnoti nt er es t edi nwor k i ngf orot her sasherheal t hmade hernotver yr el i abl e,sos hedeci dedt os t ar therownbus i nesswi t hapas s i ons hedi sc ov er edi nher' v o yage' : pr epar eandser v et eaasi tshoul dbedone.Hert ar getmar k etoraudi enc esar es el ect edmeet i ngsor gani z edby t opex ec ut i vesort hei rpar t ner si nt hei rhouses . OnJ anuar y1st2016JohannaorLadyLeafass hewant edt obec al l eds etupac ompanyt of or mal i z et het ea s er v i c es hehasbeenex per i enc i ngwi t hherf r i endsandac quai nt ances .Af r i endhel phert opr epar eabusi ness pl ant hatwasr eadyt obepr esent edatherf r i end' sbanksos hecangets omeex t r afinanc i ngi fneeded,i nt he meant i met hi sf r i endwass os ur eaboutJ ohanna' si deat hatdeci dedt ol endher$10, 000f or5y ear swi t han i nt er es tr at eof3% pery ear .OnJ anuar y2ndJohannas et suphercompany:TeaExper i encewi t hac api t al of 10, 000shar esv al uedat$5eac h.Al awy erpr oducedal l t heneededpaper wor k . OnJ anuar y3r dJohannaopensabankac countundert henameofTeaEx per i enc eCor p.depos i t i ngt he$10, 000 f r om herpl ust he$10, 000l oanedbyherf r i end.OnJanuar y4t hJohannat r ans f er sowner s hi pofhers et soft ea equi pmentt ot hec ompany .Al l ofhert eaequi pmenti shi ghendwhi l eonei sv er yr ar eandex cl usi v e.The equi pmenthasaf ai rmar k etv al ueof$7, 500andi ses t i mat edt ol as tf or5y ear sandt hen,i fnotbr ok en,c anbe s ol df or$1, 500.Sheal s omades ur et ot r ans f ert hei ns ur ancec ont r ac tf orhert eaequi pmentf r om hert ot he c ompanyaswel l ,t hecont r acts t ar t edonOc t ober1s t2015.Thei nsur ancepr emi um i s$900pery earandi twas pai di nf ul l whens i gnedonOct ober1st2015.Ont hesamedayJ ohannasi gnsi nf ort hes er vi c esofar i des har i ng appt hatwoul dal l owhert oc al lac art ogoandc omebackf r om t hepl ac esoft hecus t omer st hathi r eher . DepEx p=( 75001500) / 5=$1200 SoMont hl yDep=1200/ 12=$100 Mont hl yI nsur anc eex p=900/ 12=$75 J an3Cas hDr20, 000 LoanPay abl eCr10, 000 CommonShar eCr10, 000 ( Loan$10, 0005Yr s@3% &Commons har es10, 000@$5,2000i s suedandpai dup) J an4T eaEqptDr7500 Pr epai di ns ur anceDr CommonShar eCr8175 ( J ohannaCapi t al7500+900* 9/ 12=8175) Thef ol l owi ngi sal i s toft r ans act i onst hatoccur r eddur i ngt hefi r stmont hofoper at i onsof" TeaEx per i enceCor p" : J anuar y4t hCompl et edt hepur c has eofanex qui s i t ewoodboxfi t t edt ocar r yandmai nt ai ni nt actt hequal i t yoft ea l eav esf or$3, 000.Thebox ,whi c hwi l l bepai di nf ul l onJanuar y5t h2017,wi l lbeus eddur i ng5f ul ly ear swi t hno r esal eval ueatt heend. J an4T eaEqui pment( Bo x)Dr3000 Ac c ountPay abl eCr3000 ( APonJ an5,2017) DeponTeaBox=3000/ 5=600 Mont hl yDep=600/ 12=$50 J anuar y5t hCompl et edt hepur c has eofanex qui s i t es el ec t i onoft eal eavesandmi xt ur esf or$2, 000.50% was pai di ncas h,t heot her50% wi l l bepai di n30day s . J an5Pur c has esDr2000 Cas hCr1000 Ac c ountPay abl eCr1000

J anuar y7t hGr eats t ar tofbusi nesss er vi ngsev er al ev ent sf oral ar geandwel l knowni nt er nat i onalc har i t y .Gota c hequef or$3, 000f orhers er v i cesand$2, 000i nac countt obecol l ect edonJ an31st . J an7Cas hDr3000 Ac countRecei v abl eDr2000 Rev enueCr5000 J anuar y7t hPai d$400oft r anspor t at i ont ot her i des har i ngs er v i ce. J an7T r ans por t at i onEx pens eDr400 Cas hCr400 J anuar y15t hHi r edacar pent ert oi mpr ovet hel ookofherex qui si t ewoodbox( t hi swi l l notc hanget hev al ueort he usef ul l i f eoft hebox ) .Thewor ki sc ompl et edandJ ohannapai d$300onJ anuar y20t handpr omi sedt opayt he r est( $700)onFebr uar y20t h. J an15Expens eonEqui pmentDr1000 Cas hCr300 Equi pmentPa y abl eCr700 J anuar y20t hPr ov i dedhers er vi c esf ort wosmal l ev ent s.Onepr omi s edt opay$500ofFebr uar y10t h,whi l et he ot herwi l l payt he$500byt heendofFebr uar y . J an20Acc ountRec ei v abl eDr$1000 Rev enueCr1000 J anuar y20t hPr ov i dedser v i cesi nanaf t er noonev entatal ocal c hur ch.J ohannac ol l ect ed$200f oral l her s er v i c es . J an20Cash200 Rev enueCr200 J anuar y20t hPai d$100oft r ans por t at i ont ot her i des har i ngser v i ce. J an20Tr ans por t at i onEx pens eDr100 Cas hCr100 J anuar y23r dPai df oranewpr of ess i onalout fi t$80( c l ot hes )andahai rsal on$40t hati nc l udedl abour ,mat er i al s andt ax .Thi swasneededs os hecanbepr esent abl eatt hehi ghendevents hewi l l bepr ov i di ngser v i ceson J anuar y25t h. J an23Or gani z at i onCos t sDr120 Cas hCr120 J anuar y23r dOr der ed300per s onal car dsand100br oc hur es .Tot al pai df ort her us hor deri s$500( $1eac h per s onal car dand$2eac hbr oc hur e) .J ohannawi l l s t ar tdi s t r i but i ngt hem att hehi ghendev entofJanuar y25t h. J an23Pr epai dAdv er t i si ngDr500 Cas hCr500 J anuar y25t hOnebi gev entwasser v i ced.Thebi l l of$4, 000waspai d50% bef or et hebegi nni ngoft heev entand t her es ti n30day s .Johannawasabl et odi st r i but e100per s onal car dsand20br oc hur es . J an25CashDr2000 Acc ountRec ei v abl eDr2000 Rev enueCr4000

J an25Adv er t i s i ngEx penseDr140 Pr epai dAdver t i s i ngCr140 ( 100Car ds @$1+20Br ochur es @$2)

J anuar y29t hRecei v edt hebi l l f r om t hel awy ert hathel pedhert os etupt hec ompanyf or$900pay abl eby Febr uar y15t h. J an29Or gani zat i onCos t sDr900 Or gani zat i onCos t sPa y abl eCr900 J anuar y30t hRecei v edadepos i tof$800f ors er v i c i ngami daf t er noongett oget heronFebr uar y29t h.Thegr oup want edt or es er v et hedat et odosomet hi ngspec i al i nherhouseasi tonl yhappensonc eev er y4y ear s . J an30CashDr800 Adv anc esf r om c ust omer sCr800 J anuar y31s tHavi ngcons umed75% oft het eaathands hepur chasesonaccountmor et eaf or$1, 000. T eaPur c has ed onJ an5f or$2000.75% c onsumed. SoCGS=75%* 2000=1500 SoBal anc e$500 J an31Pur chasesDr1000 Ac c ountPay abl eCr1000 Addi t i onal i nf or ma t i on J anuar y31s tTheonl i nebanks t at ementf ort hemont hofJ anuar ys howsbankf eesof$25. J an31BankFeeDr25 Cas hCr25 J anuar y31s tThephonebi l l f or$120wasr ecei v edf ort hemont hofJanuar y ,t hepaymenti sdueonFebr uar y9t h. J an31PhoneEx penseDr120 Phonepay abl eCr120 J anuar y31s tJohannadoesnotc ol l ect$2, 000f r om as er vi c epr ov i dedonJ an7t h. NoEnt r yt i l lcl osur eofFY. J anuar y31s tHavi ngcashatt hebankdec i dedt opayoffal lt eapur chases. J an31Acc ountPay abl eDr2000 Cas hCr2000 J an31Depr ec i at i onExp–TeaSetDr100 Depr ec i at i onExp–Bo xDr75 Ac c umul at edDepr ec i at i onCr175 J an31I nsur ancee xpDr Pr epai dI ns ur anceCr Pr epar e" T"Account si nACCRUALandCASHbas i sf ort hi scas eusi ngt hef ol l owi ngc har tofac c ount s ,when r el ev ant ,pr epar et heI ncomes t at ement ,St at ementofRet ai nedEar ni ngsandBal anceSheet...

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