Leadership and Power Assignment Unit 7 PDF

Title Leadership and Power Assignment Unit 7
Author Yemi Dada
Course Organizational Theory and Behavior
Institution University of the People
Pages 4
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Leadership and Power...


Assignment Unit 7: Leadership and Power

Assignment 8 Denise Gardiner University of the People

Complete the MindTools Leadership Quiz. Carefully interpret your results. Examine those areas where you lost points using the suggested materials. Do you agree or disagree with the findings? Could you improve your leadership abilities by using the resources recommended?

Score: 63 The score is indicative of an excellent score for an inspiring leader. I indeed think that I am a work in progress. It indicates that I have what it takes but perhaps some harnessing or honing of particular strengths then I would be able to soar to higher heights. This has provided me with a starting point to assess meaningfully my leadership skills. The assessment done in the three critical areas of Personal Characteristic, Transformational Leadership and managing performance effectively, accurate reflects where it is I am in my quest to be an awesome leader. It has steered me on the path and objectives that could enhance my leadership ability in the very near future. Personal Characteristics The score for thud area provided an apt assessment of my Personal characteristic where as in the face of rating above average for emotional Intelligence and having a positive attitude and outlook , there were some trepidation about myself . Something I have to be worked on as Locke states cited in [ CITATION Mic01 \l 9225 ] that self-confidence is a necessary trait for successful leadership. This borderline lacking of self-efficacy is something that keeps me back as a leader because I do know what to do I play it over and over in my mind but just never have that confidence to reach the full implementation stage . So while I maybe be good at motivating persons and it well liked and appreciated by others I need to internalize that as something positive and stop creating that self-doubt about my abilities. As Bandura cited in [ CITATION Mic01 \l 9225 ] noted that the most important leader cognition is the individual’s self-efficacy for

the leadership task. Confidence is the foundation, and if you want to be a strong leader then you must pour a foundation of stone[ CITATION Fra08 \l 9225 ]. Therefore I have to work on building a better foundation because any meaningful quest for leadership role without addressing my internal confidence is merely window dressing as suggested by [ CITATION Fra08 \l 9225 ]. In spite of my low score in Self Confidence, the score in being able to leader was remarkable and truly underscore my abilities to provide some level of guidance, vision and exemplifying behavior that persons generally feel compelled to follow and this I agree with totally . The persons who I have led and leading generally reach out to me to provide some way forward. In introspection, I perhaps do better in leading from an unknown perspective and than from the front. My ability to manage performance effectively was just average and quite on point. I thik this is because I have given persons a certain latitude to do the task carefully explaining the dynamics that are necessary to complete task and why. However, that sort of latitude needs to be curtailed and a more stringent system implemented on task given. Or perhaps there is a different in the persons perception of the situation which generally would guide their behavior so I need to be mindful of that and provide the necessary support and stimulation. This exercise was extremely helpful and the information beyond the survey would provide the basis for my future leadership development. The building of my self-confidence if not done will continue to hamper is my ability to reach my true leadership potential. Any change starts with you.

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