Leadership Assignment PDF

Title Leadership Assignment
Author Anonymous User
Course Organizational Behavior
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 4
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Profile of the leader  Mark Elliot Zuckerberg also known as Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder of the famous social media website Facebook. He is currently chairman and CEO of Facebook.  Was born on 14 May 1984, White Plains, New York.  The second of four children born to dentist Edward Zuckerberg and psychiatrist Karen Zuckerberg.  Two years, he attended public high school Ardsley and then transferred to the Phillips Exeter Academy. After that, he then enrolled at Harvard University in September 2002.  Began using and programming computers in middle school with support of his father. His father taught the 11 years old Mark, Atari BASIC and even hired a software developer David Newman to give his son private lesson.  For his senior project at Exeter Academy, Zuckerberg wrote a music player called the Synapse Media Player that used artificial intelligence to learn the user listening habits and recommend other music. After he posted Synapse online on AOL, it receives thousands of positive reviews and both Microsoft and AOL offered to buy Synapse for 1 million dollars. But he turned them both down and instead enrolled at Harvard University.  While at University, Zuckerberg and his friends create a social networking site that allowed Harvard students to connect with each other. The site officially went live in June 2004 under the name of The Facebook and Zuckerberg ran it out of his dorm room.

The successful story of leader Achievement  Build a miniature version of AOL messenger  While in his teens, he successfully created a program called as Zuck Net which allowed the computer in his father house to communicate with those in his father dental office.  Built an academic support program called Course Match  At Harvard, he successfully created a program called Course Match. This program helped students make more informed decisions when it came to selecting their classes for the semester. Student also were able to create study groups and have group discussions on the platform.  Created Face Mash  With the successful of Course Match, He then create another program which has been called as Face Mash This program allowed students on campus to vote for the most attractive student based on a collection of photos.

 Created Facebook when he was just 19  He was putting the final touches on a program called Facebook which a social networking site that would revolution the world. With the help of his friends, the Facebook was launched on 4 February 2004. It such the popularity of the platform that he had to drop out of Harvard to focus full time on his company.

Award  Mark Zuckerberg was named the Person of the Year by “Time” magazine in 2010.  He was awarded CEO of the Year accolade at the 6th annual Crunchies in 2013.  Mark Zuckerberg also received an honorary degree from the college at its 366th commencement ceremony in 2017.

 Earned the dubious distinction of being named the recipient of the “Misinformer of the Year” award from the progressive media outlet group, Media Matters.

Corporate Social Responsibility  He and his wife Priscilla Chan founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative in 2015. This initiative focusses on the science, education, justice and economic opportunity. He and his wife have pledged to donated around 99% of their Facebook shares during their lifetime. In 2017, their also have donated 1.9 billion to the initiative.

The leadership style of the leader  Mark Zuckerberg leadership style was transformational leader.  Transformational leadership is a leader who inspire, act as role models and intellectually stimulate, develop or mentor their followers thus having a profound and extraordinary effect on them.  Mark Zuckerberg also learn from his mistakes, takes risks, and has grown his company as a visionary leader.  He also uses disciplinary powers, awards, and an array of incentives to motivate employees to perform their best.  He leadership style has a big effect on the company success and employee satisfaction.  He also motivates his employees through setting goals, implementing incentives, and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.  As we know that each leadership has its own characteristic, for transformational leadership, it has 4 characteristic which is:  Idealized influence. Provides vision and sense of mission, instils pride, gains respect and trust. Mark Zuckerberg is known to have a goal-oriented mindset and is fully focused on leading his team to produce the best social media platform in the world.

 Inspirational motivation. Communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, expresses important purposes in simple ways. Mark Zuckerberg is known as being a motivator who inspires his employees with a clear vision of the company future. He further defines the step necessary to achieve such goals needed. His ideas are disruptive and also his confidence, and courage makes him a transformational leader that employees relish following.  Intellectual stimulation. Promotes intelligence, rationality, and careful problem solving.  Individualized consideration. Gives personal attention, treats each employee individually, coaches, advises. Mark Zuckerberg commands his employees to do their assigned work but at the same times constantly ask for feedback from everybody. He believes in his employees and treats them equally. In the Facebook work environment, employee comfort and happiness are paramount. Facebook believes that if its employees are comfortable and happy, then they will be more productive.  Transformational leadership has a greater impact on the bottom line in smaller, privatelyheld firms than in more complex organization. Transformational leadership also is more strongly correlated with variety of workplace outcomes.  Transformational leadership can work if there was a decentralization of responsibility, propensity to take risks, compensation is geared toward long term results and greater agreement among top managers about the organization goal.

Opinion toward leadership style of the leader In my opinion, this leadership style of the Mark Zuckerberg is relevant because  it can keep the company open and ethical. Their entire sphere of influence is based upon them being transparent and openly living the values they have established for the organization. They also tend to be values driven and ethics focused which encourages the company employees to stick to the straight and narrow and act in the best interest of the company and its wider communities.  Next, it also can promote morale through better communication. Transformational leaders are excellent communicators. They provide clear and consistent messages to rally people behind their vision of the future. For example, when a company has a communication issue, we can bring a transformational leader to articulate the corporate message clearly, reminding people of why they are doing what they are doing.  With this leadership style, it also can help reduces turnover cost. For example, when we united behind the leader vision, employees are more likely to feel like they fit in, they are sharing the same goals with co-workers, and which make them are not lonely. People who match the culture and behaviours of the organization tend to stick around, which can decrease the turnover.

Conclusion  In conclusion, mark Zuckerberg is known as a programmer and philanthropist. His transformational leadership style can be described as aggressive, demanding, innovative, and also encouraging. As a leader who appreciates friendly debates, he grants his employees opportunities to offer product improvements and suggestions for Facebook.  Mark Zuckerberg transformational leadership style continues to move Facebook to a promising future. He has flourished as a leader and he understands and motivates continued growth within his company. Through the determination, self-awareness and by the help of mentor, mark Zuckerberg has been placed on the top 10 CEOs list and has built the most popular social network in the world.

References Bellis, M. (19 June 2019). Biography of Mark Zuckerberg, Creator of Facebook. ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/mark-zuckerberg-biography-1991135 Tarver, E. (13 January 2020). Mark Zuckerberg Success Story: Net Worth, Education, and Influence. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/0813 15/mark-zuckerberg-success-story-net-worth-education-top-quotes.asp

Clark, D. E. (5 September 2020). Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Leadership. Elijah Clark and





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