Leadership practice 2019 A Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Leadership practice 2019 A Flashcards Quizlet
Author sasha savage
Course Mental Health
Institution West Coast University
Pages 21
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Leadership practice 2019 A Terms in this set (60) An assistive personnel tells a charge nurse that it

A. I delegate tasks to personnel based on their job descriptions.

is unfair that they have to take care of all the clients who are incontinent. Which of the

This response addresses the AP's concerns and provides clear information

following responses should the charge nurse

about the charge nurse's responsibility when delegating tasks.

make? A. I delegate tasks to personnel based on their job descriptions B. Everyone working here has to care for clients who are in continent C. Let's talk about organizing the workflow so you care for fewer of these clients D. Why do you not want to care for clients who are in continent.?

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse on a MedSurg unit is caring for four

B. A client who has peripheral vascular disease and absent pulse in right foot.

clients. The nurse should recognize that which of the following clients is the priority?

When using the airway, breathing, circulation approach to client care, the

A. A client who is scheduled for a tubal ligation

nurse determines that the priority finding is an absent pulse, which indicates

in two hours and is crying

no blood flow to the extremity.

B. A client who has PVD and absent pulse in right foot C. A client who has T1DMN needs first dressing change for ulcer D. A client who has MR essay and axillary temp of 38°C

Which of the following instructions provided by

B. Check the Urinary Output at 1100 for John Doe and report it to me

a nurse reflects effective communication


regarding delegation of a task to an AP? A. Take vital signs every two hours for the client

This instruction follows the five rights of delegation by including the

you had a choleycystectomy in room 6122

requirements for right direction/communication:

B. Check the UO at 11 o'clock for John Doe and report it to me immediately

the data to collect, client-specific information, a timeline for coat collection,

C. Report to me if the chest tube drainage is

and the expectation for communicating the findings back to the nurse

excessive for Jane doe in room 2438 D. Please notify me of any clients who is vital signs or blood glucose levels are significant

Leadership practice 2019 A

A client on a general surgical unit tells the nurse

D. Ask client to verbalize their expectations.

that staff members are not answering the call light promptly. The client request to be

The first action the nurse should take using the nursing process is to assess;

transferred to another unit. Which of the

therefore, the first action the nurse should take is to assess the client's feelings

following actions should the nurse take first?

and clarify expectations.

A. Notify charge nurse of clients request to transfer B. Assured client that their concern has been shared with the staff C. Tell client that future calls will be answered in timely manner D. Ask client to verbalize their expectations

A nurse is caring for a client who is recovering

C. Discuss clients concerns about having the surgery.

from a stroke. The provider recommends extracranial-intracranial bypass, but the client

The nurse should ask the client relevant questions to determine their concerns

tells the nurse that he will not have the surgery.

regarding having the surgery. By asking relevant, open-ended questions, the

Which of the following action should the nurse

nurse can help the client clarify their thoughts and feelings about the surgery.


The nurse can then relay these concerns to the provider for further discussion

A. Informed the client of consequences of

if needed.

decreased cerebral circulation B. Initiate mental health consult to determine why client refuses surgery C. Discussed clients concerns about having the surgery D. Provide client with information on additional treatment options

Leadership practice 2019 A

A charge nurse is supervising the care of several

A. Nurse photocopying their assigned clients diagnostic test results

clients. Which of the following actions requires intervention by the charge nurse? A. A nurse photocopying their assigned clients diagnostic test results B. AP documents a client VS on clients paperbased graph record C. Unit secretary faxing clients lab results to the provider D. RN stays with client who is reading the medical records that were requested

A nurse is receiving report from the AP assigned

C. Client who had indwelling urinary catheter removed eight hours ago

to the nurse's group of clients. Which of the

reports inability to void.

following statements from the EAP indicates the client the nurse should assess first

Not voiding for 6 to 8 hr after indwelling urinary catheter removal indicates

A nurse is receiving report from the AP assigned

this client is at risk for urinary retention, which can cause a UTI.

to the nurses group of clients. Which of the following statements from the AP indicates the client the nurse should assess first? A. Client who had ABD surgery three days ago and reporting feeling constipated B. Client who had hip surgery reports pain 4/10 C. Client indwelling urinary catheter removed eight hours ago reports inability to void D. Client who is scheduled for discharge today

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse manager is planning an in-service for a

D. Place clients and positive pressure airflow rooms.

group of nurses about caring for clients following stem cell transplant. Which of the

The patient requires protective equipment precautions following a stem cell

following instructions should the nurse manager

transplant in a private, positive pressure airflow room. The room air is filtered

include in the teaching?

through a HEPA filter and the air flow rate is set at more than 12 error

A. Assigned to clients who have had a stem cell

exchanges per hour

transplant to the same room B. Obtain rectal temp Q4 hours C. Where an N 95 respirator mask while caring for these clients D. Place clients in positive pressure airflow rooms

A nurse is developing a plan of care for a

A. Child has red fissures at the corners of the mouth.

school-age child whose family is homeless. Which of the following findings should the nurse

Use Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this can indicate a vitamin B deficiency which

identify as a priority?

is a physiological need.

A. Child has red fissures at the corners of their mouth B. Child has several small bruises on both legs C. Child sleeps for 13 H hour each night D. Child is not regularly attending school

Leadership practice 2019 A

A charge nurse recognizes a trend of poor

C. Explore the reasons the staff are not attending the meetings.

attendance at monthly staff meetings. To address this issue, which of the following actions should

According to evidence-based practice, the nurse should first identify the

the nurse charge nurse take first?

reasons that staff are not attending the meetings. This allows the nurse to

A. Write a memorandum emphasizing the

address the specific problems identified by the staff.

importance of attending staff meetings B. Appoint a task force to promote attendance at the meetings C. Explore the reasons that staff are not attending the meetings D. Reduce the number of meetings the staff are required to attend

A nurse walks into the nurses station and sees

A. Remind the staff members that this is a breach of confidentiality.

several staff members looking at the electronic medical record EMR record of a celebrity client

When using the urgent vs nonurgent approach to client care, the nurse

on another unit. Which of the following actions

determines that the first action is to intervene immediately to prevent any

should the nurse take first?

further breach in confidentiality.

A. Remind the staff members that this is a breach of confidentiality B. Discuss the issue with the nurse manager C. Request that administrative restriction be placed on the clients record access D. Prepare a memo for facility ethics committee

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a


client who is scheduled for a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and speaks a different language than the nurse. Which of the following inter-professional team members should the nurse include in the discussion?

A nurse is reviewing a client's clinical pathway

C. The length of clients stay.

upon discharge following hip arthroplasty. Which of the following information can assist the

The client's clinical pathway is a standardized approach to assist the nurse to

nurse in evaluating the cost effectiveness of the

provide cost-effective client care and shorten the length of stay.

care? A. The age of client B. Availability of community support groups C. Length of clients stay D. Type of insurance the client carries

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse is reviewing the plan of care for a client

B. Inform the AP of the clients weight bearing status.

following a total hip arthroplasty. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

Assistive personnel can assist clients with ambulation in most cases with

A. Assess clients incision Q8 hours for first 48

appropriate delegation from the nurse. The nurse should inform the AP of


postoperative prescriptions for weight-bearing as part of safe care

B. Inform AP of clients weight bearing status


C. Instruct client to cross legs at ankles when sitting D. Teach clients partner to assist the client to flex the hip at least 120° each hour

A case manager is planning interprofessional

B. The client refuses to attend Physical Therapy sessions.

conference for a client who is three days postop following ORIF of right hip. Which of the

The greatest risk to this client is postoperative complications due to

following concerns is the priority for discussion

immobility, such as atelectasis or pneumonia

at the conference? A. Client does not have transportation for DC home B. Client refuses to attend PT sessions C. Clients home health nurse has not completed the home assessment D. Client describes feelings of depression after family visits

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse is caring for a client who has

D. Occupational therapist.

osteoarthritis and reports difficulty buttoning their clothes. The nurse should recommend a

The nurse should recommend a referral to a OT when a client has difficulty

referral for the client to which of the following

with ADLs, such as buttoning clothing. OT can assist the client with exercises to

members of the inter-professional team?

help the client complete these tasks.

A. Podiatrist B. Social worker C. Paramedical technologist D. Occupational therapist

A charge nurse is observing a newly licensed

C. Groups tasks that are in same location.

nurses use of time management skills. Which of the following actions by the newly licensed

The newly licensed nurse should group tasks that are in the same location to

nurse indicates effective use of the skill?

effectively use time. This prevents the nurse from going back and forth from

A. Documents client tasks at end of shift

one area to another. This action promotes effective time-management skills.

B. Gather supplies as needed while completing activity C. Groups tasks that are in same location D. Skips breaks throughout the day to complete work on time

Leadership practice 2019 A


A nurse is caring for a client who requests pain medication. The nurse fulfills a promise to return with the med within 15 minutes. The nurse is demonstrating which of the following ethical principles? beneficence utility justice Fidelity

Fidelity: actions are taken to display loyalty and keep a promise made to the client. Beneficence: actions are taken to "do good" and promote goodness and kindness. Utility: actions are taken to bring the most to the greatest number of people, where the good of many will outweigh the needs of an individual client. Justice: actions are taken to seek fairness, where all clients are treated equally regardless of sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disease, or social standing.

A nurse is planning discharge care for a client

B. Advise patient to install grab bars in bathroom at home.

who had a stroke and now has left side weakness. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? A. Request purchase from DME B. Advise patient to install grab bars in bathroom at home C. Encourage client to allow HHA to perform ADLs discourages independence D. Contact Hospice to provide follow-up care

Leadership practice 2019 A

Reduces risk of falls.

A charge nurse is leading a committee that is

C. Determine goals and objectives.

revising the policy for client discharge. After developing the initial plan, which of the

According to evidence-based practice, the nurse attempting to make a

following actions should the nurse take next?

change or revision to a policy should first develop the initial plan and then

A. Set target dates for completion

determine goals and objectives. Objectives define strategies or

B. Identify areas of support

implementation steps to attain the identified goals.

C. Determine goals and objectives D. Implement recommended strategies

A nursing unit is undergoing changes to

- Role model a positive approach to changes.

accommodate new bariatric services that will be available on the unit. Some staff members have

- Encourage staff members who support the changes to discuss the issue with

verbalized displeasure with these changes.

resistant staff.

Which of the following action should the charge nurse take? Select all that apply -role model a positive approach to changes -redirect the conversation with staff make negative comments about the changes -encourage staff members who support the changes to discuss the issue with resistant staff -suggest that resistant staff members transfer to different unit -reprimand staff members who are resistant to the changes

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse on a mental health unit is teaching a

Clients on a mental health unit can refuse their medication.

newly licensed nurse about client rights. Which of the following statements by the newly

Regardless of the type of health care facility or admission status, clients

licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the

maintain the right to refuse medications.


Schedule a meeting with the nurse A nurse on a MedSurg unit has arrive late to work multiple times over the past several weeks. Identify the sequence the nurse manager should follow when disciplining the employee

Provide a written reprimand Temporarily remove the nurse from scheduled shifts Terminate the nurses employment

A nurse is planning the discharge of a newborn

Home health

who requires apnea monitoring at home. To which of the following community agencies

A home health agency can provide nurses who will visit the home and help

should the nurse anticipate referring the

the guardian learn necessary skills, as well as assess the progress of the infant.

guardian of the newborn?

A client who has back pain presented to the ER

Clients are the experts on their own pain.

and is provided a prescription for oxycodone. A staff nurse tells the charge nurse that they think

This response is appropriate because it indicates the nurse understand that

the client is seeking drugs and is not actually in

the client's report is the best indicator of pain and is not making any

distress. Which of the following responses


should the charge nurse make?

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse asks a newly hired AP to remove a

Review the AP skill competency checklist.

clients indwelling urinary catheter. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to

A review of the AP's checklist should validate that they have demonstrated the

ensure the AP is qualified to perform this task

ability to safely perform the procedure.

A nurse manager is teaching about

Change of shift report can be given at the clients bedside.

confidentiality requirements to the staff. Which of the following staff comments indicates an

This allows the client to be involved with their care. The nurse should avoid

understanding of the teaching?

giving report in public areas, such as in the hallway.

Two nurses on a unit each contend that the other

Explore alternative solutions to address unit workflow with the nurses.

is not doing fair share of work. The conflict is affecting the functioning of the unit. A charge

This allows the nurses to collaborate, which creates a higher probability that

nurse should approach this conflict in which of

the nurses will reach a successful resolution.

the following ways?

Determine the client intake and output. A nurse is assigning care for four clients. Which of the following tasks should the Nurse plan to

The nurse can delegate determining a client's intake and output to an AP, as

delegate to an assistive personnel?

this does not require the use of the nursing process and is within the range of function of an AP.

Leadership practice 2019 A

A nurse is caring for a client who is hospitalized

This is a procedure that does not require written informed consent.

and has expressive aphasia. The clients family reports that the nurse failed to obtain written

The client does not need to sign an informed consent form for insertion of an

informed consent before inserting an indwelling


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