Leadership - Summary Fundamentals of Human Resource Management PDF

Title Leadership - Summary Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Author Kathryn Wrightsman
Course Organization Behavior and Human Resources
Institution Ohio State University
Pages 11
File Size 197.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
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12/03/2016 

Leadership- a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal 

 Demographics   Leader Behaviors Knowledge and Skills  Task Oriented Relationship Oriented  Task Oriented Traits Passive  Transformational  Interpersonal Attribute     What is Effective Leadership?  What criteria are being used?

Situational Factors

Leadership Effectiveness

o Task performance, quality, customer satisfaction, sales, employee job satisfaction, turnover 

At what level are the criteria being measured? o Individual, group or organization

Who is doing the evaluation?

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Managers- planning, investigating, organizing, and control Leaders- inspire, provide emotional support, and try to get employees to rally around a goal  Implementing the vision and strategic plan   Trait theory- attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers

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5 traits  intelligence  dominance  self-confidence  

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Positive task oriented traits  Intelligence  Conscientiousness  Open to experience 

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level of energy and activity task relevant knowledge

Emotional Stability

Interpersonal attributes  Extraversion +  Agreeableness +  Communication Skills +  Emotional Intelligence + 

Narcissism – a self centered perspective, felling of superiority, and drive for personal power and glory

Machiavellianism – entails the use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles o Lie to get what you want, cheat to get ahead

Psychopathy – lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remorse or guilt when one’s actions harm others

Personality is more important that intelligence when selecting leaders Dark side traits tend to result in career derailment

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Role of emotional intelligence in Leadership effectiveness  Emotional Intelligence is an input to transformational leadership  Emotional intelligence has a small, positive, and significant association with leadership effectives

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Do Women and Men Display the same leadership traits?  Men and women were seen as displaying more task and social leadership, respectively  Women used a more democratic or participative style that men, and men use a more autocratic and directive style than women  Men and women were equally assertive 

Women executives, when rated by their peers, managers and direct reports, scored higher than their male counterparts on a variety of effectiveness reports

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What leaders need  Cognitive abilities  Interpersonal skills  Business skills  Strategic skills

 Implicit leadership theory- based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers  Leadership prototype- mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe are possessed by leaders  

Takeaways from the trait theory  We can no longer afford to ignore the implications of leadership traits  The list of positive traits and dark side traits provide guidance regarding the leadership traits you should attempt to cultivate and avoid if you want to assume a leadership role 

Organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection/promotion process

Developing a global mind set increasingly is becoming a positive task oriented trait

12/03/2016 

Behavioral styles approach- attempts to identify the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders   Task Oriented Leader behavior – ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organizations  Initiating structure- organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize out put  Transactional leadership- clarifying employees’ role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance  

Relationship Oriented Leader Behavior  Consideration – creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on concern for a group members needs and desires  Empowerment- the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others o Psychological empowerment- employees belief that they have control over their work  Leading for meaningfulness  Leading for self determination or choice  Leading for competence  Leading for progress 

Servant leadership – focuses on increased service to others rather to oneself o Listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, building of community

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Lassiez faire leadership- general failure to take responsibility for leading  

Key takeaways  Leader behavior is more important than leader traits when it comes to effectiveness  Leader behaviors can be systematically improved or developed

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There is no best one style of leadership

12/03/2016 

Situational theories- propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation  

Contingency theory- a leader’s effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which a leader’s style firs or matches characteristics of the

situation at hand   3 dimensions of situational control  leader member relations – the extent to which the leader has the support, loyalty, trust of the work group  task structure – amount of structure contained within the takss performed by the work group  position power – the degree to which the leader has formal power to reward, punish, or otherwise obtain compliance from employees   

task oriented leadership is best in high or low control situations relationship oriented leadership is best in situations of moderate control   Takeaways  

Leadership effectiveness goes beyond traits and behaviors Organizations should attempt to hire or promote people whose leadership styles fit or match situational demands

Leaders need to modify their style to fit a situation

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Path-goal theory- leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as paving the way to future satisfaction  Reduce roadblocks that interfere with goals    

Provide guidance and support Linking meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment

General Behaviors  Path goal clarifying, achievement oriented, work facilitation, supportive, interaction facilitation, group oriented decision making, representation and networking, value based

Specifics of Situation  Employee characteristics o Locus of control, task ability, need for achievement, experience, need for clarity 

Environmental factors o Task structure, work group dynamics

Leadership Effectiveness  Employee motivation, employee satisfaction, employee performance, leader acceptance, work unit performance

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Applying Situational Theories 1) Identify important outcomes 2) Identify relevant leadership behaviors 3) Identify situational conditions 4) Match leadership conditions at hand 5) Determine how to make the match

12/03/2016 

charisma- interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance, devotion, and enthusiasm  

transformational leaders- transform followers to pursue organizational goals over self interests  inspirational motivation- includes the use of charisma, involves establishing an attractive vision of the future, the use of emotional arguments and the exhibition of optimism and enthusiasm and optimism

Individual and Organizational Characteristics Traits Life Experience Org Culture

Leader Behavior Inspirational Motivation Idealized influence Individualized Consideration Intellectual Stimulation

Effects on Followers/Group Self efficacy Increased identification Psychological empowerment Positive effect

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Outcomes Increased performance Positive work attitude Creativity/innova tion Reduce stress/turnover Org citizenship

Idealized influence- instill pride, respect, and trust within employees Individualized consideration- providing support, encouragement, empowerment, and coaching to employees  Intellectual stimulation- encourage employees to question the

status quo and seek innovative and creative solutions 

Implications of transformational leadership  The establishment of a positive vision of the future, inspirational motivation, should be considered a first step at applying transformational leadership  The best leaders are not just transformation 

Transformational leadership affects outcomes at the individual, group, and organizational levels

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Transformational leadership works virtually Transformational leaders can be ethical or unethical

12/03/2016 

Leader Member Exchange LMX theory- leaders develop unique one to one

relationships with each of the people reporting to them  In group exchange- creating trust and mutual obligation  Out group exchange- creating more formality in expectations and rewards   How are LMX relationships formed?

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Follower characteristics Leader characteristics

Interpersonal relationship variables o High LMX occurs when trust each other, perceive as similar, like each other

The Role of Followers  Helpers show deference to and comply with leadership  Independents distance themselves from the leadership and show less compliance  Rebels show divergence from the leader and are least compliant   

Leaders want followers to be productive, reliable, honest, cooperative, proactive, and flexible Followers want significance, community, excitement Become a better follower o Understand your boss o Understand your style, needs, goals, expectations, strengths, and weaknesses o Conduct a gap analysis o Build on mutual strengths o Recognize Conflivt...

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