Learning Contract - CYC347 PDF

Title Learning Contract - CYC347
Course Field Work Seminar 2
Institution Seneca College
Pages 4
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Learnig Contract for ourselves for palcement. ...


Seneca College CYC Field Placement Validated Learning Contract Student Name: Jennifer Lane

Term: Fall 2018

LEARNING OBJECTIVES What will you learn? Be Specific

STRATEGIES and SUPPORTS How and who will help you achieve this?

1. I will implement a Self Esteem Group for Girls in Grade 5/6 by promoting self-confidence and wellbeing, while having fun and being able to have a variety of activities within the group. This Project is has been in the working process, as it consists of a 5-week discussion group each Tuesday at lunch.

 I will talk with my supervisor about the idea and how I should illustrate it. (Discussed the age, time and course material, and what support I have with me)

PROJECTED COMPLETION DATE Include shorter term dates - “steps along the way “ Oct.2,2018

Oct.2, 2018

 Make sure the vice principle and principal are excited with the idea.  Make a permission form for all the parents to be informed about the group and the material I will be covering.  I will follow up with my supervisor on which girls are able to participate and if there are any forms received back.  I will ask my supervisor for certain equipment that is needed and location within the school.  Research and educate myself on the different topics related to the material and different activities that can benefit the group.  Be prepared for different

INDICATORS OF YOUR SUCCESS How will you know you have achieved your goal?

 Oct.2, 2018  Oct.9, 2018 

Oct.9, 2018

Oct.9- 21, 2018

 Oct.21,2018

Seeing the girls more playful and happier in their connections with other peers and with me. Seeing the students ask questions and are interested in the material. Created trustworthy relationship with coworkers and students. Knowing I’m valued towards my opinion and having respect within the group. Students are comfortable with me and look forward to spending more time with me. Have received feedback and implement those changes that are suggested. Improved student’s overall health and assisted different questions and responses. Hearing from parents/guardians or


   

Record personal journals. Ongoing feedback from supervisor and other staff members. Parents or Guardians Verbal feedback from student’s responses to how well they enjoy the group discussions. Vice principal and principal.

questions the girls might ask.  Start the project and take notes along the way for reminders and advice.  Ask students what their preferred actives and interests are.  Facilitate and evaluate the activity and group  Ask supervisor what certain areas are needed for improvement.  Make long lasting relationships with the students and support staff. (By asking questions, being fun, and encouraging one another) 2. I will create a safer space in the Grade ¾ classroom within the context of the social, emotion milieu by implementing a group discussion and better learning environment to best help the students and teacher.

 Create a checklist with what could help the classroom and the different materials needed.  Check in with supervisor to make sure its applicable.  I will ask the teacher and create show a list of suggestions within the classroom.  Explore different materials that are effective  Ask the students and teacher what sort of interests they like to implement in the classroom. Creating a discussion group with what an “ideal classroom” would be.  Create a safer environment for the children by making the classroom more organized and

Oct.22,2018 and on going Oct.22,2018

another staff feedback. Seeing every student involved with their peers and making use of what is given to them. When students know what is expected from me and the rules within the group.

On-going, and towards the end of the project On-going till the end

Oct.9, 2018

 

Oct.22,2018 Oct.22,2018

 


Oct. 23, 2018   Oct. 29,2018

Seeing student’s get along and are learning more in the classroom. Know my opinions are valued and are implemented. Make use of what is in the classroom. Students and teacher are more comfortable with me. Allows the students to have their interests in the classroom. Seeing the children feel more welcomed with who they are within the space. Hearing the student’s inputs regarding “their ideal classroom” and their interests.

   

Supervisor feedback and comments. Other staff and coworkers. Students feedback from group discussion. Teachers feedback.

efficient.  Facilitate and evaluate the classroom. 3. I will improve my communication skills with the teacher and supervisor in my placement while understanding the role of a CYC and what is expected of me.

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I will create an ongoing relationship with supervisor and coworkers by asking questions. Communicate strategies that would help in future situations. Be persistent and show initiative. Research to understand concepts and learn new techniques and strategies. Clarity on all applications and understanding placement communication methods. Understand and learn how to read different induvial needs. Follow up with staff on questions and answers being scheduled. Keep reflections throughout the day. Asking for schedule touch points. Listen for elements to improve on and suggestions for more learning. Provide alternatives for

On-going to the end of the semester and year (Long Term Goal) On-going till the end of the year. Mid way and towards the end of year Everyday

  

(When needed)

 Within the first few weeks

Learn students’ needs within the first 2 weeks Everyday

  


 

Every Tuesday at after lunch. Daily/ Monthly feedback from supervisor


Speaking up in my placement with whoever I come across, being children, teacher, supervisor, and other school members. Understand direction and material given to me. Created trustworthy relationships. Knowing my values count towards the school and the children and staff I work with. Got feedback and implemented changes suggested. Children are comfortable with me and look forward to spending time with me when I’m at placement. Reflect on children’s needs and know what their capable of. Carry out professionalism. Being able to put myself in other people shoes. Hand on person. When the support staff know who I am as a person and what I believe in. More outgoing and volunteering more within the school. Create a good relationship

       

Feedback form Supervisor or other Support Staff, Teachers, and Principals. Parents/ Guardians. Students/ Children. Other CYC placement students. Volunteers. Journal down thoughts throughout the day. Body language from child and staff. Inform challenges and implement on growth. CYC language and different use of words when working with children. Maintain respect within everyone but also be able to have fun when working.

different student’s needs. Carry out the expected duties of a CYC in the setting. I will review the Seneca College field placement manual. I will carry out interventions within the school and classroom.

First week

During the first few weeks  Oct. 2,2018 and ongoing

with other placement students. Be able to explain what the CYC role is to other staff and teachers/ parents. Be able to explain different knowledge within placement.

By signing this learning contract, you agree that the previously listed objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely and are appropriate for this placement. Student’s Name (Print): Jennifer Lane Field Placement Supervisor’s Name (Print): Field Placement Supervisor’s Signature:

Student’s Signature:...

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