Learning journal 3 - The Stanford prison experiment review PDF

Title Learning journal 3 - The Stanford prison experiment review
Course English Composition
Institution University of the People
Pages 1
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The Stanford prison experiment review...


The Stanford prison experiment review 1. The title of the text is “The Stanford prison experiment continues to shock” written by Alastair Leithman. The text is all about Prof Zimbardo Psychologist who led the Stanford prison experiment to evaluate the influence of human behavior (Leithead 2011). 2. The author’s view is that the experiment was so bad. I know this according to (Leithead 2011) which says that this experiment "was to become one of the most notorious experiments in the study of human psychology". 3. The evidence presented by the author to support ideas is the situation of the prison after the first day in which the prisoners were tortured in many ways such as putting bags on their heads and doing too many exercises while naked (Leithead 2011). 4. The evidence is valid because it is coming from those who were involved in the experiment. This is true because those people were interviewed by BBC news which is a trusted source to the public. 5. The evidence is also relevant because the Psychologist Prof Zimbardo failed to clarify the experiment when called (Leithead 2011). 6. I read something similar from (Blass 2009) which clearly states the three aims of Prof Zimbardo for conducting such an experiment. Firstly, the causes of inhuman behavior, secondly, the consequences of uncontrolled power from the authorities, and lastly, it was the part of the social psychology course he was teaching (p. 203). 7. From my point of view, I strongly share the same views with the author that the experiment was bad due to wrong demonstrators. Although (Leithead 2011) claims that "the work was a very valuable addition to psychology - and its findings were important in understanding why abuse took place" in prisons, this could be better if the research was done on real prisoners, not the students.


Blass, T. (Ed.) (2009). Obedience to Authority. https://books.google.mw/books? hl=en&lr=&id=jth4AgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA193&dq=Stanford+prison+experiment+review&ots= nWmKx1w910&sig=kK5tHV9WoQ-tRa2WG64_TwN3M8Y&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Stanford %20prison%20experiment%20review&f=true

Leithead, A. (17 August 2011). Stanford prison experiment continues to shock. BBC News: San Francisco. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-14564182...

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