Learning Journal Habit 2 PDF

Title Learning Journal Habit 2
Course The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Institution Utah Valley University
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Use this document! Type your responses under each question. Change the font color of your responses. DON’T choose a light color. Write reflectively! This means to think first, then write out what is in your head. (Read the Learning Journal Instructions and Tips document in Canvas in the Week 1 “Orientation” Module) Respond to all question parts. Email me if you have any questions or worries.

LEARNING JOURNAL: Habit 2 This week, the learning journal is going to be both an exploration of yourself and an application in preparation for writing your mission statement. Instead of class discussions this week, your time will be spent in a more in-depth journal. This journal is worth 60 points. Dr. Covey talks about how we lead three “lives”: Our public life is on display every day. Our private life is not seen because it is our thoughts and opinions; and Our deep inner life is at the center. Our deep inner life is our core, and is the source of our most deeply held values, beliefs, and aspirations; it holds the most fundamental issues of our life. Find some time and a quiet place in which you can give your full mind and heart to the questions in this learning journal. Respond thoughtfully and thoroughly. Your responses should demonstrate the depth of your thinking. 1. Watch the video clip “The Four Prescriptions.” (Find video on Canvas under Habit 2, where you found this document.) There are four prescriptions in this video that evoke some deep thinking and insights. To the best of your ability, write reflectively in response to each of the four prescriptions (1 a.1., 1 a.2., 1 a.3. and 1 a.4. below here). [NOTE: Write as though YOU are “taking” the prescriptions for yourself. DON’T explain what you think the prescription means! For more help with these, see the prompts in the blue textbox on the next page.] 1 a.1. Listen carefully…

Right now there seems to be a lot going on in my life, and there are times that I feel like I am going to explode. It also seems like there are times when I cannot possible handle anything more because I will explode. I have never been good at listening to what is going on inside of me and my life. I tend to just not really care what is actually going on, and I think that is something that has really hindered me throughout my life. I feel like if I take the time to actually listen to what is going on, then I will be able to handle what I am going through a lot easier. The state of my spirituality is probably not very good, or at least no where near where it could be. I know what I believe in, but I do not always live by what I believe in. It is very contradicting. I know what I should be during spiritually, but I tend to not take the time to do it. It is definitely something that I really need to work on. Where my physical being is, is something that I do not know how to explain or describe. It is definitely nowhere near where it could be, but it is not as bad

as it could be either. That is the best way that I can figure out how to explain it. My current emotional state is very unstable. There are a lot of different things that I am currently going through, and it is as if I am constantly having to watch out for my moods. It seems like I have to hold my tongue almost all of the time because the littlest things are tending to make me mad. It makes me feel very unstable emotionally. My intellectual being is the only thing that seems to be where it want it to be right now. I feel like I am doing very well with keeping my intellectual being up and maintaining it. 1 a.2. Try reaching back…

Some of the most powerful memories and experiences that I have had, have shaped my life both in positive ways and sometimes in negative ways. Each of my positive memories and experiences have helped strengthen my desire to continue pushing through the hard and negative times. Each of my negative memories and experiences have made me feel like I want to give up, but then I remember the reasons for why I keep fighting through them. They can be leveraged in several ways. The biggest way that they can be leveraged is by using these experiences to help be my motivation to want to continue going through life with a determination to see it through to the end. 1 a.3. Re-examine your motives….

I have never really thought about the why behind any of these questions. I think that they are definitely good questions that I need to consider. I think that I respond certain ways because it is the way that I have always responded. I have never really tried to change the way that I respond to certain things. I know that when I start getting frustrated I will start sounding frustrated. The same goes for any other emotion. I think that I am behaving and reacting the way I do because it was the way I was raised. I am not trying to blame anything on my parents, but a lot of the way I behave and react are thing that I saw my parents doing when I was growing up. I think that was a huge influence on the way that I behave and react. However, I do take full responsibility for everything that I do or do not do. I honestly do not know why I treat people and myself the way that I do. I honestly do not know how to figure out the reasons behind that. My motives that influence my daily life are my drive to excel and succeed at as much as I possibly can. 1 a.4. Write your troubles in the sand….

I need to figure out the reasons why I do certain things. This is something that I was not able to figure out.

Here are some prompts for The Four Prescriptions to hopefully get you writing: a. Listen carefully….is not really literal. It means to be quiet and listen to what is happening in your life right now. What is going on with you? What is the state of your spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual being, currently? b. Try reaching back….means to consider some of your most powerful memories and experiences. How have they shaped your life? What impact have they had on you? How can they be leveraged to help you with your end in mind right now? c. Re-examine your motives….means to dig deeply and consider all the “why’s” in your life. Why do you respond certain ways? Why are you behaving and reacting the way you do? Why are you treating people and yourself the way you do? What are your motives as you go about your daily life? What makes you do the things you do? d. Write your troubles in the sand….means that if you are digging deeply and examining your life, you

NOTE: For #2, it should be clear from your response that you have read and studied this section of the textbook! 2. Review the pages in your textbook on Life Centers (under Habit 2 in Part 2). 2 a. Right now in your life, what is at your center?

Right now my center is pleasure-centered. 2 b. What do you personally need to work on in order to have a principle-centered life?

I need to stop basing my self-worth on what other people think of me. I need to stop allowing my environment to control how I feel about myself. Instead of depending on others and my environment I need to make my security based on the principle that I have set for my life. I am not guided by the things that I will find pleasure in. Rather I need to be guided by my principles and live by them. Respond to the following prompts: 3. I am at my best when………

I am at my best when I am feeling good about who I am and what I am doing. 4. I am at my worst when…..

I am at my worse when I am not feeling good about who I am and the things that I am doing. 5. What do I really love to do in my personal life?

I really love to crochet, work on puzzles, spend time with my family, find things to do for other people 6. My natural talents and gifts are……..

My natural talents and gifts are: kindness, a loving heart, a heart of service, being able to guide people through difficult times, teaching others 7. Possible life goals for me are…..

A possible life goal for me is to become the best teacher that I can become. This is something that is very important to me because I want to become an inspirational teacher. Another life goal for me is to be the best mother that I possibly can be. I want to be the best mom for my future children and be there to support and encourage them to do the right things in life. 8. If I have a child (now or in the future), what is the most important lesson that I would teach him/her?

I want them to know that no matter what they go through in life, that there is always a way to get through the trial. All they have to do is to remember to rely on their Heavenly Father and Savior. 9. What do I consider to be my most important future contribution to others?

I consider my most important future contribution to others is the service that I will be giving to others. 10. If I had unlimited time and money, what would I do?

If I had unlimited money I would help stat homes for those who are homeless. I would start business for them, so that they could have an income and no longer be homeless.

I would also build homes for those who are orphans and give them all that they could need to be happy and succeed in their lives. 11. Are there things I feel I really should do, even though I may have dismissed such thoughts many times? What are they?

There are definitely things that I have dismissed that I really need to do. Some of these things are helping my parents clean up the house and helping my mom cook dinner each night. 12. Imagine you could have dinner with 4 or 5 people who you are most interested in—past or present—and all are sitting at the table with you. Try to think of people that you might like to learn new things from. Write their names down and for each one identify what you would like to learn from that person.

Jesus Christ – I would want to learn as much as I possibly could from him. The thing that I would want to learn the most is how to be able to be kind to everyone that you meet. Heavenly Father – I would want to learn what his plan for me is, so that I can accomplish it. My Great-Grandma (on my dad’s mom’s side) – I would want to learn how we have such a close connection even though I have never met her. My Grammy Jean – I would want to learn how I need to go about handling the emotions of placing my first child with another family. 13. Recall the 80th birthday DVD clip from this week’s module. Visualize for a few moments that you are 80 years old. Write down three roles and a person in your life from each of those roles. What do you want that person to be able to say about you as a tribute to you at the end of your life? Role #1: Birth Mother Key Person: Harper Brylee Walker Tribute Statements: I want my daughter to say that even though I did not raise her

that she still considers me her mother. I want her to be able to say that she knew that my choice to give her to the Walkers was what I thought was best for her. I want her to say that she knows how incredibly much I love her and always will. I want her to say that even though I did not raise her, she knew I would always be there for her to help guide, support, encourage, and so much more. Role #2: Sister Key Person: Preston Lewis Tribute Statements: I want my brother to say that even though we were not always

that close that he knew I would always be there for him. I want him to say that even if I was far away that I would be there to support, encourage, and guide as much as I could. I want him to say that even though we were not always close that he always knew that I loved him with all of my heart and soul. Role #3: Teacher Key Person: Future Student Tribute Statements: I want one of my future students to say and talk about how I

made a difference in their lives. I want them to talk about how I was always there for my students and gave them the time and attention that the needed. I want them to remember how much I believed in every single one of them and supported them as much as I could.

14. Based on the tribute statements you just wrote, write a paragraph that summarizes what you hope people will say about you at the end of your life. Think of this as a “legacy statement,” a lasting gift that you’ll be remembered for and about.

I want people to say and remember how much I loved to serve others. I want them to remember that I was always there to lend a helping hand whenever I could. I want them to remember that I loved each and every one of them with all that I had, and would always be there for them as much as I could. I want people to remember my desire to help those who are struggling with eating disorders and self-harm issues. I want them to remember that I would say, “Even when something seems impossible to overcome, just kneel down on your knees and send a prayer up to your loving Heavenly Father. He loves you and he will guide you through difficult obstacle.” I want people to remember that I loved and cherished my Heavenly Father and Savior. I want people to say that I was a hard worker and put effort into all that I did. I want people to say that I was a wonderful mother and would always try my best to raise my children to be the best that they can be. I also want people to say that I was a wonderful wife, friend, sibling, daughter, and so much more. 15. Bucket List: List ten wild and/or imaginative things you want to do before you die.

I want to travel and spend a week to two weeks on each continent. I want to visit all of the seven wonders of the world. I want to swim with whale sharks. I want to hold a monkey. I want to personally meet the Prophet of the Church. I want to go to Germany. I want to live a life of adventure. I want to publish my own children books. I want to give a talk at General Conference. I want to become a mother. 16. Find 3 quotes that inspire you and include them here. Include the author of the quote.

“Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf “Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but on what happens inside of you; it is measured by the spirit with which you meet the problems of your life.” Harold B. Lee “God doesn’t care nearly as much about where you have been as he does about where you are and where you are willing to go.” Jeffrey R. Holland 17. Review all your answers from #1-16. Write a summary of all of this information—to the best of your ability. This paragraph will be a second rough draft of your mission statement, but this time in words. [Remember: a personal mission statement is as much about discovery as it is about creation. It is a process, not a script.]

I need to start listening to what is going on around and inside of me, especially since I have never really paid attention to it. I need to use my memories and experiences as my reminder of why I want to see my life through to the end. I need to start paying attention to the reasons why I do certain things. I need to worry less about what others think of me, and base my security upon my principles. I need to continue to serve others because it is something that I love to do. I need to always be true to myself no matter what....

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