Learning lab 2018 (2) PDF

Title Learning lab 2018 (2)
Author Kylie Donnelly
Course Intro To Psychology
Institution Jackson College
Pages 6
File Size 198.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Learning Lab

Name:____Kylie Donnelly__________ Time: 1-5 minutes

Activity 1 1. Punishment. How was punishment used in your home? Were your parents more likely to give you something bad (e.g., spanking) or take away something good (e.g., removing privileges)? What factors might explain your parent’s choices? My parents did a little bit of both when I was younger depending on what I did. When I would get bad grades I would get my ipod taken away or I wouldn’t be able to see my friends. I think doing that was a good choice on my parents part because at the time I loved playing outside and it made me want to make better choices.

2. Learning. Name a skill that you learned easily and quickly. How did you learn this skill? Why do you think it was easy to learn? Now think of a skill that was difficult to learn. Why was this skill difficult to learn? Growing up I had a baby brother and I would have to watch him from time to time which gave me independence as a skill. I learned that skill because I was trusted to be alone with him and it made me aware that I could actually do a lot of things on my own. Communication was a somewhat harder skill for me to learn because my family isn’t very close at all.

3. Reinforcers. Identify some of the primary and secondary reinforcers in your life. What rewards motivate you most? I would have to say that money motivates me more than anything. I get motivated to go to work and to go to school.

4. Phobias. Do you have any phobias? How has classical conditioning played a role in these phobias? Can you think of a way to use classical conditioning to reverse your phobia? I have a phobia of throwing up which is called emetophobia. I start crying when I throw up and I shake really bad, classical conditioning plays a role in this phobia because I can tell when I am about to throw up when I'm laying down. Maybe not thinking about it so

much and using exercises like taking deep breaths can help reverse it so it’s not as bad as I make it out to be.

5. Learned Helplessness. Have you ever experienced learned helplessness? Explain. I have experienced this many times unfortunately, a recent event was a class I took last semester. I took a course called “The Exceptional Child” . This class helps me move forward with my career. Within this class there was a big exam and I thought I would do good on it, but when I got into it I realized I wasn’t doing so great. I felt so disappointed and helpless with this course after that exam. I emailed my professor and she let me study more and retake it.

Activity 2: “Rats” in real life

Purpose: To demonstrate the technique of operant conditioning Time: Approximately 15 minutes Description: This activity is done with the help of a human subject volunteer. The volunteer will be the “rat”. You are the “scientists.” The goal of the assignment is for the “scientist” to shape the “rat’s” behavior. Start by deciding what behavior you would like your rat to learn. It should not be something that the person is already doing. It should also be a rather easy task. Here are some examples that you could choose: select a particular location in the room that the “rat” must go to, and a particular behavior. For example, you might decide that the “rat” must go to the couch and sit down, or those they must go to their room and pick up their dirty socks. Once a behavior has been selected, the “rats” are told that you will be trying to show them without words what you want them to do. The object for each you is to get your “rat” to complete the behavior by rewarding successive steps. Each “rat” must listen to their trainer for rewards and punishments. You can decide if you want to say something like good/bad hot/cold. You could decide to clap or to boo. It’s really up to you how you want to train your “rat”. When you say “go,” the “rats” should begin to move about the room. When the “rat” makes movements towards the desired behavior the trainer rewards the rat by saying “good.” If the rat makes movements away from the desired behavior the team can punish the rat by saying “bad.” This activity is similar to the children’s game “hotter and colder” that many students are familiar

with. When you have successfully trained your “rat” trade places so that you have the opportunity to be a “rat.”

Write a summary of what happened in your attempt to train your rat:

Activity 3: Classical conditioning Watch the video clip from the office: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfZfMIHwSkU Preview the following webpage: http://psychologized.org/funny-everyday-experiment-ideas-for-classical-conditioni ng/ CLASSICAL CONDITIONING LESSON: 1. Miranda notices that her cat scurries into the kitchen as soon as Miranda opens a can of cat food with an electric can opener. Complete the diagram. NS: Can opener + US: Cat Food > UR: Cat Scurrying CS: Can Opener > CR: Cat Scurrying

2. You eat a new food and then get sick because of a flu virus. However, you develop a dislike for the food and feel nauseated whenever you smell it. Fill in the diagram and complete the rest. NS: New food + US: Flu > UR: Nausea CS: New food > CR: Nausea

3. Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the shower becomes very hot and causes the person to jump back. Over time, the person begins to jump back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes. Complete the diagram. NS: Toilet flush + US: Hot shower > UR: Jump back CS: Toilet flush > CR: Jump back

4. Your romantic partner always uses the same shampoo. Soon, the smell of that shampoo makes you feel happy. Draw the diagram on your own. NS: Shampoo smell + US: Romantic partner > UR: Happiness CS: Shampoo smell > CR: Happiness

5. You watch a commercial that shows a giant golden star and a picture of a big juicy hamburger. Draw the diagram on your own. NS: Giant golden star + US: Juicy Hamburger > UR: Hunger CS: Giant golden star > CR: Hunger

Activity 4: Complete an experiment Now make your own new example not using any of the previous examples. Draw the diagram on your own. This will need to be something that you can condition. There are several good ideas, but if you are having trouble you could use the eye blink (Instructions are available on jetnet) If you are not able to complete the graphs with your computer just describe in words what the graph would look like.

7. You pair the NS and US for 5 trials.

Draw a graph below that would demonstrate acquisition. Be sure to label each axis. Describe what is happening in this graph as if you were explaining it to a friend.

8. You present the CS alone for 5 trials. Draw a graph below that would demonstrate extinction. Be sure to label each axis. Describe what is happening in this graph as if you were explaining it to a friend.

9. After extinction, you take a 10 minute break, then present the CS alone for 1 trial. Add to the graph above to show spontaneous recovery.

Write a summary of your results:...

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