Lecture 08 Human Population Study Guide 2 PDF

Title Lecture 08 Human Population Study Guide 2
Course Introduction to Environmental Science
Institution University of South Florida
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EVR2001: Intro to Environmental Science Chapter 8: Human Population Study Guide Definitions • Demography o Field of collecting, compiling, and presenting information about human populations • r-strategist o Have high reproductive potential (r) o Ability to relocate and thrive o Outcompete other organisms •

K-strategist o Remain close to carrying capacity (K) o Long life spans o Older age at first reproduction o Long parental care o Fewer offspring

Revolution o Drastic changes/advancements that significantly impacted human populations

Carrying Capacity the number or quantity of people or things that can be conveyed or held by a vehicle or container.

Human Poverty Index o Related to % of population unable to afford adequate food, shelter, or clothing

Total Fertility Rate o Average number of a children a woman has over her lifetime

Developed Nation ▪ Developed Nations’ Population Growth: 0.1% annually

Developing Nation ▪ Developing Nations’ Population Growth: 1.4% annually

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Affluence Rich, wealth. IPAT Environmental impact (I) by humans is determined by three factors o Population (P)

o Affluence (A) o Technology (T) o I = PxAx T •

Population profile o Shows the number of people (males and females) at each age for a population

Age Structure o The number of people in each age group at a given date o Each bar represents one cohort (group of the same age) of the population

Demographic Transition o A shift in birth and death rates from the primitive to the modern societies

Crude Birth Rate o Crude birth rate (CBR): the number of births per thousand people per year

Crude Death Rate o Crude death rate (CDR): number of deaths per thousand people per year

Study Questions • List traits 特征 of humans that are typical of r-strategists. Have high reproductive⽣殖 potential 潜能 Ability to relocate 迁徙 and thrive 发展 Outcompete other organisms ⽐其他⽣物更杰出 • List traits of humans that are typical of K-strategists. Remain close to carrying capacity ⼈⼜趋近于环境所能承载的极限 Long life span 长寿 Long parental care ⽗母的照顾时间更长 older age at first reproduction ⽼年⼈所占⼈⼜最⼤ Fewer offspring 较少⼦孙 •

Describe the different human revolutions and major human developments of each.

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Which revolution is responsible for animal husbandry and basic agriculture? Which revolution is responsible for manufacturing and increased use of fossil fuels? Which revolution is responsible for increasing agricultural efficiency? Which revolution is responsible for creating vaccines? What are total fertility rates? Where are they the highest? Where are they the lowest?

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What happens to the population if the total fertility rate is over 2.0 and increasing? What could happen to the population if the total fertility rate is below 2.0 and decreasing? What is the IPAT formula? Describe each part of IPAT. What are things humans can do to increase our environmental impact? What are some things we can do to reduce our overall environmental impact? What does a population profile show about its people? What is an epidemiological transition and what might cause it? Describe the different stages of the demographic transition. What are indicators a country is in phase 1? What are indicators a country is in phase 2? What are indicators a country is in phase 3? What are indicators a country is in phase 4?...

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