Lecture 2 - Chapter 1-2 PDF

Title Lecture 2 - Chapter 1-2
Author Jasmine Oberoi
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 8
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Chapter 1-2...


Lecture 2—chapter 1 Latin fun -

Post hoc ergo proper hoc o After this, therefore on account of this o Causation and effect

Dictionary fun -


Antidisestabilishmentarianism Anti/dis/establish/ment/arian/ism To be put in a dictionary a world requires” o Widespread usage o Sustainable usuage o Meaningful usage In theory, this term is supposed to mean “opposition to deprivation a legally established state church of its status” This word fails to appear in the dictionary The longest word in merian dictionary is: electroencephalographically o Electr/o/encephala/o/graph/ic/al/ly o Adverb

Derived suffixes -

Cut into several parts Last part—noun or adjective

Diagnostic terminations -

Terminations that describe conditions/disorders

Words and their meanings -

The big caveat (Latin for “let him/her beware”), of course, is that I am noy a medical doctor Chapter 1: o #15 rupturing o #22 ingestion o #28 paralysis o #35 downward displacement o #36 gouty pain o #40 calculus o #44 distention o #79 producing o #80 produced by

Diagnostic termination ~medical terminology works under the assumption of using singular body parts. You cant say “larynxes” or “noses” since this language always presupposes that were talking about one person. 14. X-it/is: the inflammation of____________ - Laryng/oid/it/ic  (adj) pertaining to inflammation of something resembling the larynx 15. X-o/rrhex/is: the rupturing of____________ o Rupture: the tearing apart of a tissue (or an organ) o If the thing can’t be ruptured, then we’ll be forced to say, “the rupturing of something involving_______” o For tests, if in doubt, assume that the thing can be ruptured. o Ending in x—non-combining word, ending in ect—combining words - Cub/o/rrhect/ic  (adj) pertaining to the rupturing of (a/the) cube (s) o Note how the fomr of this termination changes when it becomes an adj (or part of a larger word) - Arthr/al/o/rrhect/ic  pertaining to the rupturing of something pertaining to the joint(s) 16. X-o-schis/is: the splitting of__________ - Crani/o/schisis  (noun) the splitting of the skull - Crani/o/schist/ic  (adj) pertaining to the splitting of the skull o Why not cranioschitic? —looks like –“itis” o Because that would be “pertaining to the inflammation of the scrotum, involving the skull” 17. X-ias/is: the abnormal presence of ____________ - Crani/asis  (noun) the abnormal presence of something involving the skull - Can/iast/ic  (adj) pertaining to the abnormal presence of (a/the) dogs 18. X-o-clas/is: the breaking of__________ - Icon/o/clasis  (noun) the breaking of icons/images - Icon/o/clast/ic  (adj) pertaining to the breaking of icons/images - Icon/o/clast (see 1.72) a person who breaks icons/images 19. X-os/is: an abnormal condition involving______________ - Neur/osis  (noun) an abnormal condition involving (a/the) nerves - Neur/ot/ic  (adj) pertaining to an abnormal condition involving (a/the) nerve(s) o i.e. neurotic behaviour o neurosis and neuria= same o -osis = -ia - Psych/ot/iasis  an abnormal presence of an abnormal condition involving the psyche/mind o Psych/osis +iasis - Psycho/iast/ic  (adj) pertaining to the abnormal presence of something involving the mind 20. X-o-path/y: a disease of________________

Psychopathic  (adj) pertaining to a disease of the mind o Re: psychopathic behavior - Psych/o/path  a person with a disease of the mind (1.75) 21. X-o-megal/y: the enlargement of_______ - Craniomegalic  pertaining to the enlargement of the skull o Re: a craniomegalic reaction - Crani/al/o/megal/ic  pertaining of the enlargement of something pertaining to the skull 22. X-o-phag/y: the ingestion of _______________ - Sarcophagus  (non-med) (noun) something that eats the flesh - Omophagia  (non-med) pertaining to the ingestion of the shoulder -

~~terminations 26-31 end in -ia and terminations 31-35 end in-osis. However, these are merely parts of the termination and don’t mean “an abnormal condition”. They belong to the termination 23. X-o-gen/es/is: the formation of______________ 24. X-o-poiet/ic: pertaining to the formation of____________ o Sometimes medical language and real English can differ o Re: a “poetic sun” 25. X-o-kin/es/is: the movement of__________ X-o-kinet/ic: pertaining to the movement of______________ 26. X-alg/ia: pain in/involving________ - Cranialgia  pain in/involving the skull - Nost/alg/ia  pain involving ________ o You don’t translate the “ia” here as “an abnormal condition” since this pain is already a abnormal condition 27. X-odyn/ia: pain involing________ - Anodyne  (noun and adj)  pertaining a thing without pain - Brachialgia  pain in an/the arm(s) - Brachiokinetalgia  pain involving the movement of an/the arm(s) o If the thing (x) can feel pain, then we say “pain in x”; if not, then we say “pain involving x” 28. X-o-plegia: the Paralysis of x -- complete or partial loss of function—esp. involving the power of movement or sensation o Just like in the case of “rupturing”, you have to ask yourself whenever the thing mentioned can suffer from paralysis o If not, then it will be “something involving” that thing. 29. X-o-pen/ia: a deficiency of________ - Peninsula  (suffix) “a deficiency of islandness” - Penultimate  “a deficiency of lastness” (i.e. the one prior to the last one) - Leukopenia  a deficiency of white things (i.e. white blood cells) 30. X-o/rrhag/ia: the rapid flowing of (something from) ___________ - Crani/o/rrhag/ic  the rapid flow of something from the skull

o The skull itself doesn’t flow—therefore we have to insert “something” - Hem/o/rrhage  the rapid flow of blood o Note the alternating ending e 31. X-o-malac/ia: the softening of _________ - Osteomalacia  the softening of the bone(s) 32. X-o-necros/is: the death of _________________ - Necropolis  a city of the dead 33. X-o-stenos/is: the narrowing of ______________ - Arteri/o/stenosis  the narrowing of an/the artery/arteries 34. X-o-scleros/is: the hardening of _____________ - Arteriosclerosis  the hardening of the arteries - Multiple sclerosis hardening 35. X-o-ptos/is: the downward displacement of___________ o Downward displacement: actually, most things can be downwardly displaced. - A/po/ptosis  cell death; “the downward displacement of something away or “the falling off” – euphemism - Blephar/o/ptosis  downward displacement of the eyelid(s) Whats the difference? - Craniosclerosis the hardening of the skull - Crani/o/sclerot/ia an abnormal condition involving the hardening of the skull 36. Gouty pain: a sharp inflammation of the joints o X-agra 37. X-o-rrhe/a: the flowing of (something from)______________. - Crani/o/rrhea  the flwoing of something from the skull X-o-rrhea: the flowing through (something) - Diarrhea 38. X-edema: the swelling of __________ - X-edamat/ous  pertaining to the swelling of___________ o Oedipus—“swollen feet” ~~noun endings “-ia”, “-is”, “-y” and “-esis” are to some extent interchangeable. This will explain terms that you may sometimes see in the real world (re: X-o-kinesia instead of X-okinesis) ~this alternate formation applied almost exclusively to diagnostic terminations (1.14-1.50) 39. X-o-cele: the protrusion of (something through) __________ o Basic rule: can that thing protrude “stick out” - Craniocele  the protrusion of the skull - Encephalocele  the protrusion of the brain 40. X-o-lith:

o Calculus: this is often called a stone, and is a concentration of material, usually mineral salts, that forms in an organ or in a duct of the body o A formation of calculi” knows as lith/iasis  The proper definction of this term is “the abnormal formation of a calculus/calculi” 41. X-o-spasm - synonym= x-ismus 43. X-ec/top/ia: the displacement of_______ -

Laryngectopia  the displacement of the larynx

44. X-ec/tas/ia: the distention of ___________ o In medical terms, distension= stretching 48. X-o-dys/troph/y: the defective growth of____________ -

Muscular dystrophy  the defective growth pertaining to a muscle o dystrophy is not acting as a termination

49. X-a/trophy: the lack of growth of ______ -

Crani/atroph/ic  pertaining to the lack of growth of the skull o Cranioatrophic is prossible too Craniotrophy  growth/ nourishment of the skull

50. X-a/sthen/ia: the lack of strength of________ -

Caliisthenics (See #60 for help) (non-med) the science of strength and beaiuty (nottic that there is no “a” private in front of “sthen”


Note that derived terminations that end in -ia most often become -ic when turned into adj As a primary suffix, -ia can’t be made into an adj o Eg: dactyl/ia can’t be turned into an adjective

Therapeutic terminations -

Ones that describe treatment #14 -#50 are diagnostic suffixes #51- #78 are therapeutic suffixes “diagnostic” refers to the problems “therapeutic” refers to fixing the problems




o Carniophagotic (from: cranio-phagosis) abnormal condition involving the ingestion of the skull Therapeutic o Trachelectomy  cutting out of something involfing the neck (this shoukdnt kill you)

Terminations: 51. X-o-therap/y: treatment by means of___________ -

Bibliotherapy  treatment by means of books Chemotherapy  treatment by means of chemicals

52. X-o-stas/is: the stopping of _________ -

Thermostasis  the stopping of heat Thermostat (see 1.73) an instrument for stopping heat Homeostasis  the stopping of something involving sameness {the stopping of things so that they stay the same} Hemopathy  a disease of something involving sameness {a disease that makes things stay the same}

53. X-o-plast/y: the surgical repairing of __________ -

Cuboplasia  (noun) the formation of a cube (see #45) o Synonym= x-o-poiesis Cuboplasty  the surgical repairing of the cube Cuboplastic  pertaining to the formation of a cube OR pertaining to the surgical repairing of the cube

54. X-o-cent/es/is: the surgical puncturing of _______ -

Amniocentesis  the surgical puncturing of the amnion (amniotic sac)

55. X-o/rrhaph/y: the suturing of ___________ -

Rhapsody  a stitched song Melody  a sweet song

57. X-o/tom/y – the cutting of ___________ -

Atom  “not-cut-able”

58. X-ec/tom/y: the cutting out of ________ 59. X-o-stom/y: the making of an opening in ______ -

Tonsillotomy  cutting of a/the tonsil(s) Tonsillectomy  the cutting out of the tonsil(s)


Craniostomize  to make an opening in the skull Craniostomist  one who make an opening in the skull Craniist  one who skulls? One who specializes in the skull

60. X-ic/s  the science of ____________ -

Physics  the science of nature/growth Craniomegalics  the science of the enlargement of the skull

61. X-o/log/y: the study of ______________ -


Crani/o/mega/logy  the study of the enlargement of the skull o Crani/o/megal/ics o It is odd because the proper spelling—craniomegalogogy—would be awkward to say Biology  the study of life Biologist  one who studies life Biologize  to study life Biologics  the science of the study of life Biologic = biological  pertaining to the study of (something pertaining to) life Electric= electrical  pertaining to the study of (something pertaining to) electrons

62. X-o-scop/y : the examination of ________ -

Telescopy  the examination of something far away Crani/a/troph/ic/o/scopy  the examination of something pertaining to the lack of growth/nourishment of the skull

63. X-o/metr/y: the measurement of ________ -

Speedometry  the measurement of speed

64. X-o-graph/y: the recording of ____ 76. X-o-graph: an instrument for recording_______________ -

Crani/a/troph/ic/o/graph  an instrument for recording something pertaining to the lack of growth of the skull\

Diagnostic and therapeutic terminations 65. X-o-pex/y:


o The adhesion of _________ (diagnostic) o The fixation of ___________(therapeutic) Hyster/o/pexy  the (surgical) fixation of (a displaced) uterus [therapeutic]

66. X-o-lys/is:


o The disintegration of ________ (diagnosticc) o The sepration of the adhesion of _____ (therapeutic) Epiderm/o/lysis  the disintegraption of the epidermis (diagnostic becaue this is the problem)

68. X-o-phag/e: something (or “a cell”) which ingests______________ 69. X-o-tom/e: an instrument for cutting _________ -

Larnygotomic  pertaining to an instrument for cutting of the larynx

70. X-o-iatry (X-o-iatr-ic): the healing of x 71. X-ec/tom/e: an instrument for cutting out___________________ 72. X-o-scope: an instrument for examining___________

73. X-o-tropism: the tendency to preferentially affect x 79. X-o-gen/ic: producing ________ o Producing: a test producing pain(i.e the test causes pain) 80. X-o- gen/ous: produced by _______ -

o Produced by: a test produced by the professor (i.e. the professor made the test) “producing a disease” and “produced by a disease” mean very different thing And the “production of a disease” also means something different Carcinogenic  producing cancer o A carcinogenic workplace Endogenous  produced by inside? Produced by something inside Remember that the phrase “iatrogenic disease” which means a “diseas eprisued by heasling” is a misnomer

81. X-o-trop/ic: preferentially affecting -

Tonsillotropic  preferentially affecting a/the tonsils

Note -

Notice that termination 79-81 (X-ogenic, X-o-genous and X-o-tropic) are adjs, but they don’t say “pertaining to” with these forms Keep in mind that the phrase “pertaining to” is the convention used to indicate that a term is an adj when it otherwise would look like a noun

82. X-icist: one who specializes in X-ics: one who specializes in the science of -

Craniogenticist  one who specializes in the science of the production of the skull...

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