Lecture 20 - Multicellularity: Origins and Concepts PDF

Title Lecture 20 - Multicellularity: Origins and Concepts
Author Fatima Ferdousi
Course Introductory Biology: Life's Machinery
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 41
File Size 3 MB
File Type PDF
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Lecture notes from Module 5 - Multicellularity. Covers
Multicellularity: Origins and Concepts
• Building the plant body
• Transport in plants
• Building the animal body
• Circulation in animals
• Cell communication & homeostasis...


BIOL10008 Introductory Biology: Life’s Machinery Module – Multicellularity Name: Dr John Golz School of BioSciences Office: Building 184, Room 320 Email: [email protected] Web: https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/golzlab/

Arabidopsis seed


My research interests: -

Investigating genetic pathways controlling seed development


Evolution of plant development Developing plant transformation procedures for agronomically important crops


Chia Module – Multicellularity

Single-celled vs multicellular organisms


Multicellular algae Plants


Fungi Protists (e.g. paramecium)

Animals Images from Wikimedia Commons


Module – Multicellularity

Multicellularity Module outline

• Multicellularity: Origins and Concepts • Building the plant body • Transport in plants • Building the animal body • Circulation in animals • Cell communication & homeostasis


Module – Multicellularity

Multicellularity: Origins and Concepts


Module – Multicellularity

This lecture will look at these big ideas: Evolution Evolution of multicellularity has increased the diversity of lifeforms

Cells Cells differentiate and have specialized functions in multicellular organisms Cell fate is established during during embryogenesis leading to tissues and organ formation

Information Information is transmitted directly between cells as well as between tissues and organs Signalling is either chemical or electrical in nature

Regulation Multicellular organisms must regulate their internal environment


Module – Multicellularity

End of introduction Go to Part I


Module – Multicellularity

Part I Evolution and Consequences of Multicellularity


Module – Multicellularity

Origins of multicellularity Simplified evolutionary tree showing the relationship between various groups of organisms Fossil evidence for eukaryote emergence but not divergence of eukaryotes Molecular clock provides an estimate of the divergence time of eukaryotes

BACTERIA chloroplast



FUNGI eukaryotes


2.1 Bya Eukaryotes emerged

Molecular clock: technique used to estimate the time when two or more life forms diverged and is based on the mutations rate of DNA

1.6 Bya

Last common ancestor of plant and animals is likely to have been unicellular

Common ancestor of animals and plants


Module – Multicellularity

Origins of multicellularity Combining molecular clock data with fossil record suggests multicellularity arose at least 6 times

Cnidaria Anomalocar


Placozoans Basidiomycetes/ Sponges Ascomycetes Fungi

First multicellular algal fossils (~600Mya – Lantian Biota)

Land plants

Cambrian explosion! (~540Mya – Burgess Shale)

Red algae Slime moulds

Choanoflagellates Green algae Brown algae

First multicellular animal fossils (~600Mya – Ediacaran fauna)


Single celled common ancestor

Oomycetes Fungi

1.6 Bya

Module – Multicellularity

Diversity of multicellular organisms Brown algae


Simple multicellular organisms that attain large sizes

Simple multicellular organisms that divide by fission

Dictyostelium discoideum - cellular slime mold

Single-cell organisms that aggregate to form a colony with distinct cell types Sadava 11e Fig. 26.18, 10e Fig. 27.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQQJNIJbzd8 Developmental Biology Film Series Preservations Project – Lynn Margulis


Module – Multicellularity

The transition to multicellularity Probably occurred in several steps:

Volvocine green algae Chlamydomonas






Sadava 11e Fig. 7.17

Module – Multicellularity

The transition to multicellularity Probably occurred in several steps: •

Aggregation of cells into a cluster

Volvocine green algae Chlamydomonas




16-celled cluster

Larger cluster of cells




Sadava 11e Fig. 7.17

Module – Multicellularity

The transition to multicellularity Probably occurred in several steps: •

Aggregation of cells into a cluster

Intercellular communication within the cluster

Specialization of some cells within the cluster (cooperation)

Volvocine green algae Chlamydomonas





16-celled cluster

Larger cluster of cells

Large cluster of cells with somatic and reproductive cells



Sadava 11e Fig. 7.17

Module – Multicellularity

The transition to multicellularity Probably occurred in several steps: •

Aggregation of cells into a cluster

Intercellular communication within the cluster

Specialization of some cells within the cluster (cooperation)

Organization of specialized cells into groups (tissues)

Transition to multicellularity also results in individuals cells losing the ability to live independently

Volvocine green algae Chlamydomonas





16-celled cluster

Larger cluster of cells

Large cluster of cells with somatic and reproductive cells


Sadava 11e Fig. 7.17


Even larger cluster of cells with somatic and reproductive cells organized into tissues

Module – Multicellularity

What are the consequences of multicellularity?

Sadava 11e Fig. 7.17

Chlamydomonas Single cell that switches between two cellular phases: - Swimming phase (via flagellum) - Non-swimming phase – associated with cell division


Volvox Multicellular colony with two cell types (no phase switching) - Outer cells have coordinated flagella movement - Outer cells create an inner space to protect reproductive cells - Big inner cells specialized for reproduction

Module – Multicellularity

What are the consequences of multicellularity for Volvox?

Copepod (2mm)

Chlamydomonas (0.03mm)

Volvox (0.5mm)

Size • Becoming larger shifts the position of Volvox in the ecological system Functional specialization • Cells perform dedicated tasks - e.g. reproduction or motility • Cells work in unison e.g. beating of flagella -> efficient phototaxis

Multicellularity enables cells to dedicate their energy to one task rather than multiple tasks – increased efficiency BIOL10008

Module – Multicellularity

Cell specialization enabled the evolution of multicellular organisms • Cell specialization allows cells to adopt new functions • Integration and co-operation between cells allowing for the development of tissues and organs • Structurally and functionally complex bodies • Creation of a stable internal environment • Increase in size • More efficient gathering of resources and adapting to specific environments


Module – Multicellularity

End of Part I Complete canvas recap activity before going on to Part II Learning outcomes: Ø Provide an argument suggesting multicellularity arose independently in plants and animals Ø Propose possible steps leading to multicellularity Ø Describe the importance of cell specialization for multicellular organism


Module – Multicellularity

Part II Building a Multicellular Body


Module – Multicellularity

Development in animals and plants Embryogenesis – Formation of a multicellular organisms from a zygote

Fertilised egg

gastrula stage

The final body is comprised of many types of specialized cells

Fertilised egg

heart stage

During embryogenesis there are multiple rounds of cell division producing specific cell types in precise patterns along major spatial axes Organization of cells is NOT RANDOM – cell types arranged according to a body plan BIOL10008

Module – Multicellularity

Cell fate establishment •

Embryogenesis can be thought of as a tree of cell divisions

zygote BIOL10008

Module – Multicellularity

Cell fate establishment • • •

Embryogenesis can be thought of as a tree of cell divisions Establishment of cell fate (determination) arises during the early stages of embryogenesis Cells become increasingly more restricted in their fate – change in cell potency

zygote BIOL10008

Determination Cells begin to express different genes

Module – Multicellularity

Cell fate establishment • • • •

Embryogenesis can be thought of as a tree of cell divisions Establishment of cell fate (determination) arises during the early stages of embryogenesis Cells become increasingly more restricted in their fate – change in cell potency Pattern of cell fate is highly ordered and reflects the position of cells in the developing embryo – instructive cues (cytoplasmic factors/cell signalling molecules) Instructive information

zygote BIOL10008

Determination Cells begin to express different genes

Highly ordered pattern of cell fate established

Module – Multicellularity

Morphogenesis – sculpting the body Morphogenesis – process by which cells and tissues organize and arrange themselves to create the final form of the body Division Changing shape (expansion) Moving (not seen in plant embryogenesis) Adhering to one another (not seen in plant embryogenesis) Death (apoptosis)

Example of morphogenesis in the sea urchin


Module – Multicellularity

Cell differentiation and gene expression Cell differentiation ultimately determines the properties of a cell and is associated with the subset of genes that are active A certain set of genes is expressed in one cell type, but not another (cell-specific genes) – differential gene expression Therefore, the specification of cell fate involves gene regulation epidermal cells

Note: Some essential genes, also called house-keeping genes, are expressed in every cell (e.g. tubulin, histones)

House-keeping Expressed in all cells

Cell specific Expressed in some cells


Module – Multicellularity

Animal body plans Body plan = General structure of an organism, arrangement of organ systems, integrated functioning of its parts Body plans can be categorized according to symmetry, body cavity structure, segmentation, type of appendages, and type of nervous system Radial symmetry

Bilateral symmetry - bilaterians


Anterior Central axis

Posterior Ventral Sadava 11e Fig. 30.5

Any plane along the central body axis divides the animal into similar halves


A single plane through the anterior-posterior midline divides the animal into mirror-image halves

Module – Multicellularity

Plant body plan Body plan is modular Aerial structures (shoot)- subterranean structures (roots) have a modular arrangement of organs (phytomers/rhizomers) Plants have a radial arrangement of tissue types

Phytomer Shoot system


Root system Seedling (immature plant)


Module – Multicellularity

Post-embryonic growth patterns in animal and plants Determinate growth

Structures arising during embryogenesis

Predetermined body form Increase in size

All organ and tissue types formed


old Indeterminate growth Flexible body form Increase in size

Few organ and tissue types formed



old Continuous organ and tissue formation through activity of meristems

Module – Multicellularity

End of Part II Complete canvas recap activity before going on to Part III Learning outcomes: Ø List the key processes occurring during embryogenesis Ø Describe differences in animal and plant development


Module – Multicellularity

Part III Requirements of Multicellularity


Module – Multicellularity

Exchange and its relationship to volume Cells must exchange substances with the external environment (O2, CO2, waste, nutrients) Contact with environment (opportunity for exchange) is related to surface area

Length (n) Surface area Volume

(6 x



Surface-area : Volume ratio

1 cm 6 cm2

2 cm 24 cm2

3 cm 54 cm2

1 cm3 6:1

8 cm3 3:1

27 cm3 2:1




As the volume of an object increases – the surface area to volume ratio decreases Consequence –> Less of the interior is exposed to the exterior


Module – Multicellularity

Multicellular animals face limitations in exchange




Problem 1. Surface area to volume ratio of a multicellular organism is small


Problem 2. Distance of internal cells to external environment is large

waste CO2

Not drawn to scale

Large surface area to volume ratio



waste Small surface area to volume ratio

Consequence: Diffusion with the external environment cannot meet the exchange needs of multicellular organisms Module – Multicellularity

Exchange organs of multicellular animals Human lung

Axolotl gills

Features of exchange organs: • Large surface area - long, flat, folded and branched • Thin surface with small diffusion distances Ensures maximal rate of exchange

See later lectures on gaseous exchange and digestion


Module – Multicellularity

Multicellular organisms have an internal environment Cells meet their exchange needs through exchange with an internal aqueous environment (extracellular fluid) A barrier is needed to create an internal environment The internal environment is kept stable by homeostasis O2








CO2 Internal environment

Rapid exchanges with the extracellular fluid


Module – Multicellularity

A circulatory system solves the diffusion limit bu diffusion O2


O2 CO2

b ul


k flo w diffusion CO2




w • Movement of extracellular fluids around the body to ensure exchanged substances from exchange organs reach cells of the body (bulk flow) • Maintains high concentration gradients for diffusion

Ensures optimal:

bulk flow


gaseous exchange, nutrient mobilisation waste removal, intercellular communication

Module – Multicellularity

Large multicellular organisms require complex transport systems O2

To maintain a high level of metabolism large multicellular organism:


Highly branched internal transport systems


H2O carbohydrates etc

Rapid movement of exchange substances

Considerable force required to move fluids through these transport systems Active vs passive processes

H2O and dissolved minerals

Sadava, 10e, Fig. 50.2

Circulatory systems of animal involve active mechanisms - pumps


Sadava, 10e, Fig. 35.1

Transport systems of plants involve passive processes

Module – Multicellularity

Cells in multicellular organisms need to communicate A key requirement for multicellularity is the use of intercellular signalling to coordinate cellular activities and respond to the internal and external environment: Conveying positional information during development Maintain an stable internal environment (homeostasis) Ensuring cells work in unison (beating of the Volvox flagella) Physical/chemical signals arising from the external environment

Sadava 10e Fig. 45.18


Module – Multicellularity

Intercellular communication can be chemical or electrical Chemical signals

Chemical signals can activate receptors on nearby cells (e.g. ligands)



Or secreted into the bloodstream and activate cells throughout the body (e.g. hormones)

Electrical signals can be passed long distances (1m) very rapidly via neurons to very specific targets


Module – Multicellularity

Lecture Summary • Multicellularity arose independently in plants and animals several times • Multicellularity enables an organism to increase in size, maintain an internal environment, have specialized cells, form specialized structures and occupy new ecological niches • The body plan of multicellular organism is mapped out during embryogenesis • Formation of tissues and organs of a multicellular organism involves cell specialization and differential gene expression • Multicellular life is associated with the formation of a stable internal environment (homeostasis) • Extensive intercellular signaling and transport systems are also a characteristic feature of multicellular life


Module – Multicellularity

End of Part III Complete canvas recap activity before going on to the next lecture Learning outcomes: Ø Explain why multicellular organisms have diffusion limitations Ø Describe ways in which multicellular organisms have optimize exchange Ø Propose reasons why intercellular communication is important in multicellular organisms


Module – Multicellularity...

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