CWV Origins PDF

Title CWV Origins
Author jessica S
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Week two origins assignment...


Name: Jane Doe Course: CWV-101 Date: 29 April 2021 Instructor: Mr. Smiles

Origins Christian Beliefs Christian beliefs are that the earth was formed in six days with God resting on the seventh day. The Christian belief is that God is the ultimate creator of everything. Genesis 1:1 clearly states that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1 ESV). There are multiple theories about how earth was created such as the young earth theory, the old earth theory and the theistic evolution theory. According to the young earth theory God created the earth in six days using a twenty-four-hour period time frame which is what we know of today as a standard day. According to the old earth, earth developed in stages. Theistic evolution suggests that the world was created by a process in which God guided over time. Genesis 2 lays out the creation of man known as Adam. God created Adam to tend to the gardens and keep up the land. God decided that it is not right for a man to be alone, so he created Eve from a spare rib of Adam. Eve was to be a helper to Adam in the gardens and help keep up the land. There is a difference between general and special revelation. General revelation is when God communicates indirectly. Meaning though others such as through human affairs. General revelation primary deals with God’s power and will. It is unwritten. In special revelation God communicates directly. Special revelation deals with God’s person and God’s grace. It is a written revelation (Willmington, 2019). © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Current Understanding My current understanding about the universe’s origins is that God created the Earth keeping his fingers on the pulse of everything that he was developing to assure that everything was being done to perfection and to a standard that was sustainable. Humans were created in his image, while sea creatures were created to enhance the waters and land animals were created to assure that the land was properly tended to. Now to talk about evolution, what is evolution? Evolution as we know it is how things change and evolve over time. I can understand the theory that humans developed from monkeys, it does makes sense to me. There are no pictures in the bible showing what Adam and Eve looked like so for all we know Adam and Eve were monkeys or a human- monkey combination and over time we split and evolved into what we are today. The beliefs that I have on creationism would sway more on the side of evolutionary creationism. Which is described as the belief that species arise from common sources and change over time collectively based on environmental pressures. ( Tadeusz, 2013).I believe that how things were originally created are not how they are today. With the understanding that God created things and overtime they evolved into what we understand them as today. These beliefs come from what I have read as well as what I have been taught. Genesis chapter 1:27 ESV describes that God created something from nothing, however; everything grows, changes, and reproduces with the help of science but the beginning of everything was done by God.

Impact of Current Understanding The view that I have on origins of the universe does impact my current understanding. As far as origins go, I do believe that there is an ultimate creator of the universe such as God. He intended for everything to be good and fruitful making things in the vision of himself. I find it impossible

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to argue that something of a higher power did not create a galaxy with millions of stars, an Earth that is so divinely solid in how it works it is like a well-oiled machine. We were all given a baseline of morals and from a spiritual realm of things we are constantly fighting wars with ourselves to follow those good morals and not stray into the dark and unfruitful path that is so easy to go down. The nature of God is known as the trinity which says God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The trinity states that all three are the same God(Takawi, 2019). God never changes, who he was yesterday is who he is today and who he will be tomorrow. I understand that God will not leave his children in the wild, he is there to protect and hold them. I believe that the Lord placed these words in his book so that we know from him to “trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov 3:5 ESV). As we know, we were given free domain over earth and what we do with it is on us. It is our responsibility to preserve and enhance it as best as we can so future generations can enjoy it just as we have. We’re not here for a long time but were here for a good time. What we do with it is on us, we were given the instruction manual. Its up to the individual if those choose to follow it or not.


Takawi, M. (2019). The Trinity in Qur'anic Idiom: Q 4.171 and the Christian Arabic Presentation of the Trinity as God, His Word, and His Spirit, 235–2 Tadeusz Pabjan. (2013). Some Remarks on the Theological Interpretation of the Theory of Evolution. The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, 3(1), 199–211.

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Willmington, H. (2019). What is the difference between General and Special Revelation? Retrieved from article=1035&context=questions_101

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